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Quote:lol...where did I say "water-boarding".  The CIA and FBI have ways of pulling the truth out of liars and it doesn't necessarily include torture.  Btw, I don't disagree with those tactics against known terrorist.

I know people are mad and frustrated, but we have to be careful. Having the bad guys change our society to become more like theirs isn't my definition of winning.
So Adam2012...what do you recommend we do?


I gave you my recommendation.

Quote:So Adam2012...what do you recommend we do?


I gave you my recommendation.

To have his country collapse while he fiddles, as did Nero.
Certainly seems that way.

Quote:Khalid Masood...


That name doesn't sound British to me.

Depends on which part of Britain you reside, I guess..
Quote:Depends on which part of Britain you reside, I guess..

Not his original name. He changed it. Like Cassius Clay, Lew Alcindor,etc did here.
Quote:Not his original name. He changed it. Like Cassius Clay, Lew Alcindor,etc did here.

Yes I understand that.. my comment still stands, though.
Quote:So Adam2012...what do you recommend we do?


I gave you my recommendation.

As someone said above - regarding homegrown individual nuts/religious fanatics, etc., - not much, other than the common sense things that are being done. It's sad that the world we live in means anyone can wake up and decide that today is the day they want to die for God, and take others with him.


I'm not sure what your recommendation was other than grab people off the street and "interrogate" them.
Quote:To have his country collapse while he fiddles, as did Nero.

Oh, cool - another Internet Patriot. Ready to grab that uniform with the Death Head insignia and hunt some Muslims!


Step all over that Bill of Rights. It's so 18th century anyway.
Quote:As someone said above - regarding homegrown individual nuts/religious fanatics, etc., - not much, other than the common sense things that are being done. It's sad that the world we live in means anyone can wake up and decide that today is the day they want to die for God, and take others with him.


I'm not sure what your recommendation was other than grab people off the street and "interrogate" them.

I agree you can't just detain people off the street for suspicion. That's not Constitutional.


Instead, you apply stronger penalties after the fact. You make their actions cost more than they are willing to pay. If they are willing to pay with their lives, you have make the penalty even greater.


In the case of an Islamic jihadist don't just kill/execute the terrorist, burn down his favorite mosque and bury him under a Cross or Star of David in a coffin full of pigs blood. A non-Islamic terrorist will have a different weaknesses in his background, maybe you just burn down his favorite bowling alley. For an eco-terrorist kill ten elephants and let the eco-freaks who want to follow in his footsteps know they will be responsible for another ten elephants being killed.


If that doesn't stop every future mass murderer, it will stop some. At the very least it will create a huge incentive for friends, gang members, or co-worshipers to stop him before a proxy for their favorite cause is destroyed.
Are you going to burn down churches of Christian killers too? Or you just picking on one religion?
Quote:Are you going to burn down churches of Christian killers too? Or you just picking on one religion?

Can you read?


Yes. If it's a mass murder inspired by the killer's faith, then you burn down his house of worship, whatever religion he is. If (say) a Westboro fanatic had pulled off the Pulse nightclub murders, burn down his church.


(and to answer the question you didn't ask, you evacuate the building first)

Quote:Can you read?


Yes. If it's a mass murder inspired by the killer's faith, then you burn down his house of worship, whatever religion he is. If (say) a Westboro fanatic had pulled off the Pulse nightclub murders, burn down his church.


(and to answer the question you didn't ask, you evacuate the building first)
What if the perpetrator was the only radical in the congregation? Or only of of a very few? You're going to punish the rest for the actions of one (or a few)?
Quote:There's usually a trend with attacks like this.  They normally don't review their web activity or social media accounts until they're doing a forensic analysis after the fact.  More often than not, when you've got someone who is self-radicalized, it's something that you can potentially catch in advance of an attack, but, there's a trade-off there that I don't think most are willing to accept.  This would require us to give up more of our liberties than we already have over the past 16 years. 
The crux of the matter is that if I trusted my government to do the right thing I would have no problem with the extra surveillance.  Fact of the matter is I do not trust my government and for those that do I feel sorry for you.
Quote:I think banning Islam would create more terrorists currently in western countries.
Elaborate please.  I am curious.
Quote:I don't want to give up. Not sure you can do it by alienating the whole Islam religion. We're going to have to engage the Muslim religion and they're going to have to help. They're going to be the one to have to lead to change within their own religion.
There is lies the issue.  How do you call out a segment of a religion without offending the entire religion?   For starters every time a white man disagrees with a black man how about hearing the argument before labeling the white guy "racist"?


Quote:Elaborate please.  I am curious.
Just think by banning the religion of Islam you legitimize extremists in the eyes of moderates and perhaps turn normally passive muslims more extreme. Especially with the way the religion of Islam is. Compared to other religions it is ,in my opinion, taken more seriously by people who practice it and its more invasive in every day life. 


For instance Ireland doesn't appear to have many extreme muslims but it does have some very strong muslim community's that don't really make any attempt to mesh with the locals. A ban on their religion would be seen as a direct attack on these communities , they wouldn't just accept the ruling and practice in secret.
Quote:What if the perpetrator was the only radical in the congregation? Or only of of a very few? You're going to punish the rest for the actions of one (or a few)?

Yes. If the congregation doesn't want their church (mosque, temple, gym, bowling alley) closed, then the congregation better do something about it before he goes on his killing spree.
 In the case of a religious institute, the head clergy can make it very clear that killing is a sure way to eternal damnation (I'm not sure about the head pinsetter Smile ).


Having to find another place to worship is not a very severe punishment for breeding someone who commits mass murder.
Quote:Just think by banning the religion of Islam you legitimize extremists in the eyes of moderates and perhaps turn normally passive muslims more extreme. Especially with the way the religion of Islam is. Compared to other religions it is ,in my opinion, taken more seriously by people who practice it and its more invasive in every day life. 


For instance Ireland doesn't appear to have many extreme muslims but it does have some very strong muslim community's that don't really make any attempt to mesh with the locals. A ban on their religion would be seen as a direct attack on these communities , they wouldn't just accept the ruling and practice in secret.

This emphasizes the real problem, Muslim communities do not assimilate into the Western culture. As I said before, the most common baby name in Britain is Mohammed (or a spelling variation).


My ancestors mostly came from Germany, but none of their children were given German names, they assimilated into the US.

Quote:Oh, cool - another Internet Patriot. Ready to grab that uniform with the Death Head insignia and hunt some Muslims!


Step all over that Bill of Rights. It's so 18th century anyway.

Only in pretend arguments like this can your failed ideology survive.
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