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A lot of frothing at the mouth round here.looks like they are winning.

Hey I may just never sleep again just in case...
Quote:Let's not forget about global warming. We need another summit to combat these terrorists
Air conditioners are a bigger threat than ISIS. 
We have to stop this madness! Im turning off my fridge and burying my food in the front yard!
Islamic radical terrorist. There, according to the big minds of trump and Cruz, the problem can now be solved.

Well, that was easy!!
Quote:Islamic radical terrorist. There, according to the big minds of trump and Cruz, the problem can now be solved.

Well, that was easy!!

If Obama (rather than some dude on a message board) said that then the problem "could" be solved. That doesn't mean that it will magically be solved. Identifying the enemy is a necessary first step.

Apparently NOT calling it that isn't that much of a magical solution...
Quote:Air conditioners are a bigger threat than ISIS. 
In this 100 degree heat (not counting the heat index) we're having up here in NC this week I will gladly contribute to global warming to keep from having heat stroke. I've been down that road and it's no joke.


All hail the AC!
Quote:Islamic radical terrorist. There, according to the big minds of trump and Cruz, the problem can now be solved.

Well, that was easy!!

Well, we don't really think you're intentionally avoiding the topic like they are.
Quote:Apparently NOT calling it that isn't that much of a magical solution...

their whole plan is to make friends with terrorists and their sympathizers so in the distant future everybody gets along.  there is a whole article about how Merkel is some kind of visionary with the refugee policies.  it's naivety at an entirely new level.
The Left's denial of Islamism and its exacerbation of terrorism in a nutshell:


[Image: fark_taEtm0DB_NM3w6Xxe_Gsk91RVdg.jpg?t=J...1470024000]

Quote:Well, we don't really think you're intentionally avoiding the topic like they are.

The point I'm making is the absurdity of the accusation that the name of the terrorism has any implication on the desired result we all wish to see...
Quote:The point I'm making is the absurdity of the accusation that the name of the terrorism has any implication on the desired result we all wish to see...

So saying we have an emerging problem with Muslim terrorism in nations accepting thousands of Muslim refugees wouldn't change people's thoughts about Democrat plans to accept thousands of Muslim refugees or refusal to improve border security or to enforce existing immigration law? Because what they're doing right now just looks like Barry can't pull off the Jedi Mind Trick.
Quote:So saying we have an emerging problem with Muslim terrorism in nations accepting thousands of Muslim refugees wouldn't change people's thoughts about Democrat plans to accept thousands of Muslim refugees or refusal to improve border security or to enforce existing immigration law? Because what they're doing right now just looks like Barry can't pull off the Jedi Mind Trick.

So saying Muslim makes is all better for you, or those other points? Lol, painting it as a war against Muslims only helps the enemy's recruiting...

Also how is border security in the south gonna fix our terrorist problem? You honestly think a wall on the Mexico border is gonna solve it?? That's a stupid and saying not calling it radical Islamic terrorism is exacerbating the situation. Same with thinking that refugees are terrorists... Someone as wise as you shouldn't be buying into the propaganda that other naive people get duped into believing...
The FBI director said that isis will infiltrate the refugee flows, the CIA director said they will infiltrate and the people of Germany are going to write a book one day. 


I have to say, you demonstrate an extreme amount of courage with some of the things you are comfortable signing your name to. 

Quote:So saying Muslim makes is all better for you, or those other points? Lol, painting it as a war against Muslims only helps the enemy's recruiting...

Also how is border security in the south gonna fix our terrorist problem? You honestly think a wall on the Mexico border is gonna solve it?? That's a stupid and saying not calling it radical Islamic terrorism is exacerbating the situation. Same with thinking that refugees are terrorists... Someone as wise as you shouldn't be buying into the propaganda that other naive people get duped into believing...

And then when we have a massive terror attack here perpetrated by those we've adamantly refused to identify and contain all we'll hear from the Left is how it's not the Muslims' fault. And at that point they'll be partially correct, the rest of the blame goes squarely on their heads for not taking action when we had time to do so. Hopefully those heads won't be lying in a pool of blood separated from their bodies at the time.
Quote:So saying Muslim makes is all better for you, or those other points? Lol, painting it as a war against Muslims only helps the enemy's recruiting.

It's possible that:

1. Arming them in Syria

2. backing them in Egypt

3. downplaying their existence as a credible threat into the "JV Team"

4. not supporting our embassy with extra defensive force during an attack (and subsequently blaming the attack on reaction from a YouTube video)

5. not recognizing what is happening in Europe by not listening to many of their leaders about Immigration from these troubled areas

6. not wanting to make immigration much tougher and more detailed from these troubled areas to help keep us secure (from that specific threat,, we have alot of other security problems that are issues onto themselves)

It's quite possible that issues like these are what's enabling the enemy to carry out atracks to a greater degree without much difficulty.

Look, I don't think just calling a threat by a name is going to achieve much of anything. IMO, it IS radical Islamic terrorism (just like those Westboro Baptist Nuts are radical Christianity instigators). It's the acceptance/actions/policies of how the threat is dealt with is the real problem. Name it anything you want. Just don't be in denial, and not accept that the threat really exists.

I'd love to live in Eutopia, where everyone in the world is tolerant of other's beliefs, and people act in a peaceful manner towards each other even when strongly disagreeing with differing beliefs.

I'm all for showing peace and tolerance towards everyone. It's an extremely admirable trait in people (probably the most admirable trait IMO), and I live that way myself.

But: we can extend all the peace and tolerance we possibly can towards others with differing beliefs. However, there has to be a little reciprocation of the same tolerance from the others. Sadly, the fact is: many of those others do not share the same tolerance of us, no matter how peaceful and tolerant we are towards them. Their beliefs are their beliefs, and alot of those beliefs cannot be changed by open-mindedness from them. I could stand there with flowers, arms open, acceptance, and charity towards a member of the radical threat,, and in turn they would probably want to take me hostage, beat me, or behead me because of their beliefs.

This has happened on several occasions to Humanitarian individuals from the "West" while being somewhere in the Middle-Eastern region, trying to aid peoples of that region. The Humanitarians (which I am btw) were there with love, charity, and tolerance, and have been killed just because of others' radical beliefs.

It sucks man. It's terribly sad. But we have to accept we don't live in Eutopia. No matter how much we try to make it that way, there are others in this world that do not care and will continue to be a threat. It's REALITY. Acceptance of that reality, no matter how saddening it is, is the very first step towards addressing the problem.
Quote:So saying Muslim makes is all better for you, or those other points? Lol, painting it as a war against Muslims only helps the enemy's recruiting...

Also how is border security in the south gonna fix our terrorist problem? You honestly think a wall on the Mexico border is gonna solve it?? That's a stupid and saying not calling it radical Islamic terrorism is exacerbating the situation. Same with thinking that refugees are terrorists... Someone as wise as you shouldn't be buying into the propaganda that other naive people get duped into believing...

Is it difficult to breath with your head in there?


Just saying the words isn't adequate.  It's about recognizing who the enemy is, and understanding the depth of their willingness to do whatever they can to hurt this country or our allies.  You act like that's not worth worrying about.  If that's the case, hop a jet, fly over to Germany or France and tell them how insignificant what's happening there is.


Is it difficult to breath with your head in there?


Just saying the words isn't adequate.  It's about recognizing who the enemy is, and understanding the depth of their willingness to do whatever they can to hurt this country or our allies.  You act like that's not worth worrying about.  If that's the case, hop a jet, fly over to Germany or France and tell them how insignificant what's happening there is.

The problem with Leftists is that, since all of their principles are willing sacrifices on the altar of power, they don't believe anyone else truly has the courage of their convictions.
The thing is you are more likely to be murdered in the US than Europe even with Islamic terrorism over there at the moment. Social inequality breeds extreme behavior something we need to acknowledge world wide rather than just focusing all on one religion.
Quote:The thing is you are more likely to be murdered in the US than Europe even with Islamic terrorism over there at the moment. Social inequality breeds extreme behavior something we need to acknowledge world wide rather than just focusing all on one religion.

Social inequality vs religious glorification of martyrdom.


I know which one is the real problem.
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