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Full Version: WIKI Leaked Docs Show DNC Conspired Against Bernie
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Quote:Please define "real Americans"

Not them.
Quote:Please define "real Americans"

"Average" Americans is a scary group...

From the late, great George Carlin, "Imagine how stupid the average person is, now realize half of them are dumber than that".
Oh boy. Wikileaks releases DNC voicemail.



Quote:Oh boy. Wikileaks releases DNC voicemail.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.rt.com/usa/353631-wikileaks-hacked-dnc-voicemails/'>https://www.rt.com/usa/353631-wikileaks-hacked-dnc-voicemails/</a>

Just listened to a few of them.One was a child talking on the phone ,another was a guy giving out about been given the wrong number.Doesn't seem to be anything important in them at all.
Quote:Said everybody ever for the past 50 years. MEDIA PAINTS THE PICTURES FOR YOU. PS - your next step is to start voting again but taking it a LOT LESS SERIOUSLY.

It's not everybody ever. It's roughly half the country here recently. Only 125M people tend to show up like sheep for this Plutocracy/Monarchy/Oligarchy based election every four years that the media loves to paint as a Democracy/Republican/Democratic race. How can anyone take our Country's Government seriously or voting seriously? 


My next step is to start voting again? Why? If it's not something to be taken seriously. Which is a four year period of your country's landscape and future on a Global scale. Shouldn't that be taken a little bit more seriously?


But after all the proxy wars. The CIA lies and covert missions. Operation paperclip. The FBI cover ups. The Economic Hitmen being dispatched across the world. The double funding of both sides of various Wars since the Revolutionary War. The JFK Assassination. The Voting fraud. Watergate. 911. Atomic bombs being dropped. Pearl Harbor. The mishandling and losses of tax payer dollars and so forth. Tell me why my vote matters? Especially when it's already been proven more than once that voting fraud has been alive and kicking for years in these elections. 


Stop it....

Quote:"Average" Americans is a scary group...

From the late, great George Carlin, "Imagine how stupid the average person is, now realize half of them are dumber than that".

Yeah. It was also George Carlin who went on a tirade about how stupid our Government is and that he doesn't vote. And how our Country is bought off and the table is tilted and rigged. And how it's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. It's those 125M "Average" and "Stupid" Americans showing up every four years to a fraud of an Election thinking their votes actually mean something. And he was dead on about all of that. Bill Hicks was another comedian who was intelligent enough to call it out as he saw it. 
George Carlin and Bill Hicks are both dead.


Caldrac, watch your back.

Julian Assange: Hacked Emails Include Info On Hillary’s Arming of Jihadists, Including ISIS, in Syria


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that the US was sending arms from Libya to Syria back in 2011, a year before the Benghazi consulate attacks.


Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony (<strong>under oath) in early 2013 after the Benghazi terrorist attack.</strong>


Senator Rand Paul questioned Hillary Clinton about this gun running program back in January 2013 during her testimony on the Benghazi terrorist attack.





So Hillary was not only aware of the gun-running her state department oversaw in the Middle-East, but also lied about in 2013. Really makes you think...



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