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Full Version: WIKI Leaked Docs Show DNC Conspired Against Bernie
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Quote:DNC isn't supposed to be in the bag for one candidate.  But they became irrelevant when they made themselves subservient to the Hillary campaign.
Quote:DNC isn't supposed to be in the bag for one candidate. 

Both the RNC and the DNC are supposed to support candidates that are members of their own party.


The RNC seemed to dislike Donald's early antics, issuing admonitions and disavowing statements, causing the Whiner King to scream, I mean, tweet, rigged system.


The DNC didn't support and discussed (not necessarily implemented) undermining the campaign of a candidate running under their banner but refusing to join their ranks.


I have no issue with either party's actions.
Quote:Both the RNC and the DNC are supposed to support candidates that are members of their own party.

The RNC seemed to dislike Donald's early antics, issuing admonitions and disavowing statements, causing the Whiner King to scream, I mean, tweet, rigged system.

The DNC didn't support and discussed (not necessarily implemented) undermining the campaign of a candidate running under their banner but refusing to join their ranks.

I have no issue with either party's actions.

What's sad is some people are truly surprised about this. We've known the DNC uses professional mobs for a long time, it's something like Page 4 in their playbook.
Quote:Despite his Independent status, wasn't he running as a democrat?
Didn't he change back to Democrat?
Quote:Of course, I'd take Jimmy Carter over those two simply because he's an honest man, and my opinion of Carter as a President is, well, low.

At least Jimmy was racist wise enough to block immigration from a country bent on doing us harm.  No complaints from the Dems (or anyone else) when he blocked Iranians from coming here. 
All in all? Both parties are in a cluster piss tailspin. The RNC showed clear division. Now the DNC does the same.

Clearly it shows this country needs a third viable party.

Cmon people. Trump or Clinton?

How many are really voting for the lesser of two evils? Is that's what become of this election? Well..dumb question isn't it, of course it is.

The party loyalists will vote their party regardless of who their nominee is. The rest of the voters are like...bend over and just piss

A big question is....who is working the outside in? Julian Assange? Can groups like Wikileaks make a big enough impact to get a chosen candidate over the top?

My guess is ? Maybe. Most voters don't pay enough attention. Have minds made up. Are swayed by tv ads and media influence. The outside the box, free and critical thinkers are too few.
Funny how many want Snowden locked up as a traitor, but when Assange posts hacked information, they're all ears.

Are they serving a purpose? If their accusations and results are substantiated, perhaps. But is it legal? No. But the truth hurts. If they are that good at hacking emails, can they manipulate the message?

Ears and eyes are everywhere. And many times the truth comes out. In Wassermans case. She should hang her head and kick herself in the piss.

But rigging elections? Omg omg omg.....since when?

Then? This country preaches democratic, fair elections throughout the world. Pffft.
Quote:Tell Bernie to actually be a Democrat next time he chooses to run as one, and maybe he'll get treated as one.

i don't know who the bigger whiner is, Bernie or Donald with their cries of "rigged system".

Are you being sarcastic?

Until he started running for president, Bernie was a self-described "Democratic Socialist". He announced his intention to run for president as a Democrat in April of 2015. Until, and possibly past that point, he was an Independent.

I can completely understand the reticence of both major parties to fund and support candidates that are new to their ranks in candidates like Donald and Bernie.

Ah you weren't. So I guess lieing is perfectly fine? Making it out to be a fair system when it isn't no problemo. So Bernie is a whiner though he was 100% correct. That doesn't make any sense.
Quote:lol ... you are one desperate dude.

How is that desperate?
Quote:Spin of what?

Is this where we're supposed to be shocked, shocked! that the DNC wanted a Democrat to win? How old are you?

Wanting and rigging are two very different things.
Leaked DNC Documents Show Plans To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments


Democratic National Committee documents recently released by WikiLeaks include spreadsheets and emails that appear to show party officials planning which donors and prominent fundraisers to provide with appointments to federal boards and commissions.


The documents, which were circulated among top DNC officials in April, could raise legal questions for the party, says Ken Boehm, the chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group.


“The disclosed DNC emails sure look like the potential Clinton Administration has intertwined the appointments to federal government boards and commissions with the political and fund raising operations of the Democratic Party,” Boehm told The Daily Caller.


“That is unethical, if not illegal.”

Just imagine how more stuff is going to come out before the election.
Quote:Just imagine how more stuff is going to come out before the election.

Assange apparently has a ton of more stuff to leak. He also apparently has a bombshell that will supposedly guarantee an indictment, but we know how that will turn out. All of this will just keep getting swept under the rug and deflected to the "dark" Republicans.
Ought to be a real entertaining show tonight. 

Quote:Assange apparently has a ton of more stuff to leak. He also apparently has a bombshell that will supposedly guarantee an indictment, but we know how that will turn out. All of this will just keep getting swept under the rug and deflected to the "dark" Republicans.

No, no, no...they're getting ready to make the move to their chosen candidate. The indictment will be his time to shine!


[Image: 59878954.jpg]
Quote:Tell Bernie to actually be a Democrat next time he chooses to run as one, and maybe he'll get treated as one.

i don't know who the bigger whiner is, Bernie or Donald with their cries of "rigged system".
" Run by our rules or we will get out heavily funded political party to attack your stance on religion!"
Quote:Wait for it.. The Great Spin-o-rama is close at hand..

Blame the Russians.  LOL!
Quote:And right on cue, Schultz has been hired into a senior position on Hillary Clinton's campaign.


I've been feeling this way for a few days now and unwilling to admit it, but I'll do so here: I actually feel better about this country in the hands of Donald Trump than I do Hillary Clinton.


Of course, I'd take Jimmy Carter over those two simply because he's an honest man, and my opinion of Carter as a President is, well, low.

I feel your pain.  What put it over the top for me was when she got away with the whole email server thing (so far).
Quote:Ought to be a real entertaining show tonight. 

The train wreck is already starting... and it isn't even prime time yet.




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