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Quote:I think Grant is more than just "fast". He got vision and he is shifty. Give this guy some running lane, few can catch up with him. Your sarcasm fell in the wrong place. I do like to see that Grant makes the roster.

He's shifty? No.  Running fast in a straight line doesn't constitute shifty.

I don't see Grant making the roster over a more reliable Denard. We will see in the preseason games though. I think Ibory, Yeldon, Gray, and Robinson would make a really good group of RBs.
Quote:I don't see Grant making the roster over a more reliable Denard. We will see in the preseason games though. I think Ibory, Yeldon, Gray, and Robinson would make a really good group of RBs.
Define reliable?


Because I was one of Denard's biggest apologists last season... I said he ain't got no fumblin' problems man!.... right before he proceeded to fumble his way into a 3rd/4th RB slot across one or two starts...
If Al Davis were still alive, Grant would be a Raider.

I like him. And - He's got a little potential beyond just speed, but he'll have to shine in preseason games to convince me.
Quote:Define reliable?

Because I was one of Denard's biggest apologists last season... I said he ain't got no fumblin' problems man!.... right before he proceeded to fumble his way into a 3rd/4th RB slot across one or two starts...

This is true, although I would still consider Denard more reliable than Grant. Grant, from what I saw last season, is very fast but not a good football player. Denard is the better overall football player.

I think Gray, Ivory, and Yeldon should be the only Running backs actually getting carries though. Don't get it twisted, I don't want Robinson or Grant carrying the rock.
Quote:This is true, although I would still consider Denard more reliable than Grant. Grant, from what I saw last season, is very fast but not a good football player. Denard is the better overall football player.

I think Gray, Ivory, and Yeldon should be the only Running backs actually getting carries though. Don't get it twisted, I don't want Robinson or Grant carrying the rock.

If DRob could just use stick-um he'd be great!
Quote:I don't see Grant making the roster over a more reliable Denard. We will see in the preseason games though. I think Ibory, Yeldon, Gray, and Robinson would make a really good group of RBs.

Denard is anything BUT reliable.  I wouldn't be surprised if he's cut.  Can't hold on to the football, which is the biggest sin of all.
Quote:Define reliable?


Because I was one of Denard's biggest apologists last season... I said he ain't got no fumblin' problems man!.... right before he proceeded to fumble his way into a 3rd/4th RB slot across one or two starts...


I don't get how anyone could put DRob and "reliable" in the same sentence. I wonder if his girlfriend thought he was reliable when she realized he was with some other girl passed out in a pond at 3 am. More to the point, he's been anything but reliable over and over again. The most he's ever shown is the occasional flash.

Quote:This is true, although I would still consider Denard more reliable than Grant. Grant, from what I saw last season, is very fast but not a good football player. Denard is the better overall football player.

I think Gray, Ivory, and Yeldon should be the only Running backs actually getting carries though. Don't get it twisted, I don't want Robinson or Grant carrying the rock.


How do you figure he's not a good football player? I see all kinds of potential for Corey to be a great player. So far in practice, I don't think he's had a touch where he hasn't gone the distance practically untouched.

Quote:How do you figure he's not a good football player? I see all kinds of potential for Corey to be a great player. So far in practice, I don't think he's had a touch where he hasn't gone the distance practically untouched.

His fumble in the Bucs game says hi. In his limited time in games, he hasn't shown much to be considered more than just fast at this point.


I like him, but you seem to be a bit excessively high on him.
Quote:His fumble in the Bucs game says hi. In his limited time in games, he hasn't shown much to be considered more than just fast at this point.


I like him, but you seem to be a bit excessively high on him.


The thing is... there's speed... and then there's Corey Grant speed. He's consistently fast, and in-stride in cleats he's been recorded at incredible speeds. ...it's not just his 40-time. There's something about his speed on the field where nobody else comes close. He's also got moves that tend to get overlooked because he gets downfield so fast, and he has absolutely amazing vision. There's no doubt in my mind that he's better than DRob, and I feel that as a scat back he has the potential to be the league's next Darren Sproles.

Quote:The thing is... there's speed... and then there's Corey Grant speed. He's consistently fast, and in-stride in cleats he's been recorded at incredible speeds. ...it's not just his 40-time. There's something about his speed on the field where nobody else comes close. He's also got moves that tend to get overlooked because he gets downfield so fast, and he has absolutely amazing vision. There's no doubt in my mind that he's better than DRob, and I feel that as a scat back he has the potential to be the league's next Darren Sproles.

I hope he can evolve into that player. My problem with him now, is when he does get touched, he goes down instantly. He's not one to break a tackle. Honestly, between the guys fighting for the #3 spot, I'd be happy with any of them. They're all better than Toby the starter. I have a feeling we keep 4 anyway, and with Grant returning kicks, they'll find a place for him.
Quote:I hope he can evolve into that player. My problem with him now, is when he does get touched, he goes down instantly. He's not one to break a tackle. Honestly, between the guys fighting for the #3 spot, I'd be happy with any of them. They're all better than Toby the starter. I have a feeling we keep 4 anyway, and with Grant returning kicks, they'll find a place for him.


Maybe, but the only way I can see them keeping all four plus Grant is if they part ways with Henne.

Quote:How do you figure he's not a good football player? I see all kinds of potential for Corey to be a great player. So far in practice, I don't think he's had a touch where he hasn't gone the distance practically untouched.

I didn't watch him at Auburn, but after he was signed, I remember reading the scouting report posted by one of our posters saying that he lacked vision and lateral agility,which is why he went undrafted.

From what I saw last season, he obviously has great straight line speed. If you gave his speed to Yeldon, we would have our new Fred Taylor. I saw good straight line speed, but he lacks what makes a good running back (vision, agility, etc). Like someone else poinTed out, he goes down at the first hint of contact.

However this is all moot. I think Denard is the better 4th option, but hopefully, it doesn't matter who makes it, because neither would see much time. Looking forward to the preseason games and seeing Grant and Robinson battle it out. I see Denard as more reliable on kick returns, whereas Grant would be the more explosive one. Denard can also play on kick/punt coverage, whereas Grant cant. We will see.
Quote:The thing is... there's speed... and then there's Corey Grant speed. He's consistently fast, and in-stride in cleats he's been recorded at incredible speeds. ...it's not just his 40-time. There's something about his speed on the field where nobody else comes close. He's also got moves that tend to get overlooked because he gets downfield so fast, and he has absolutely amazing vision. There's no doubt in my mind that he's better than DRob, and I feel that as a scat back he has the potential to be the league's next Darren Sproles.

You compare him to Sproles yet Sproles had great moves,ran good routes and could catch a football.Grant has none of that just 4.25 speed.
Quote:The thing is... there's speed... and then there's Corey Grant speed. He's consistently fast, and in-stride in cleats he's been recorded at incredible speeds. ...it's not just his 40-time. There's something about his speed on the field where nobody else comes close. He's also got moves that tend to get overlooked because he gets downfield so fast, and he has absolutely amazing vision. There's no doubt in my mind that he's better than DRob, and I feel that as a scat back he has the potential to be the league's next Darren Sproles.

so with world class speed and "amazing vision" he was a backup RB in college and went undrafted.


When given a chance to play in the NFL - he fumbled and basically cost us the win against Tampa.

I'll be more positive about him when I see more of him.  Everything we've seen so far indicates he's a fast football player that is unreliable and injury prone.
Quote:Maybe, but the only way I can see them keeping all four plus Grant is if they part ways with Henne.

I meant 4 in general.




4. Grant and DRob/Gray
Quote:I've heard the same about Corey Grant, and I'll wager they both make it.


I don't mean to suggest Grant is strictly making the roster as the KR, but having him in that role is very suggestive that he's making the roster as a RB. The players shout out "aws" when they see him run, and I know the coaches are watching. He's the ultimate scat back making for the perfect change-of-pace from the shifty inside runners Ivory, Yeldon and Gray. DRob straight up doesn't have what Grant has as a RB, and for that matter, I even trust Grant's hands quite a bit more than I do DRob's.


I'm sorry but that one play week 5 was why I soured on Corey Grant. I remember thinking "why is he in the game (as a rookie) when we need a sustained drive to put the dagger in?" and then of course he trys to break a big play and fumbles the ball... along with our momentum in the game... and essentially our lead which we'd never regain in an otherwise winnable game. His hands and ball security don't inspire any more confidence in me than Denard's.


Denard Robinson is also fumble prone so its really whoever performs in preseason and holds onto the ball
Quote:He's also got moves that tend to get overlooked because he gets downfield so fast, and he has absolutely amazing vision. There's no doubt in my mind that he's better than DRob, and I feel that as a scat back he has the potential to be the league's next Darren Sproles.

How on Earth can you make any of these declarations?  He has 6 career regular season carries for 2 (2!!!) yards  Even if you want to discount that fumble play, he's 5 for 19 yards.  He's got a whole 2 receptions for 13 yards.


Maybe your entire opinion is made up on preseason?  He's 10 for 82 yards and a TD.  5 and 74 came in the final preseason game, including that 40 yard TD.  That means he's 5 for 8 yards in games against players that actually contributed in the regular season.


Dude has incredible speed, but that is all that he's shown, and you're acting like he's the best and most talented RB on the team.  Maybe he'll become something more, but you're really jumping the gun on this and really blowing up what his talents are.
Quote:I think Grant is more than just "fast". He got vision and he is shifty. Give this guy some running lane, few can catch up with him. Your sarcasm fell in the wrong place. I do like to see that Grant makes the roster.
Almost.... like.... Denard....
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