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Full Version: PayPal withdraws plans for Charlotte expansion over North Carolina’s new LGBT law
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Quote:Isn't that what businesses get applauded for doing?

NOPE.  However, it's pretty typical for liberals to celebrate doing something like that while condemning business for taking advantage of loopholes.  You want honesty?  Practice what you preach.
Practice what you preach?  Why?  I see few people doing that these days.  Might as well start looking out for Number 1.

Quote:Practice what you preach?  Why?  I see few people doing that these days.  Might as well start looking out for Number 1.

You preach conducting what is basically fraud.  What, is it a "if you can't beat them join them" kind of thing?


Without getting religious, I'll say this.  If you do what is right to the best of your ability, it will eventually pay off.
A year ago I would have asked you liberals how you would feel about a 30 year old man in a dress sharing a bathroom with your 6 year old daughter.  Today, not so much.  Collectively liberals are so obsessed with being politically correct that you have all lost your minds.  

Quote:A year ago I would have asked you liberals how you would feel about a 30 year old man in a dress sharing a bathroom with your 6 year old daughter.  Today, not so much.  Collectively liberals are so obsessed with being politically correct that you have all lost your minds.

It seems you're more obsessed with a stereotype of a transgender woman. Most aren't perverts or freaks, and have as good a chance of being decent human beings as anyone else. That 30 year old probably just wants to get her business done asap and the 6 year old would be none the wiser. It's the adults that need to grow up.
Does anyone know what transabled is?
Quote:It seems you're more obsessed with a stereotype of a transgender woman. Most aren't perverts or freaks
, and have as good a chance of being decent human beings as anyone else. That 30 year old probably just wants to get her business done asap and the 6 year old would be none the wiser. It's the adults that need to grow up.
Your own argument proves my point.  What about those that are?  Some of you liberals are so obsessed with proving how enlightened you are that you can't see the forest for the trees.
Quote:Your own argument proves my point.  What about those that are?  Some of you liberals are so obsessed with proving how enlightened you are that you can't see the forest for the trees.

Minds so open their brains fell out.
Quote:NOPE. However, it's pretty typical for liberals to celebrate doing something like that while condemning business for taking advantage of loopholes. You want honesty? Practice what you preach.

I have some experience in taxes... let me calm the fears of everyone, the VAST majority of exceptions and deductions, and "loopholes" have been legislated by representatives to appease the wealthy and big businesses.

Workers and small businesses get the shaft.

These deductions, exemptions, and loopholes is wealth redistribution to the upper class, I mean, let's call it what it is.
Quote:I have some experience in taxes... let me calm the fears of everyone, the VAST majority of exceptions and deductions, and "loopholes" have been legislated by representatives to appease the wealthy and big businesses.

Workers and small businesses get the shaft.

These deductions, exemptions, and loopholes is wealth redistribution to the upper class, I mean, let's call it what it is.

Yeah, they should just shut up and accept it.
Bruce Springsteen cancels N.C. show over anti-LGBT law


The LBGT community in North Carolina just got a big show of solidarity from none other than Bruce Springsteen.
The rock icon announced Friday on his official website that he is canceling Sunday's scheduled show in Greensboro to protest the state's newly passed House Bill 2 — dubbed the  "bathroom law" — which dictates which public restrooms may be used by transgender individuals and prevents LBGT individuals to sue over human rights violations in the workplace.
"Taking all of this into account," he wrote, "I feel that this is a time for me and the band to show solidarity for those freedom fighters. As a result, and with deepest apologies to our dedicated fans in Greensboro, we have canceled our show scheduled for Sunday, April 10th."


Quote:So why did Boeing decide to build a plant in South Carolina?  Was it because of "stupid" laws?
Because they could pay workers half the salary they paid workers in Washington. 
Quote:Because they could pay workers half the salary they paid workers in Washington. 

Two things that you have to look at here (maybe three).  First of all, people generally jump on the wage paid to workers per hour, however the cost of living isn't factored in.  As a small example, how much does it cost for a loaf of bread in Washington State vs.South Carolina?


Second of all, how much tax-per-worker does it cost?  Is it less expensive to hire a welder in South Carolina than it is in Washington State?  That leads me to my third point.


Right to work states vs. states that have unions.  Union wages/benefits are artificially higher for the same labor that non-union wages pay.


People need to stop placing themselves in the position of worker, and start thinking about the position of employer.  Demand and/or mandate an employer pay a wage that is unrealistic, then jobs go away.




Oh noes, a minimum wage call center is gone!



Edit: Paypals is the suxor, and has been ever since it suddenly 'needed' to verify your ID with a copy of your drivers license. Just a phony middleman propped up by ebay. Paypal shouldn't exist, that's what banks are for. Amazon got it right with its decision to directly deposit funds on its own for sales. Its crazy that Musk made so much money for basically nothing, but c'est la vie.

Quote:Two things that you have to look at here (maybe three).  First of all, people generally jump on the wage paid to workers per hour, however the cost of living isn't factored in.  As a small example, how much does it cost for a loaf of bread in Washington State vs.South Carolina?


Second of all, how much tax-per-worker does it cost?  Is it less expensive to hire a welder in South Carolina than it is in Washington State?  That leads me to my third point.


Right to work states vs. states that have unions.  Union wages/benefits are artificially higher for the same labor that non-union wages pay.


People need to stop placing themselves in the position of worker, and start thinking about the position of employer.  Demand and/or mandate an employer pay a wage that is unrealistic, then jobs go away.
Food is almost exactly the same cost everywhere, even in California the McDonalds cost the same except the value menu. I just went out to California just to check on this and get my license out there for work. Costco is literally no difference in cost at all. Housing/utilities are the major difference in areas anymore.
Quote:Oh noes, a minimum wage call center is gone!



Edit: Paypals is the suxor, and has been ever since it suddenly 'needed' to verify your ID with a copy of your drivers license. Just a phony middleman propped up by ebay. Paypal shouldn't exist, that's what banks are for. Amazon got it right with its decision to directly deposit funds on its own for sales. Its crazy that Musk made so much money for basically nothing, but c'est la vie.
Paypal solved a problem at the time when eBay was starting to have a serious problem with fraud and scams. Banks at the time didn't have the facilities or incentive to deal with said scams so eBay bought PP to solve their problem. Of course the old adage of "he who fights monsters" still holds true and now PayPal created problems of its own. 
Quote:People need to stop placing themselves in the position of worker, and start thinking about the position of employer.

Only if the employer is willing to do the same vice versa. If that happens then you can have a meaningful discussion about wages, benefits, etc. 
Quote:Food is almost exactly the same cost everywhere, even in California the McDonalds cost the same except the value menu. I just went out to California just to check on this and get my license out there for work. Costco is literally no difference in cost at all. Housing/utilities are the major difference in areas anymore.

Okay, fair enough.  How much does housing cost in California vs. South Carolina?  Let's talk the cost of a modest 15,000 square foot home or apartment.
PayPal opened an office in Malaysia where gays are routinely jailed. I think it's safe to say they don't really care about LGBT rights but at least they get good PR from it.
Quote:Two things that you have to look at here (maybe three). First of all, people generally jump on the wage paid to workers per hour, however the cost of living isn't factored in. As a small example, how much does it cost for a loaf of bread in Washington State vs.South Carolina?

Second of all, how much tax-per-worker does it cost? Is it less expensive to hire a welder in South Carolina than it is in Washington State? That leads me to my third point.

Right to work states vs. states that have unions. Union wages/benefits are artificially higher for the same labor that non-union wages pay.

People need to stop placing themselves in the position of worker, and start thinking about the position of employer. Demand and/or mandate an employer pay a wage that is unrealistic, then jobs go away.

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