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Full Version: Sure sounds like a Democrat to me
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Quote:The newspapers the Right claims are controlled by the fable creating Left?

Yep, it's so bad even the MSM can't outright ignore it, though they do their best to spin it as a positive.
Did Ivanka speak?  I had the sound turned down.  She looked great, though. 

So democrats are upset because trump or at least his daughter is a democrat?

What do you democrats see in Hillary? Serious question. Because I've yet to personally talk to someone who actually supports her. Aside from this message board, that is.
Quote:Did Ivanka speak?  I had the sound turned down.  She looked great, though.
Yes, I had to mute a portion of it for a phone call. I'm pretty sure I saw her mouth the words "I love you" to me.
Quote:Not to long ago on here a handful of conservatives liked to criticise the left for having no hope and being so down on America. Arguments were had. Now their candidate for president is doing exactly that. All apocalypse and doom and gloom. Just an interesting observation.

Jon Stewart was featured on the live, post convention broadcast of The Late Show last night. Nobody breaks down Trump like Stewart. I'd post a link were it not for the profanity. I sure have missed him.
Quote:So democrats are upset because trump or at least his daughter is a democrat?

What do you democrats see in Hillary? Serious question. Because I've yet to personally talk to someone who actually supports her. Aside from this message board, that is.

Hillary does have something like 20,000 paid shills on social media and various forums.  If anyone here is a Shillary they are cheating the boss. 
Quote:So democrats are upset because trump or at least his daughter is a democrat?

What do you democrats see in Hillary? Serious question. Because I've yet to personally talk to someone who actually supports her. Aside from this message board, that is.

Which democrats are upset, exactly?

Ivanka is a RHINO. She actually said as much in her speech. If you tried to educate yourself, instead of being willfully ignorant, you'd have heard her say it.

Democratic voters don't get upset about RHINOs.

The more you know...
Quote:Which democrats are upset, exactly?

Ivanka is a RHINO. She actually said as much in her speech. If you tried to educate yourself, instead of being willfully ignorant, you'd have heard her say it.

Democratic voters don't get upset about RHINOs.

The more you know...
I've never really discussed topics with you until today. I must say it was rather enjoyable. That is until now that I see for the second time at least today you have used that term, or similar to a poster that you didn't agree with. It was fun while it lasted.
Quote:What do you democrats see in Hillary? Serious question. Because I've yet to personally talk to someone who actually supports her. Aside from this message board, that is.

  I'm a Conservative Republican,  hence I'm not answering your question from the perspective of a Democrat.    The impression/ gut feeling I have though is a large number of Democrats that support Hillary Clinton support her for the following three reasons despite all of her baggage:


  1.   She's the wife of former President Bill Clinton,  who is still very popular with many Democrats. 

  2.   Hillary Clinton would be the first woman President,  which is something that appears very meaningful to many Democrats.

  3.   Throughout this election cycle,  a large number of Democrats believe Hillary Clinton is the best hope for the Democrats to remain in power in the executive branch of the government.
Quote:I've never really discussed topics with you until today. I must say it was rather enjoyable. That is until now that I see for the second time at least today you have used that term, or similar to a poster that you didn't agree with. It was fun while it lasted.

Yeah, the conversation took a down turn. I feel like you started trolling now... That's where the willful thing is coming from.

If these are honest questions and points you're bringing up, then I apologize.

I've enjoyed the debate as well, if this is all still a discussion in good faith, I'll retract my snide remarks and continue forward.
Quote:Number of people with no healthcare has dropped drastically.

Wages in certain sectors are up. National unemployment is way down.

The number of cops killed each year under Obama has dropped significantly compared to the last 20 years

And there went the last of the credibility.... Shame
Quote:Say what you want about the aca, it's flawed. But the rate of increase has dropped drastically...

As for work force participation... it's hovering right around the 60 year average of about 63%... nice try.

The country needs work. But trumps picture of a dystopian hell-scape is fear mongering propaganda in order to get suckers to vote for a benevolent-to-their-tribe authoritarian

Did he just say that about lfpr? I'M on my mobile it must be malfunctioning.
Quote: I'm a Conservative Republican, hence I'm not answering your question from the perspective of a Democrat. The impression/ gut feeling I have though is a large number of Democrats that support Hillary Clinton support her for the following three reasons despite all of her baggage:

1. She's the wife of former President Bill Clinton, who is still very popular with many Democrats.

2. Hillary Clinton would be the first woman President, which is something that appears very meaningful to many Democrats.

3. Throughout this election cycle, a large number of Democrats believe Hillary Clinton is the best hope for the Democrats to remain in power in the executive branch of the government.

As a registered member of the democratic party, the reason I'm voting for her is that she's the lesser evil of the 2 main candidates.

All my friends and family that are also voting democratic are voting based on the lesser of two evils.

The woman thing hasn't even been discussed in the conversations I've had with my friends.

It's funny, until you mentioned the gender thing, I don't even look at Hillary as the first woman...

I look at her has the last gasps of an elitist dynasty that is the only defence against an megalomaniac that could end this nation. At least with Hillary, the status quo will remain with maybe some movement on social issues.
Quote:And there went the last of the credibility.... Shame

Whatever. You got nothin, friend. If you had anything, you'd rebut my points.

Again, things could be better. But they sure as Shasta aren't as scary as trump wants you to believe they are.

And I'm not sure what lfpr is...
Quote:Number of people with no healthcare has dropped drastically.

Wages in certain sectors are up. National unemployment is way down.

The number of cops killed each year under Obama has dropped significantly compared to the last 20 years.

The financial meltdown has been corrected.

Home prices are ticking up

This is not to say things are superb, but we're absolutely not in the times of Mad Max... that's fur sure...

Not all bad no.

Wages are stuck in neutral. But they have been for a long time.

We have been crawling out of the recession as if we have had 50 LB weights wrapped around our ankles - <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/james-sherk/seven-years-after-great-recession-obamas-economy-still-crawling.'>http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/james-sherk/seven-years-after-great-recession-obamas-economy-still-crawling.</a>

Black people have actually faired worse under Obama than any other race.

Rising costs for health care, food, living expenses, etc... is going to make for a very poor middle class especially in retirement years for this generation. If wages stay in neutral and everything else goes up, how are people supposed to save? We may see more and more working class love pay check to pay check than ever before.

By the end of his Presidency Obama will have added more national debt than any other President before him. Granted, no Presidents have added to the debt like George Bush (younger one) and Obama have. I think this will be looked at as one of the worst things about his Presidency in the future. So Obama will have spent almost 10 Trillion when it is all said and done and this is what we have to show for it? Just doesn't seem to justify the spending. Did we forget that we have to budget? Eventually this will lead to something catastrophic for our nation. Once Faith is lot in the market, there is no market and once people see paper instead of money, we will have a big problem on our hands. And we don't have much to show for it besides a slow growing economy that has been that way for 7 years.

The financial meltdown should have led to arrests under Obama. It just showed that money and power are above the law. Clinton anyone? To be fair, I think Republicans are just as corrupt in this regard. Big banks are still too big to fail. You would think we would learn our lesson. That would be a big newp.

Race relations are at an all time low and Obama hasnt really don't anything to improve the heart of the problem. The communities themself. We can blame the cops for somethings, but we can't blame them for everything. Sometimes you have to look in the mirror.
Quote:Whatever. You got nothin, friend. If you had anything, you'd rebut my points.

Again, things could be better. But they sure as Shasta aren't as scary as trump wants you to believe they are.

And I'm not sure what lfpr is...

We went through the largest expansion of government debt in the history of the planet. We defacto nationalized 1/6th of the economy. We did nationalize student loans.

We still haven't reached 3% annual GDP, average people still can't afford to go to the doctor, and 40% of all college students can't afford their student loans.

Our service on the debt is now greater than the defense budget.

And in the middle of targeted assassinations on officers (pigs as you call them) hearkening back to 20 ×#%\% years ago is a callous anti social brand of intellectual dishonesty that i can't relate to.
Quote:I'm a Conservative Republican,  hence I'm not answering your question from the perspective of a Democrat.    The impression/ gut feeling I have though is a large number of Democrats that support Hillary Clinton support her for the following three reasons despite all of her baggage:


  1.   She's the wife of former President Bill Clinton,  who is still very popular with many Democrats. 

  2.   Hillary Clinton would be the first woman President,  which is something that appears very meaningful to many Democrats.

  3.   Throughout this election cycle,  a large number of Democrats believe Hillary Clinton is the best hope for the Democrats to remain in power in the executive branch of the government.

Thanks for your reply.

As to the first reason, I get it. Wether it's the right wa to choose a president or not. I can understand how some democrats would be comfortable with familiarity.

2. I don't mind a female president at all. Just not Hillary. I'm sure there are some that'll vote for her for that reason though.

3. I guess number three was what I was really getting at. Of course I understand different people have different values, but setting all that aside, I don't see, with what's she's shown thus far, how people would actually believe that.
Quote:Yeah, the conversation took a down turn. I feel like you started trolling now... That's where the willful thing is coming from.

If these are honest questions and points you're bringing up, then I apologize.

I've enjoyed the debate as well, if this is all still a discussion in good faith, I'll retract my snide remarks and continue forward.

Wether, it's sad on my part or sad for the democrat's enthusiasm, or a little of both, I honest to God have not met a single person who supports her. Heck, I see trump signs everywhere but I haven't even seen one for Hillary. I've seen Bernie signs during the primary, but no Hillary. Then I come on this board and see flat out supporters or supports by default, like you mention is the case for you ( lesser of the evils in your opinion). So it made me wonder what it was that drew her to those people.

The thread kind of comes off as a Invanka is a democrat so we can't trust Trump type. Which sparked my snarky comment before asking why for the support for HC.
Quote:As a registered member of the democratic party, the reason I'm voting for her is that she's the lesser evil of the 2 main candidates.

All my friends and family that are also voting democratic are voting based on the lesser of two evils.

The woman thing hasn't even been discussed in the conversations I've had with my friends.

It's funny, until you mentioned the gender thing, I don't even look at Hillary as the first woman...

I look at her has the last gasps of an elitist dynasty that is the only defence against an megalomaniac that could end this nation. At least with Hillary, the status quo will remain with maybe some movement on social issues.

  In essence,  what you described as the reason that you and other Democrats will vote for Hillary Clinton is reason # 3 on the list that I put together. 


  Most Republicans that I know are voting for Donald Trump because they consider him the lesser of the two evils or in the minority of cases believe Trump will be a good President.   From my perspective though,  I have substantial doubt that there is a lesser of the two evils in this race.  I totally agree with you that Trump is a megalomaniac.   This was even apparent when he owned the New Jersey Generals USFL team and led the way in destroying the league.    Hence,  unless something changes dramatically,   I still plan on exercising my right to write-in Ted Cruz.   
Quote:Thanks for your reply.

As to the first reason, I get it. Wether it's the right wa to choose a president or not. I can understand how some democrats would be comfortable with familiarity.

2. I don't mind a female president at all. Just not Hillary. I'm sure there are some that'll vote for her for that reason though.

3. I guess number three was what I was really getting at. Of course I understand different people have different values, but setting all that aside, I don't see, with what's she's shown thus far, how people would actually believe that.

  My pleasure.


  In 2012,  Michele Bachmann was my first choice of the candidates that were in the Republican Race and at one time  ( not any more ) I was a huge Sarah Palin supporter.   Like with you,  gender itself isn't something that will determine my vote.   It comes down to the person.


  One of the worst aspects of this race for me is my total lack of trust for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.   I'm confident that there's going to be a very large segment of the voters that vote  for the individual that ends up getting elected that will be extremely dissatisfied with the results of the next 4 years.     What these voters think they are getting and what they will end up getting will very likely be vastly different. 

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