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Full Version: Cops Shoot and Kill UNARMED White Male… Where’s the Outrage?
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Quote:I, for one, am outraged. We are at war with the government, you just don't realize it yet.


Quote:No better than the pigs who killed Sterling and Castile, tbqh.

Seriously...  This thread's premise is just embarrassingly poorly thought out.  It's the rhetorical argument of fools at best and is easily torn apart by the simple responses TJ and flsprts just replied with.
Quote:If you're not afraid to die, please don't be a cop.  That's a mental disorder.


Some people need to stop watching so many movies and thinking real life is like a police drama.  There are no Steven Seagal's wearing blue that can take down entire gangs by themselves without a scratch.  Police are normal, everyday people, not superheroes.  Too many social justice warriors are living in a Hollywood fantasy.

I sympathize with the cops, who put their lives on the line to protect us.  


On the other hand we can't give them carte blanche to pull their gun and shoot whenever they get scared or when something doesn't go according to plan.   There is a line that should not be crossed.    Resisting arrest does not give a police officer the right to execute someone. 


A lot of you act like, you're either with the cops or you are against the cops.   Try to be reasonable.   People who get so stressed out by unexpected situations that they pull their gun and start shooting need to find another profession.  
Quote:I sympathize with the cops, who put their lives on the line to protect us.

On the other hand we can't give them carte blanche to pull their gun and shoot whenever they get scared or when something doesn't go according to plan. There is a line that should not be crossed. Resisting arrest does not give a police officer the right to execute someone.

A lot of you act like, you're either with the cops or you are against the cops. Try to be reasonable. People who get so stressed out by unexpected situations that they pull their gun and start shooting need to find another profession.
They don't get carte blanche, but they do get the benefit of the doubt. In the eyes of the law, cops never have to be right. They are never judged in hindsight. They just have to act like any reasonable officer would. The ones who don't; they get prison time.

The cops in the Alton Sterling shooting will be exonerated. The Philando Castile shooting, nobody knows. If it went down exactly as the fiancee described, then the officer will see some jail time.
I think most of you people have exactly no idea what it is to be a police officer.

Quote:I think most of you people have exactly no idea what it is to be a police officer.

So we can't have standards for them then?
Fun fact: 2015 marked the 2nd lowest total of police officers feloniously killed.

2014 was well below the average as compiled from the 1980's

And is 6 times less than the feloniously killed cops rate of the 1970s...

Thanks alot Obama
The question is if police shootings of white suspects are not widely reported due to media bias, or because they are usually more obviously justified.

Quote:The question is if police shootings of white suspects are not widely reported due to media bias, or because they are usually more obviously justified.

I think it's because white people don't have a grievance.   White people aren't worried about it.   So it's not an issue.   Black people, on the other hand, feel like they have a grievance.  So the media wants to examine this grievance.   It's really that simple.   Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion. 


On a per-person basis, black people are killed by the police at a rate that is 2.5 times the rate for white people.  


I'm really not in either camp.   It's a very complicated issue.  

Quote:I think it's because white people don't have a grievance. White people aren't worried about it. So it's not an issue. Black people, on the other hand, feel like they have a grievance. So the media wants to examine this grievance. It's really that simple. Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion.

On a per-person basis, black people are killed by the police at a rate that is 2.5 times the rate for white people.

I'm really not in either camp. It's a very complicated issue.

There are stats out there that I don't want to google right now, that show that white people are more likely statistically to be shot during a police encounter than black people. The per person 2.5x thing isnt relevant. Blacks statistically commit more violent crimes and are encountered at a higher rate than whites.

I think the racial narrative is bogus. There is no epidemic of racially motivated attacks by police on black men. Its barely a blip on the screen. If a group wants to have a discussion about police use of force, then I am all ears for ideas on better ways of policing.
How many white people get shot after being instructed to show their license and registration?

Quote:There are stats out there that I don't want to google right now, that show that white people are more likely statistically to be shot during a police encounter than black people. The per person 2.5x thing isnt relevant. Blacks statistically commit more violent crimes and are encountered at a higher rate than whites.

I think the racial narrative is bogus. There is no epidemic of racially motivated attacks by police on black men. Its barely a blip on the screen. If a group wants to have a discussion about police use of force, then I am all ears for ideas on better ways of policing.

While I agree that police brutality is more a class issue than a racial issue, I'm not sure what statistical study you are referring to that backs up your claim.

No Google necessary, but just further clarification would be helpful for me to understand the argument you're making that proves the 2.5 times likelihood of a black person getting shot is not correct.
Without knowing anything about this, don't make the same mistake here and automatically claim "OMG THESE COPS ARE PIGS"


It's possible they had a good reason. Also possible they didn't. Let the facts determine your stance, not emotions or bias.

Quote:While I agree that police brutality is more a class issue than a racial issue, I'm not sure what statistical study you are referring to that backs up your claim.

No Google necessary, but just further clarification would be helpful for me to understand the argument you're making that proves the 2.5 times likelihood of a black person getting shot is not correct.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.dailywire.com/news/7264/5-statistics-you-need-know-about-cops-killing-aaron-bandler'>http://www.dailywire.com/news/7264/5-statistics-you-need-know-about-cops-killing-aaron-bandler</a>

Blacks are killed at a higher rate because they are encountered at a significantly higher rate and in usually more violent encounters. They are actually killed disproportionately less than white people per police encounter. You are more likely to be killed by a cop if you are white and fight a cop than if you are black and fight the same cop.
Not to throw fuel on the fire, but here is a synopsis of a defense attorney regarding race.




You can take it anyway you want to. I just thought some of the thoughts of the attorney were interesting.

Quote:Not to throw fuel on the fire, but here is a synopsis of a defense attorney regarding race.




You can take it anyway you want to. I just thought some of the thoughts of the attorney were interesting.

ya that's not gonna be received well
Quote:Not to throw fuel on the fire, but here is a synopsis of a defense attorney regarding race.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.amren.com/features/2014/05/confessions-of-a-public-defender/'>http://www.amren.com/features/2014/05/confessions-of-a-public-defender/</a>

You can take it anyway you want to. I just thought some of the thoughts of the attorney were interesting.

Just curious what the article suppose to prove?
Quote:No better than the pigs who killed Sterling and Castile, tbqh.

Still quoting the Manson family I see.
I prefer to think that the term "pigs" is derived from Orwell's Animal Farm, as a description of Napoleon and Squealer's downward spiral into corruption and abuse of power.
Sooooooo, What happens if an armed soldier kills a civilian while on tour because he was afraid and thought they had a weapon?  I'd prefer a response from drifter but any response is welcome.

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