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Quote:A whole war and a countries independance was started with media propaganda. Are you shocked it still continues to this day?

So that's it? Just accept it because it has been done before?
The media has now fully entrenched itself with the left to an extent never before seen. One piece of propaganda that stuck out today that I wanted to share was this one from the top propaganda network in the US, CNN, headlined:


Donald Trump: Military suicides happen to service members who 'can't handle it'


Common sense dictates this is a fairly obvious statement, after all if they could handle it they wouldn't commit suicide, but of course our dear spin masters have a different opinion. They spin his comments as a negative, apparently suggesting he called veterans who cannot handle PTSD "weak" (which he never said, of course). They proceed to bring up random tweets about how "deplorable" his comments are from "veterans".


This spin, spearheaded by the Clinton campaign, had reached NYT, WaPo, Politico, CNN, ABC, NBC, and every other major news outlet within an hour.


Nothing makes me happier to see people cutting the cord from cable and media trust levels at all time lows.


Here is his full statement:


""When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of folks in this room have seen many times over and you're strong and you can handle it but a lot of people can't handle it. They see horror stories, they see events you couldn't see in a movie, nobody would believe it," Trump said Monday, during a panel interview at the Retired American Warriors PAC, in Herndon, Virginia."

Most people are going to see, hear, and believe what the want to see, hear, and believe and not much is going to change that. It doesn't matter the political affiliation, they will not change their minds. Either one of the candidates could cure cancer and the opposing side would find something wrong with it. 

Quote:Most people are going to see, hear, and believe what the want to see, hear, and believe and not much is going to change that. It doesn't matter the political affiliation, they will not change their minds. Either one of the candidates could cure cancer and the opposing side would find something wrong with it. 

You are right about that. 


I read an article this morning that had a great line in it.  It said this election proves that the Republicans could have nominated a 32 foot tall pile of steaming medical waste, and still 38 to 40 percent of the country will vote for the Republican.  (I'm sure the same  goes for the Democrats)


It's because we've broken ourselves into tribes.  Facts no longer matter.  We take a position that makes us feel good, and then we go looking for reasons that back up that position.   The the BIGGEST problem is, no matter what position you decide to take, there is a plethora of media out there to tell you that you made the right choice. 


Go to Foxnews.com, and then go to HuffingtonPost.com, and it's like two different planets.  Fox News is all about how terrible Hillary is.  They quote the Trump campaign incessantly.   Huffington Post is all about how terrible Trump is, and they quote the Clinton campaign incessantly. 


The thing that is driving polarization in this country is the proliferation of media that has occurred over the last 20 years, brought on by the communications revolution. 


We are all living in our own little safe zones.  Conservatives have Fox News, Breitbart, and Drudge Report.    Liberals have MSNBC and Huffington Post.   We all go to the media that makes us feel good, the one that reinforces our opinions.   Intellectual dissonance is stressful.  We want experts to tell us we are right.


This is not going to end well.   The country is being pulled apart, largely by the media.   But it's amazing to me that people can't see this.   Conservatives see the "bias" in the New York Times, but they think Fox News is fair and balanced.  Because Fox News is telling them what they want to hear! 

If Rudy Giuliani became a democrat and somehow got the democratic nomination, I would not vote for him.

Republicans are different in that way. They are gonna vote for trump, a former registered democrat that was pro choice, for gun law restictions, is clearly not religuous, found a way to weasel out of the Vietnam conflict, has insulted veterans and basically flipped on every issue imaginable.

I can't speak for every democrat, but there's just no way I'd vote for a Giuliani type cross over the way I see republicans give up on their values and beliefs to vote for trump.
Quote:If Rudy Giuliani became a democrat and somehow got the democratic nomination, I would not vote for him.

Republicans are different in that way. They are gonna vote for trump, a former registered democrat that was pro choice, for gun law restictions, is clearly not religuous, found a way to weasel out of the Vietnam conflict, has insulted veterans and basically flipped on every issue imaginable.

I can't speak for every democrat, but there's just no way I'd vote for a Giuliani type cross over the way I see republicans give up on their values and beliefs to vote for trump.

Wait a minute...aren't you the same guy that was trying to convince us all that you're a libertarian? Lol
Quote:Wait a minute...aren't you the same guy that was trying to convince us all that you're a libertarian? Lol

What does my ideology have to do with the fact that I wouldn't trade in my values to vote for a horrible candidate like you're about to do?  


I noticed that you're deflecting than actually discussing my charge...  Which, if you remember, is that trump is the exact opposite of what the Conservatives are supposed to represent (in addition to all his other personality issues) and yet you're gonna go ahead an vote for him out of blind support for your "team".
Quote:What does my ideology have to do with the fact that I wouldn't trade in my values to vote for a horrible candidate like you're about to do?  


I noticed that you're deflecting than actually discussing my charge...  Which, if you remember, is that trump is the exact opposite of what the Conservatives are supposed to represent (in addition to all his other personality issues) and yet you're gonna go ahead an vote for him out of blind support for your "team".

Republicans aren't Conservatives, they're Not Quite As Big Government Authoritarians.
Quote:What does my ideology have to do with the fact that I wouldn't trade in my values to vote for a horrible candidate like you're about to do?

I noticed that you're deflecting than actually discussing my charge... Which, if you remember, is that trump is the exact opposite of what the Conservatives are supposed to represent (in addition to all his other personality issues) and yet you're gonna go ahead an vote for him out of blind support for your "team".
Because you've gone out of your way to try to convince anyone what will listen to you that you're a libertarian and are only voting for Hillary because she isn't Trump. There is nothing libertarian about you. I'm guessing that you've been trying to convince us that you are so you seem like you are an impartial sane voice of reason when you talk about Trump. You're a Bernie guy that's voting for Hillary, even after the way she screwed your guy over....and then want to preach to others having blind support for their "team". You are a party shill.

And not every republican is pro life, anti gun laws, anti gay rights or even slightly religious...I know I'm not.
Quote:And not every republican is pro life, anti gun laws, anti gay rights or even slightly religious...I know I'm not.

[Image: 605f19bfca9ab9cb45016c3effa6041c70000af9...54dc5c.jpg]
Quote:[Image: 605f19bfca9ab9cb45016c3effa6041c70000af9...54dc5c.jpg]

Damn it!! You weren't supposed to be able to read that...it was in code!!!
Quote:Because you've gone out of your way to try to convince anyone what will listen to you that you're a libertarian and are only voting for Hillary because she isn't Trump. There is nothing libertarian about you. I'm guessing that you've been trying to convince us that you are so you seem like you are an impartial sane voice of reason when you talk about Trump. You're a Bernie guy that's voting for Hillary, even after the way she screwed your guy over....and then want to preach to others having blind support for their "team". You are a party shill.

And not every republican is pro life, anti gun laws, anti gay rights or even slightly religious...I know I'm not.
I can be libertarian and still vote for what I believe is the candidate that best supports my views.

Who are you to tell me otherwise? I've explained why I'm libertarian. I believe my views line up well with many of their positions. I'm not anarchistic to the level of Eric. But I see the benefits of less military intervention, which results in smaller government. I also believe that the government should not be a nannie state. These are libertarian values.

You can call me a shill, but at least I'm not a naive voter that is only now paying attention. What Hillary did to Bernie is called politics. People that are offended with the Hillary campaign are either intellectually dishonest or have never followed politics before. Primaries are ugly and contentious. Get over it, grow up, and deal with it.

Also, Hillary Clinton has been a democrat her whole life. So while she may not be my ideal candidate, her policies have lined up with mine in many ways for quite some time. I know what she's about and the vast majority of her positions have been the same for decades.

How long has trump been a republican? How long has trump supported the ideas and policies that make you want to vote for him?

So yeah... If I'm a shill... What does that make you?
[quote name="The_Anchorman" post="845720" timestamp="1475545008"]I can be libertarian and still vote for what I believe is the candidate that best supports my views.[/quote] You'd think the libertarian candidate would support your views best, you being a "libertarian" and all.

Quote:Who are you to tell me otherwise? I've explained why I'm libertarian. I believe my views line up well with many of their positions. I'm not anarchistic to the level of Eric. But I see the benefits of less military intervention, which results in smaller government. I also believe that the government should not be a nannie state. These are libertarian values.
Your first choice of candidates was Bernie Sanders, the self admitted democratic socialist. Government (taxpayers) funded tuition and healthcare isn't smaller government, and less military intervention is a core democratic value.

Quote:You can call me a shill, but at least I'm not a naive voter that is only now paying attention. What Hillary did to Bernie is called politics. People that are offended with the Hillary campaign are either intellectually dishonest or have never followed politics before. Primaries are ugly and contentious. Get over it, grow up, and deal with it.
Hey, if you're okay with the "do whatever it takes to win" kind of politics, that's fine. It's your political party, not mine.

Quote:Also, Hillary Clinton has been a democrat her whole life. So while she may not be my ideal candidate, her policies have lined up with mine in many ways for quite some time. I know what she's about and the vast majority of her positions have been the same for decades.
It must be all of her libertarian policies that you align with her on...

Quote:How long has trump been a republican? How long has trump supported the ideas and policies that make you want to vote for him?
I honestly don't care how long he's been a republican. And for 70 years he's held the main reason I'm voting for him...he's not Hillary.

Quote:So yeah... If I'm a shill... What does that make you?
Exactly like you. So you can stop with the holier than thou attitude you've got going about everyone else being a naive voter just following party lines when that's exactly what you're doing yourself.
TAM just trolling everybody these last few months. He's playing the Bobby Heenan role perfectly to Trump's Hulk Hogan.
Quote:TAM just trolling everybody these last few months. He's playing the Bobby Heenan role perfectly to Trump's Hulk Hogan.

So are we experiencing Trumpamania Trump right now, and when he gets elected we will get NWO Hollywood Trump?
Quote:So are we experiencing Trumpamania Trump right now, and when he gets elected we will get NWO Hollywood Trump?

Dark 'stache and all.
Quote:Dark 'stache and all.
[Image: Hulk-Trump.jpg]
Quote:You are right about that. 


I read an article this morning that had a great line in it.  It said this election proves that the Republicans could have nominated a 32 foot tall pile of steaming medical waste, and still 38 to 40 percent of the country will vote for the Republican.  (I'm sure the same  goes for the Democrats)


It's because we've broken ourselves into tribes.  Facts no longer matter.  We take a position that makes us feel good, and then we go looking for reasons that back up that position.   The the BIGGEST problem is, no matter what position you decide to take, there is a plethora of media out there to tell you that you made the right choice. 


Go to Foxnews.com, and then go to HuffingtonPost.com, and it's like two different planets.  Fox News is all about how terrible Hillary is.  They quote the Trump campaign incessantly.   Huffington Post is all about how terrible Trump is, and they quote the Clinton campaign incessantly. 


The thing that is driving polarization in this country is the proliferation of media that has occurred over the last 20 years, brought on by the communications revolution. 


We are all living in our own little safe zones.  Conservatives have Fox News, Breitbart, and Drudge Report.    Liberals have MSNBC and Huffington Post.   We all go to the media that makes us feel good, the one that reinforces our opinions.   Intellectual dissonance is stressful.  We want experts to tell us we are right.


This is not going to end well.   The country is being pulled apart, largely by the media.   But it's amazing to me that people can't see this.   Conservatives see the "bias" in the New York Times, but they think Fox News is fair and balanced.  Because Fox News is telling them what they want to hear! 
The media and journalism in general is no longer about facts and truth. It's about selling a story and one-upping the competition. 


I don't watch or listen to any media. I look at a few contrasting websites and try to sift the truth out of the information I see. The sad thing is it's almost impossible to know the truth anymore because of what I just wrote. Facts and truth in the media are irrelevant anymore.
Quote:You'd think the libertarian candidate would support your views best, you being a "libertarian" and all.


Your first choice of candidates was Bernie Sanders, the self admitted democratic socialist. Government (taxpayers) funded tuition and healthcare isn't smaller government, and less military intervention is a core democratic value.

Hey, if you're okay with the "do whatever it takes to win" kind of politics, that's fine. It's your political party, not mine.

It must be all of her libertarian policies that you align with her on...

I honestly don't care how long he's been a republican. And for 70 years he's held the main reason I'm voting for him...he's not Hillary.

Exactly like you. So you can stop with the holier than thou attitude you've got going about everyone else being a naive voter just following party lines when that's exactly what you're doing yourself.
Slow clap.
I'd say TAM is closer to the Green Party than Libertarian.  Since he doesn't seem to want to privatize everything, and doesn't think the government is an EVIL entity, and businesses are bastions of goodness who only do good.  

But it's an easy mistake to make, to think it's libertarian to want the government to still do things, but to cut back on some of the things they shouldn't be doing.  You know, expecting some sort of fiscal responsibility, but not privatize everything and cut funding to everything except the military.  

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