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You should vote for the President you want most. Even though I view Hillary in similar light to your mom anonymous, I will still vote for the best President. It is way to early to even decide now. So much time and so much unkown waiting ahead. We won't even have our first debate for over a month.
Quote:Listened to him on the Joe Rogan podcast.

Seems like a really normal, level headed guy with some interesting ideas.

In other words not presidential material.

That was good !!
My biggest issue with this guy is he ripped off Bernie's slogan to court dejected followers after Hillary got the nod. "FEEL THE JOHNSON?!?!" Really dude?! It's an election booth, not a glory hole.
Quote:My biggest issue with this guy is he ripped off Bernie's slogan to court dejected followers after Hillary got the nod. "FEEL THE JOHNSON?!?!" Really dude?! It's an election booth, not a glory hole.

As long as the Johnson isn't burning everything will be alright. 
Voted for him in 2012 because he was the closest thing to Ron Paul, but I wasn't as invested in the election after Ron Paul dropped out so I didn't pay close attention to his policies.


His stance on TPP, open borders, immigration, and visa expansion are a complete turn off, but I like his stance on business regulation, privacy, foreign policy, constitutional rights, drugs, minimum wage, and taxes.

Quote:You should vote for the President you want most. Even though I view Hillary in similar light to your mom anonymous, I will still vote for the best President. It is way to early to even decide now. So much time and so much unkown waiting ahead. We won't even have our first debate for over a month.

Fair enough, and I too want the most qualified candidate, which really does seem to be Johnson.


But does everyone get the Electoral Map argument?  There's one candidate that has a distinct advantage if no one in a 3 way race gets to 270, and that candidate is Donald Trump.
Quote:Fair enough, and I too want the most qualified candidate, which really does seem to be Johnson.


But does everyone get the Electoral Map argument?  There's one candidate that has a distinct advantage if no one in a 3 way race gets to 270, and that candidate is Donald Trump.

I'm not sure I do understand your electoral map argument. 


Johnson is not going to win any states, thus he  will not gather any electoral votes. He will, perhaps, help determine a few swing states, thus gaining or losing electoral votes for Donbo or Hillary and having a real impact on the election. So, the question is - is his support strong enough in the close swing states to dramatically tilt the electoral map?


Too early to tell. So far, I think, his impact shows as negligible, but certainly something to keep an eye on.


I think the odds of the election going to the House (where Trump is making fewer and fewer friends each day; how hard do you think Paul Ryan will work for Donbo?) is really slim. For now.
Watching the Libertarian Town Hall is a refreshing change. Two adults rationally explaining their points of view and policies.

Quote:Watching the Libertarian Town Hall is a refreshing change. Two adults rationally explaining their points of view and policies.

I liked it but I already went in with some bias. I am a libertarian and really hope they can gain some traction that can carry on to the next election.
Bill seems to articulate their positions better than Gary, still voting for them just to push their numbers up.  

Quote:I doubt that. Just a hunch on my part, but he's likely to siphon "youth votes" more than anything. People that would actually vote for Clinton are probably older and/or vote for the Democrat candidate regardless of who it is.

If anyone is a "Clinton plant" I think that it's Trump.
You are older and going to vote Republican regardless of who the candidate is.

Claims trump is a clinton plant and still going to vote for him because he's not hillary. Hilariously sad.

I'm replying even though I assumed you've blocked me since I've called out your hypocrisy multiple times and you just keep ignoring it like trump who you are voting for even though he's a clinton plant or whatever.
I just wish at the minimum that Johnson could make it to the debates. I feel like that would go along way shaking up the two party system.

Quote:I just wish at the minimum that Johnson could make it to the debates. I feel like that would go along way shaking up the two party system.

Nothing is shaking the two party system other than a revolution.
Apparently he called Trump a [BAD WORD REMOVED]






“While Donald Trump is running on a platform to deport 12 million people, apparently including his own wife, Johnson-Weld stands for allowing people in Melania’s circumstances to stay if they learn English, pay their back taxes, and pay a fine,” the campaign wrote.

The Johnson-Weld ticket also promises to make “legal immigration vastly simpler and more available to people around the world — including Slovenian models.”


Only thing I don't agree with Gary Johnson with is his views on private prisons.

Quote:You are older and going to vote Republican regardless of who the candidate is.

Claims trump is a clinton plant and still going to vote for him because he's not hillary. Hilariously sad.

I'm replying even though I assumed you've blocked me since I've called out your hypocrisy multiple times and you just keep ignoring it like trump who you are voting for even though he's a clinton plant or whatever.

Nothing like stereotyping people in regards to the part in bold.  I'm surprised a liberal like you didn't call me an "old white guy", but I assume it's because you know that I'm not white.


I still don't know for sure if Trump is a Hillary plant or not.  Either way and if so my vote goes to him anyway in order to keep Hillary out of The White House.  Even though they are both essentially the same thing, I would rather have him be in charge of the train wreck coming then her.


I don't always necessarily vote along party lines, I vote for who I think is the best candidate, so saying that I'll vote Republican no matter the candidate is pretty much wrong.


For the record, I don't block anyone.  I'm all for free speech and freedom of expression.  If it bothers you so much that I don't answer one of your posts, feel free to shoot me a PM pointing it out.  Sometimes I just don't have the time to read each and every post.
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