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Quote:Clinton was negligent, just not criminally so.  Something I've been saying for a year, confirmed by James Comey.


Don't do it again, Hillary.


Yeah, predicable result.  Huge waste of time, having the FBI read 30,000 e-mails for not much of anything.


Millions of dollars spent investigating
Before the FBI investigation, many here already stated/assumed nothing would happen.

Now it's shock and awe of what resulted?

Clinton would have been easy to beat, especially after this. Blame the GOP for imploding and ending up with the equivalent of a carnival barker to represent the party.

If there ever was a time for the GOP to take the White House, this was it.

What did they do? Got their circular firing squad lined up and fired. Seriously, with a few qualified guys out there Trump beats them all?

Who would beat Clinton? Kasich. A Kasich/ Rubio team. Even Jeb and Fiorini ticket. Hell, even Romney would give her a run.

But no.

Blame the govt, FBI,etc all you want. But do so after you've picked up the piss in your own back yard.

This could've been the dagger, even if no charges were filed. Perception would have a huge effect.

But the. Clintons pulled out another trump card.
Quote:The left is going to have to try really hard to spin this away.


While the inappropriate "recommendation" of the FBI Director was flat out wrong, what is more damaging to the Hillary campaign is the truth that came out.  I'm sure that the "justice" department (Loretta Lynch) is going to come out and say that they follow the FBI's "recommendation" and won't bring Hillary up on charges, despite the evidence out there.


The timeline and events leading up to this is unreal.  It's pretty much corruption center stage.


A situation like this is pretty much enough for me, someone who is "anti-Trump" to cast a vote for whoever runs against her, even if I don't like the candidate (Trump).  I suspect that many independent voters probably feel the same way.  I personally would question anyone's mindset if at this point, they think that Hillary Clinton should be President.

Nobody is spinning anything away.  The left actually deals with the facts.


If you are watching CNN, Axelrod and alot of the "lefties" are running Clinton through the coals.  What she did was dumb, reckless, and damning.  It's not criminal. 


As for your ability now to get past your "anti-Trump" leanings... I had no doubt you'd vote for the republican candidate.  But I'm glad that you can use this to help you sleep at night for Trump!  Congrats.  
This was the only possible hiccup to keep her from being the next president, I see no way she loses now. 

Quote:Wrong thread, different topic.


I know that a liberal tactic is to try to deflect and change a conversation to draw attention away from it.  It ain't happening here.

I'm not Liberal and it was not a tactic.  I believe Hillary used the private servers to protect whatever it is she doesn't want people to see.  Based on the FBI's finding it does seem she is getting preferential treatment because she is a Clinton.  She is also the last person (reasonably) I would vote for.  Try again...
Show of hands, who here really wasn't expecting this? No one? Really?


I'm only surprised they moved on it so quickly rather than leaving it hanging for a while longer.

Quote:Before the FBI investigation, many here already stated/assumed nothing would happen.

Now it's shock and awe of what resulted?

Clinton would have been easy to beat, especially after this. Blame the GOP for imploding and ending up with the equivalent of a carnival barker to represent the party.

If there ever was a time for the GOP to take the White House, this was it.

What did they do? Got their circular firing squad lined up and fired. Seriously, with a few qualified guys out there Trump beats them all?

Who would beat Clinton? Kasich. A Kasich/ Rubio team. Even Jeb and Fiorini ticket. Hell, even Romney would give her a run.

But no.

Blame the govt, FBI,etc all you want. But do so after you've picked up the [BAD WORD REMOVED] in your own back yard.

This could've been the dagger, even if no charges were filed. Perception would have a huge effect.

But the. Clintons pulled out another trump card.

Yes, the Republicans could have had a big establishment choice to run against a big establishment choice.  If you want much of the same, corruption, cover up, US for sale to the highest bidder than that is exactly how you hoped it would go.  Thank goodness the Republican voters did what the Democratic voters could not.
Quote:This was the only possible hiccup to keep her from being the next president, I see no way she loses now. 

There is so much time from now till election day.  No one saw Bernie having a chance, no one saw Trump making it this far much less breaking the Parties record for number of votes and so on and so on and so on... There is too much unknown at this point to declare anyone as can't lose.
Quote:The left is going to have to try really hard to spin this away.


While the inappropriate "recommendation" of the FBI Director was flat out wrong, what is more damaging to the Hillary campaign is the truth that came out.  I'm sure that the "justice" department (Loretta Lynch) is going to come out and say that they follow the FBI's "recommendation" and won't bring Hillary up on charges, despite the evidence out there.


The timeline and events leading up to this is unreal.  It's pretty much corruption center stage.


A situation like this is pretty much enough for me, someone who is "anti-Trump" to cast a vote for whoever runs against her, even if I don't like the candidate (Trump).  I suspect that many independent voters probably feel the same way.  I personally would question anyone's mindset if at this point, they think that Hillary Clinton should be President.

I understand where you are coming from - but do you really thinking that people haven't made up their mind about Clinton already? She's been around for 25+ years. I really don't think this is going to have much effect on voters. 


She's the Queen and that's just the way it is. Too bad the Republicans were so dumb as to find the one person on the planet with as high negatives as she.


People will vote, I think, on who best represents their interests. 
Quote:I'm not Liberal and it was not a tactic.  I believe Hillary used the private servers to protect whatever it is she doesn't want people to see.  Based on the FBI's finding it does seem she is getting preferential treatment because she is a Clinton.  She is also the last person (reasonably) I would vote for.  Try again...

I don't think she's getting preferential treatment because she's a Clinton. It's because she's running for president.


I think Comey saw it as 50/50 and said "You know what? I'm going to let the American people decide."


As it should be.

Quote:Yes, the Republicans could have had a big establishment choice to run against a big establishment choice. If you want much of the same, corruption, cover up, US for sale to the highest bidder than that is exactly how you hoped it would go. Thank goodness the Republican voters did what the Democratic voters could not.
Didn't say I wanted the status quo

Just stated the GOP could've won...still might...but a lot easier.

There are a few who could've been a contenda. Some out of the beltway. Maybe they didn't want it.

Cruz, Rubio, Paul.... All those guys were supposed to be the anti establishment guys.
Quote:Nobody is spinning anything away. The left actually deals with the facts.

If you are watching CNN, Axelrod and alot of the "lefties" are running Clinton through the coals. What she did was dumb, reckless, and damning. It's not criminal.

As for your ability now to get past your "anti-Trump" leanings... I had no doubt you'd vote for the republican candidate. But I'm glad that you can use this to help you sleep at night for Trump! Congrats.

The fix on this wasn't the statute about classified email. That was bad enough. The truth is that she was required to archive All of her emails as a government employee. As soon as she used it for work it became subject to the preservation of records statutes. The idea that she could retire wipe or delete that which should be part of the public record is asinine.
Quote:Yup. All these people without law degrees trying to speak up. Really ridiculous. If you dont have law degree, you cant possibly understand whats happening here.

Yeah, pretty much.


But of course that wouldn't stop people like you trying to pretend your partisan motives have nothing whatsoever with your "legal" view. Sure.


But go ahead, challenge James Comey's professional integrity with no evidence at all. I think I'll go with his resume over yours.
Clinton is a liar, cheat and criminal. All already known facts. Her supporters do not care. Outcome of that investigation could have been predicted as sure as the sunrise.

Something tells me this isn't quite over yet...

Are you sure about that?  I mean, this Comey guy is legit, isn't he?  He was around during the Bush years...  So it's not like he's a hack.  I'm open on this one, as I'm no fan of Clinton.  


But Anonymous was making some dog-on good points yesterday in his posts...  
793 (f) title 18. If you did this you would be in jail. It specifically violates the criminal negligence standard for that section of the federal penal code. James Comey rewrote the statute to avoid prosecution.
Quote:793 (f) title 18. If you did this you would be in jail. It specifically violates the criminal negligence standard for that section of the federal penal code. James Comey rewrote the statute to avoid prosecution.

Can you quote this statute?   Just based on you saying "criminal negligence" means that there is some subjectivity...   
Nevermind, see below...


To me, as I predicted, the term "gross negligence" is the thing that Comey probably felt was not met, and is what this whole thing boils down to.  Could he have recommended an indictment?  Yes, but he felt based on the facts that it not not reach the criminality threshold.



Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
<p style="font-size:10pt;">Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

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