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Full Version: Cops Shoot and Kill UNARMED White Male… Where’s the Outrage?
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So now, in Dallas and Baton Rouge we have black guys taking revenge on cops by murdering them.

Yep that'll get sympathy. Piss up bull piss is what this is.

Then some wonder if cops will profile. Oh..I know..they already do. Well this just added fuel to the profile fire.
It's difficult not to profile when you have very specific groups targeting law enforcement.

Members of certain militia or survivalist groups contend with the same level of scrutiny, especially if they advocate violent acts aimed at authorities.
Quote:It's difficult not to profile when you have very specific groups targeting law enforcement.

Members of certain militia or survivalist groups contend with the same level of scrutiny, especially if they advocate violent acts aimed at authorities.

Can we include the likes of Timothy Mcveigh, Randy Seaver, etc?

Quote:I can say pretty confidently that if people watch court for even a few days, they will see people of all kinds and backgrounds act astonishingly awful, ridiculous, hilarious, anti social, and flat out amazingly terrible.

Black, white...whatever.

It doesn't matter whether they or their family can afford whatever attorney you like, things like anti social tendencies, addiction, mental disease, and overall jerk-ism (work I just sent to Webster) apply to everyone.

As do violence, greed, irresponsibility etc..

To try to paint one group over another is just hilarious, and at the same time sad, to me.

I can think of dozens of examples that can make you laugh, shake your head, or vomit for everyone.

However, to say that you don't see that when you watch court means you don't go to court at all.

That's a good thing.....I often tell my clients that if they can keep the Duval County Courthouse out of their life, they'll definitely be better off.

To the bolded part, my job partners with a offender work reentry program and some offenders who have started their own business have NEVER acted they way as described in the disputed article. I know this from first hand knowledge and experience when visiting with them and their attorneys and lawyers. 

Quote:Can we include the likes of Timothy Mcveigh, Randy Seaver, etc?

Quote:To the bolded part, my job partners with a offender work reentry program and some offenders who have started their own business have NEVER acted they way as described in the disputed article. I know this from first hand knowledge and experience when visiting with them and their attorneys and lawyers.

In every courtroom, in front of every Judge, you will see people acting like idiots. You don't have to wait long. It may not be every day, but it is regular.

Whether it be sovereign citizen idiots, or those believe jailhouse lawyers overall the real thing, or just those lacking in any good sense, they are impossible to avoid.

That doesn't mean there aren't really, really good people who get locked up who are innocent or who screwed up and are still decent people.

Not to mention the AMAZING times you see a stone cold criminal turn around and be a productive member of society and get their act together.

That being said, if you hang around any court room long enough, you will see people acting in amazing and impossible ways.

It's completely unavoidable. I'm not saying EVERY person charged acts like a tool, but rather ANY one could across the board.

One thing that has always bothered be though, is why we have to saddle people with labels like "convicted felon" and it be a life sentence. Not talking about murderers, rapists, armed robbers and such. We will gladly forever make someone unhirable for driving on a suspended license too many times or having 21 grams of weed, or selling the same, or falsely verifying ownership of an item to a pawn shop (yet the pawn shop isn't accountable at all).

Sorry about the mini rant there.
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