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Full Version: FBI confirms rule of law is dead
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Quote:My candidate is a complete dumb [BAD WORD REMOVED] but I'm backing her anyway.


Seems legit.


The zombies only know how to vote D.  It's truly a cult-like religion.  Reality has no factor.  There is only the D.  We are the D.  Resistance is futile.

Well, you can counter that for your boy - the Paul Ryan excuse: what Donbo did was the textbook definition of racism, but I'm supporting him.


The yahoos only know how to vote R.


Thank god Donbo won't release his tax returns. There'd be a lot of explaining to do.
Quote:Are you kidding?  They just threw the U.S. Justice Dept and FBI under the bus to clear Hillary.  They cheated Bernie in almost every primary.  Rigging the general election won't concern them at all.  Easy as flipping a switch, now that we have electronic voting.  

I can't wait to see what level of conspiracy theory you'll reach by the time we get to November. You'll be redlining by then.


Looking forward to it.
Quote:Vince Foster was unavailable to answer this question.

Good dodge. Worth of a Trumpette.
Comey now admits Clinton was not put under oath, and that her testimony was not recorded.  Yet also admits it would still be a crime to lie to them.


Gowdy slices and dices Comey:




So, Comey admits she lied... says lying to them is a crime... yet declined to stand up to her.



Quote:Well, you can counter that for your boy - the Paul Ryan excuse: what Donbo did was the textbook definition of racism, but I'm supporting him.


The yahoos only know how to vote R.


Thank god Donbo won't release his tax returns. There'd be a lot of explaining to do.

Sorry, I'm independent.  And it's not even close who the best of the worst is.  And it's certainly not Clinton.
Quote:Because no one has ever been tried and found guilty in a similar situation?


Comey was asked about this case directly this afternoon.  He stated he is very familiar with the case, and could go through in detail why the facts in the Nishimura case are different than the Clinton case, and that he was ultimately convicted under a different statute.
Interesting how everything Clinton does, she tries her best to stay off record, and keep records she does have unobtainable.


Trustworthy people simply do not behave that way.  Especially not those who are supposedly in the public trust.

Quote:Interesting how everything Clinton does, she tries her best to stay off record, and keep records she does have unobtainable.

Trustworthy people simply do not behave that way. Especially not those who are supposedly in the public trust.

Cheaters and liars do not like to be caught.
Quote:If it does. Is she done or not? Sadly, I'm not sure anymore these days if folks care she is a criminal or not. Win at all costs.
That is a good question to ponder. Based on the plethora of U.S. code, DoD regulations, and Executive Orders that were already ignored, nothing else is going to change the course of action. If you read between the lines, Comey believes the trial process wouldn't be able to stand up to a corrupt Clinton, nor would anybody be wiling to try and he wasn't willing to tie his name/reputation to it.
Quote:The entire private server operation was to avoid FOID requests.  And Hillary claims she did it "for convenience, so I wouldn't have to carry 2 devices".  That's another lie - she bragged to a Silicon Valley audience that she carries THREE devices - an iPhone, iPad, and Blackberry.  BTW, it would have taken Hillary less than 1 minute to add a 2nd email account to her State Dept Blackberry.  She could have easily used the Blackberry for all her communications, public and private. 
She could have, if Blackberries were still authorized as a government communication device. They were or should have been replaced with SME-PED devices quite a while ago.
Quote:Comey now admits Clinton was not put under oath, and that her testimony was not recorded.  Yet also admits it would still be a crime to lie to them.


Gowdy slices and dices Comey:




So, Comey admits she lied... says lying to them is a crime... yet declined to stand up to her.



I only caught a small portion of the interview during my lunch hour.  The small part that I heard he (Comey) said something along the lines of "she broke the law, but I don't feel that I would be able to prove as such beyond a reasonable doubt".  In other words, he thinks that she's guilty but that he wouldn't be able to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt in court.  The thing is, that's not his job.  That would be the job of the Attorney General and her staff.


Edit:  Does anybody find it odd that the subject of an investigation would not be placed under oath and the interview not be recorded?  Especially a high profile case such as this?  If she did in fact lie to them during the interview, they would have little evidence to pursue charging her with that.

Quote:Comey now admits Clinton was not put under oath, and that her testimony was not recorded.  Yet also admits it would still be a crime to lie to them.


Gowdy slices and dices Comey:




So, Comey admits she lied... says lying to them is a crime... yet declined to stand up to her.


Yeah I saw that on drudge as well. Politico is not conservative either and they are raking Comey over the coals. My opinion of Comey being non-partisan and generally honest is starting to disintegrate. There is an old story about him standing up to Bush, but I am thinking that was overblown. Apparently he hadn't been tried in the fire, cause he withered with Hilliary. I am starting to see that hes pretty much scared/unwilling to do anything about Hilliary.



The good news is that he will help out some lower people who are getting smashed on the same thing with 'mishandling' classified information without intent. But then again, is that a good thing?
Quote:That is a good question to ponder. Based on the plethora of U.S. code, DoD regulations, and Executive Orders that were already ignored, nothing else is going to change the course of action. If you read between the lines, Comey believes the trial process wouldn't be able to stand up to a corrupt Clinton, nor would anybody be wiling to try and he wasn't willing to tie his name/reputation to it.
Agree, he sold out when it mattered the most. I am not sure that makes him a completely bad person, but I can't view him in the same light as before. His credibility has taken a huge hit.
Quote:Florida Rep John Mica owes you a debt of gratitude, because he totally lifted your post today during the Congressional hearing.



LOL.  That post that I made kind of just came to me yesterday as I was thinking about the whole thing.  As I said before, something just doesn't pass the smell test for sure.
Quote:Honestly, JIB, I read the same Wiki page you posted and came up with the complete opposite thought on Comey.


From a statement in 2007, quoted from the page you linked to:


"The Department of Justice, in my view, is run by political appointees of the President. The U.S. attorneys are political appointees of the President. But once they take those jobs and run this institution, it's very important in my view for that institution to be another in American life, that—because my people had to stand up before juries of all stripes, talk to sheriffs of all stripes, judges of all stripes. They had to be seen as the good guys, and not as either this administration or that administration."


Later on the page, it states that he's a registered Republican that donated to both John McCain's 2008 campaign and Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign.


After yesterday's speech, do you REALLY think Comey's voting for Hillary?  Or that he's somehow a "Democrat elite?"

You're right.  After reading more about this guy he seems to be fair in a lot of cases.  Interestingly, the page has been updated today.  Here's a direct quote.



Comey disclosed during Congressional testimony on July 7, 2016 that he is no longer a registered Republican.<sup>[63]</sup> In the past Comey donated to U.S. Senator John McCain’s campaign in the 2008 presidential election and to Governor Mitt Romney’s campaign in the 2012 presidential election.<sup>[64]</sup>
Quote:That is a good question to ponder. Based on the plethora of U.S. code, DoD regulations, and Executive Orders that were already ignored, nothing else is going to change the course of action. If you read between the lines, Comey believes the trial process wouldn't be able to stand up to a corrupt Clinton, nor would anybody be wiling to try and he wasn't willing to tie his name/reputation to it.

There was never any need for Comey or Lynch to handle this case.  That's what Grand Juries are for.  It's what Special Prosecutors are for. 


What we have seen in the last week is the inner workings of a Banana Republic.  It was inappropriate and unprecedented for Comey to broadcast his professional opinion about the case.  There's only one reason to do that, to protect Loretta Lynch from being the one who lets Hillary off the hook.  So Comey was the Fall Guy.  He knows Hillary lied at every turn, she made up new lies when the old lies were exposed, yet he conspired with her to keep the interview from being recorded and she was not under oath.  Maybe this time they really did talk about golf and grandkids, because there was no reason for Comey to ask her anything about the email server. 
Quote:You're right.  After reading more about this guy he seems to be fair in a lot of cases.  Interestingly, the page has been updated today.  Here's a direct quote.
Whelp, hes got his spot on the cabinet preserved.
"Comey has argued that somehow there is such a legal chasm between extreme carelessness and gross negligence that the feds cannot bridge it. That is not an argument for him to make. That is for a jury to decide after a judge instructs the jury about what Comey fails to understand: There is not a dime’s worth of difference between these two standards. Extreme carelessness is gross negligence."



Quote:You're right. After reading more about this guy he seems to be fair in a lot of cases. Interestingly, the page has been updated today. Here's a direct quote.

Where did his original rep come from? You guessed it, going after republicans.

Comey is of the establishment. The right gets it in the neck.
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