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Quote:I'd say TAM is closer to the Green Party than Libertarian.  Since he doesn't seem to want to privatize everything, and doesn't think the government is an EVIL entity, and businesses are bastions of goodness who only do good.  

But it's an easy mistake to make, to think it's libertarian to want the government to still do things, but to cut back on some of the things they shouldn't be doing.  You know, expecting some sort of fiscal responsibility, but not privatize everything and cut funding to everything except the military.  

He's a social democrat. Planned economy with freedom of lifestyle choice.


"Who cares if my food is rationed by the government, as long as I have the freedom to marry my goat."
Quote:I agree -- I expect Fox and MSNBC to show extreme partiality but CNN has really gone over to the DEM side this year.  I did not use the term Liberal because I think if CNN was looking for Liberalness, this would be the year that they were more even balanced (given Trump is a lot more liberal than the prior GOP candidates Romney, McCain, Bushx2)

During the post-debate show everybody on CNN was criticizing Trump's awful performance after the first half hour. That is unusual for the network. No wonder Trump accused the media of rigging this election.
Quote:Most people are going to see, hear, and believe what the want to see, hear, and believe and not much is going to change that. It doesn't matter the political affiliation, they will not change their minds. Either one of the candidates could cure cancer and the opposing side would find something wrong with it. 

That sentiment was often stated before the first debate. Every single report I read about it included something along the lines of, "This debate will not affect the election results because voters have already decided who to vote for."
Quote:Did anyone else zoom in on that bottom pic? Or am I the only perv on the board?

Man. I gotta tune in to Fox more instead of re runs of the Cleaver family.
Quote:During the post-debate show everybody on CNN was criticizing Trump's awful performance after the first half hour. That is unusual for the network. No wonder Trump accused the media of rigging this election.

You're a [BLEEP] idiot.
Quote:TAM just trolling everybody these last few months. He's playing the Bobby Heenan role perfectly to Trump's Hulk Hogan.

Bobby, the Brain. Well yes. I am rather intelligent. But I never thought I'd hear that coming from you. I just read a lot and have paid attention for a long time. I'm not sure I'm the smartest guy in the world, but I hold my own.
Quote:I'd say TAM is closer to the Green Party than Libertarian. Since he doesn't seem to want to privatize everything, and doesn't think the government is an EVIL entity, and businesses are bastions of goodness who only do good.

But it's an easy mistake to make, to think it's libertarian to want the government to still do things, but to cut back on some of the things they shouldn't be doing. You know, expecting some sort of fiscal responsibility, but not privatize everything and cut funding to everything except the military.

Yeah, I like a lot of what the green party has to say.

I'm glad you get my point, though. The fact that you must pass some purity test to be considered libertarian is stupid. But that's always been the problem with conservatives... They want to make exclude people and shrink the number of people that would support the majority of their views.

The libertarian and green party actually have a lot of issues in common. But conservatives are to blinded by fighting an "us versus them" war that they can't recognize that.
Quote:He's a social democrat. Planned economy with freedom of lifestyle choice.

"Who cares if my food is rationed by the government, as long as I have the freedom to marry my goat."

Planned economy? Lol. You don't know what you're talking about.
Quote:Bobby, the Brain. Well yes. I am rather intelligent. But I never thought I'd hear that coming from you. I just read a lot and have paid attention for a long time. I'm not sure I'm the smartest guy in the world, but I hold my own.

I just think you're smarter than the goober you've been playing this election season and I look forward to your face turn in November after Votermania 45.
Trump and the Republicans are going to lose big time this November.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/10/leaked-emails-show-facebook-exec-shared-research-with-clinton-campaign/'>Leaked Emails Show Facebook Exec Shared Research With Clinton Campaign</a>

You know Facebook is not media correct?

Do you really believe anything in Facebook is private or that they wouldn't choose a political side?

If this revelations kills Facebook I will be pleased.
Quote:You know Facebook is not media correct?

Do you really believe anything in Facebook is private or that they wouldn't choose a political side?

If this revelations kills Facebook I will be pleased.

Whoa, what? Facebook is totally media.


Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News


I too hope it kills Facebook.
Quote:Whoa, what? Facebook is totally media.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://gizmodo.com/former-facebook-workers-we-routinely-suppressed-conser-1775461006'>Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News</a>

I too hope it kills Facebook.
No they're not. And I can't help it if imbeciles want to go to that crappy social media format to get their "news".

But they are to media as Wikipedia is to research.
Quote:.... And I can't help it if imbeciles want to go to that crappy social media format to get their "news".


Probably the same imbeciles that go to The Daily Show and Saturday Night Live to get their "news".
Quote:Probably the same imbeciles that go to The Daily Show and Saturday Night Live to get their "news".

Again neither are media.
Oh boy look at this doozy. Off-the-record cocktail party with reporters and the HRC campaign team right before campaign season started

Good god.

Why wasn't Fox news invited?

[Image: e3ZAnWP.jpg]

Quote:Whoa, what? Facebook is totally media.


Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News


I too hope it kills Facebook.


Oh dear...


Facebook is a social service where people get on and share content.  Do you also think that Reddit is "the media"?  LOL


If so, then you're mis-using "media" for "news outlets".    Facebook is not news.  It's a place to share news, so it's a media outlet.  But the news comes from organizations like, you know the evil CNN and the devilish MSNBC and the corrupted ABC.


So when you use "Media" to classify news organizations you confuse yourself.  And now look at you.  Thinking that facebook is a news organization.  LOL


Seriously, dude...  Figure it out...  
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