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Full Version: Are you to the point where the draft is icing on the cake?
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That's true, technically we've gained Malik, Marks, Fowler on the front 4 excluding Odrick of course.... not to frekin bad eh?

How is Buckner filling a need? Like ya he's a great player but he isn't a Leo,definitely a big end which is occupied by Odrick.
I like our free agency so far, but we still have some serious needs at LB, C, and DE.  

I'd be shocked if the first 3 picks werent a combination of LB, DE and C/G.


The team is loaded with talent now though, and we should be set after this draft. There cant be any more excuses.
Get me a LB (Jack) and an edge rusher (Spence/Ogbah) and the rest is just gravy to me.
Quote:With Dave killing it in FA the draft should fill the rest of our needs.

We may even have room for a luxury pick.

There is an old saying about 'not counting your chickens before they've hatched'. Making the assumption that the f/a's that have been acquired so far are going to have a game changing impact is presumptuous. Plan for the worst and hope for the best should be our banner around here. Room for a luxury pick? That's like going on a splurge because you think you're going to win the lottery!


We need the best picks we can get from the draft to build this team and not count on f/a's who may or may not 'carry the day' for this franchise. Always build via the draft with f/a's to fill the gaps. Before we get too excited about any f/a they need to first 'prove it here'.
Quote:Get me a LB (Jack) and an edge rusher (Spence/Ogbah) and the rest is just gravy to me.
I'd probably run from MD to Jacksonville with joy if this happened.
No where near icing on the cake. Although we did good in FA we still lack impact players and depth at key positions. The O-Line can improve still,and im not sure if the Center position has been address yet still.. We dont have quality starters at Linebacker..well besides Telvin.. If Bortles go down we dont have the talent at backup qb to step in and fill that void..Thr Secondary improve but still is unproven.. So too answer your question, No this is not the icing but merely the bread in the cake.
So much hope. So much unrealized disappointment.
Quote:So much hope. So much unrealized disappointment.

That's funny.   Well said.  
Absolutely not.



The bottomless MB Kool-Aid that infects so many this time of year.


We are nowhere near putting icing on anything.


This darft is critically important to filling needs that currently exist.





That pass rusher however we acquire it will be the cake. What we get after that is the icing.

Quote:That pass rusher however we acquire it will be the cake. What we get after that is the icing.
We will have to agree to disagree.


The Pass Rusher will be the platter we put the cake on, foundation.


We will get icing, every win is more icing on the cake


I like to look at it like the draft is the bread, the meat and potatoes.

Sometimes you get to butter your bread with some tasty free agency butter.

This year we got A LOT of butter to slather all over that bread, and we have an appointment at a pretty good bakery in Chicago in a few weeks to pick out a few loaves.
Draft Jack or Ramsey, then back into the first for Spence.


Its a make or break year. Why not go out guns blazin?

I ce cream,.,..,Sprinkles...Cake.... Icing...Ok, whose birthday did I miss??

I have we get the best Center in the draft.

Quote:There is an old saying about 'not counting your chickens before they've hatched'. Making the assumption that the f/a's that have been acquired so far are going to have a game changing impact is presumptuous. Plan for the worst and hope for the best should be our banner around here. Room for a luxury pick? That's like going on a splurge because you think you're going to win the lottery!


We need the best picks we can get from the draft to build this team and not count on f/a's who may or may not 'carry the day' for this franchise. Always build via the draft with f/a's to fill the gaps. Before we get too excited about any f/a they need to first 'prove it here'.
Well said.
Until you are holding the Lombardi no draft is icing and even then there is always improvement needed, I'm not trying to be negative Nancy but that is the reality of the NFL
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