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Regardless of Robert Byrd status or level of affiliation, he distanced himself from the organization. Are people not allowed to change and grow an indifference of their original beliefs?


This isn't about redemption or repentance for past deeds.  This is about the fact that you criticized Donald Trump for 45 seconds of stating that he had no knowledge of or direct contact with a group (implying that is was some form of endorsement) but you have no similar criticism for liberals or progressives who have TANGIBLE contact and commiseration with people who have demonstrated racist behavior.  


You gave “specific” instances of behavior by the Clinton’s that have little to no direct effect on African-Americans which is why I used the “three strikes law”. On the flip side though, the Clintons were race baiting during the Obama presidential run which I failed to mentioned in previous responses, and is disappointed the AA community hasn’t been more vocal on.


Members of the African American community were ASSISTING in certain aspects of race bating.  Initially there was a campaign that Barry wasn't black enough.  One black politician went on to say that Bill Clinton had probably slept with more black women than Barrack Obama.  That shows just how much of a freak show the last 50 years or so has been.  


That doesn't change the fact that your criticism of Donald Trump for "not disavowing loudly enough" doesn't jibe with your race to absolve the Clintons, Byrd, or Democrats in general.   



To answer your questions about why he went to a segregated golf course? I will call it selective journalism, perhaps the media wanted to portray a image and had to suppress certain things that will cast the Clinton’s in a hypocritical light.  With that said, I have been seeing more posts on my Facebook and twitter feeds that bring up this kind of information that was done in the past which leads me to believe people are taking it upon themselves to go out and do hard research instead of letting the media do it for them. 


He went to a segregated golf course because of selective journalism?



In regards to what you feel about Black America, you have your right to have your sentiments. I am going to explain how I feel. 


<span style="font-size:9.5pt;">You mention secular progressivism, before I go any further I was born in the mid 1980’s, other than research and talking to family and friends who actually lived through that era, I do not have any recollection of the plight of Blacks pre and post immediate civil rights legislation. Back to your topic, I personally believe that secular progressivism was a term concocted by the right as a means to feel like they lost total grip on society and created the term to describe people who disagree with their thinking.</span>


You can believe and feel all you like fried.  That doesn't mean that you get to just take scary words out of the dictionary on a whim.  Secular 
<span style="font-size:12.6667px;">Progressiveness is the drive by some on the left to drive us AWAY from the traditional institutions rooted in certain values to a form of societal structure that elevates the state as the final arbiter of morality and fairness.  You can choose to agree with the ideology, you can choose to disagree with the ideology, you can even choose to disagree with the nuance of the definition of the ideology, but to pretend that its just a far right boogeyman is intellectually dishonest.  





In fantasy, progressivism was sold as pure and perfect, but anybody who lived through that change in society during the post-slavery to post civil rights legislation knew there was still enormous challenges ahead. The issue is when displays of racism/sexism moves from a public form to a private institutionalized form. (we'll get to this later) You stated <i>“</i>
<i>To disagree with progressivism means that you are inherently racist and favor policies that will adversely affect minorities specifically black people
<span style="font-size:9.5pt;font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif;"></span> Do you believe you were born to be a slave and subhuman and be considered less capable of making decision on a human level versus an animal? Do you also believe you are not worthy of a quality education/or pay that people of affluent descent receives? 


There is a difference between PROGRESS and PROGRESSIVISM (as outlined above).  Much of the civil rights movement was GUIDED by the basic principle that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL and thus Martin Luther King and the leaders of his time were asking for the US to LIVE UP TO its founding tenants and constitutional promises.  




You stated “progressivism has killed tens of millions of minorities
. can you explain why ,or how? My belief is what has led to the breakdown in SOME of the African American families is the infiltration of crack-cocaine leading to chaos, then heavy imprisonment of Black men.  That high incarceration rate leads to absent fathers, which in turn leads to lack of proper parental guidance/support which then leads into poor learning, social skills, behavioral issues, etc which then turns into a person living a violent and destructive lifestyle.  This behavior is repeated for generations until unlike politicians, local councilmen step up to the plate and address the issues directly through action.


Partially right.  The biggest indicator for the success of a child has nothing to do with the color of their skin, its the presence of the father in the home.  Right now only 28% of Black children are born into two parent homes.  As a man of color with their eyes open, i have to say that is both pathetic and embarrassing.  It's also 100% in control of the black community.  


Let me be clear, I don't care how hard you try to redistribute wealth, or how many bridges you build.  As long as the societal infrastructure of the black community is only operating at 28% we will never change the trajectory of our community in society as a whole and shake off the shackles of disproportionate poverty.  


You can also draw a clear line of demarcation between the civil rights movement pre-mid 60's to now.  What's the difference?  SECULAR PROGRESSIVISM.  Martin Luther King and Malcom X both agreed that strong men strong families and a rejection of drug culture was essential to the AA community achieving our potential in society.  If they saw our current culture of I N D E P E N etc. campaigns to legalize weed and the elevation of Drug Dealers as cult heroes within hip hop culture they would be as disgusted as I am.  


It goes without saying SOME in the black community share the blame for the self inflicted issues that we created, from those who profit off of exploiting the everyday violence and culture, it is clear these people are looked upon as icons. Yet two things, one these same icons are not mature enough to realize the power they have to make change and instill discipline, respect and education. Two, African Americans who grew up without structure fail to learn from their icon’s faults and learn how to not repeat those same mistakes.


 Again, the AA community has sold its soul with monolithic 
<span style="font-size:12.6667px;">dependable support of the active state.  We spend more money per child than any country in the history of man, and we have little to nothing to show for it.  Are there real meaningful programs teaching the real lessons of SUCCESS and POSSIBILITY that most middle class and affluent kids learn from watching their parents?  NO!  Is there an real accountability to the public sector unionized employees CHARGED with teaching our kids?  NO!  just ever increasing property taxes and fees.  


In New York City you have a far left Mayor actually shutting down and pushing out charter schools who dared to actually engage kids in a meaningful way.  


As for Margaret Sanger, I already know who she was and I disagree she was the sole reason for, and I quote you “ limiting the population of minorities and genetic undesirables based on the science of eugenics.
 I did a report back in high school on her and researched many prominent Black pioneers in the 50’s and 60’s worked with her in a capacity to research sterilization and the particular effects on Black Women. When I was growing up abortion was frowned upon because of this point.  As I got older, it became more accepted for black women to get abortions because it became more progressively accepted. 


You should watch the movie conspiracy.  Its about the debate that the Nazis had about how to best exterminate or mitigate the Jewish population.  They considered several options.  concentration camps were designed to use the population as a labor force during their forced extermination.  


In america the science of Eugenics took a different approach rejected by the Nazis, Voluntary sterilization/abortion.  And all the while creating a dependable voting base.  



Finally, you ask where is the “utopia”, achievement, success?  I simply challenge you to ask a successful Black person what it means to them to see Barack Obama elected as president. They will tell you that it motivates them more to achieve more than what they initially desired. The reason why? Because there are NO excuses now, no white man, the system, etc.


I used to be a liberal in my youth.  I miss it sometimes.  It allows you to on the one hand make mention of private institutionalized racism and then for the purposes of Imagery talk about no excuses or the MAN!  


I can’t speak for all of Black America, but my wages have tripled and have invested in a couple of Fort 500 companies. My family is healthy, financially stable, and constantly give back to the community. Does it reflect the majority of how black people are living? I don’t know but I can tell you from first hand knowledge more people are efficient with their money and are realizing they must pick up a skill trade or return to college to get a better wage.


I am happy that's the way you feel.  It's the same way that i have felt in the past.  But unfortunately, I found out that under this president, net average income for black Americans has gone down more than the national average, our unemployment rate is still higher than the national average.  This is with a BLACK MAN signing over 20 trillion dollars of budgets and borrowing close to Ten trillion more than was taken in through taxation.  In total, since LBJ declared the war on poverty (killing the black family in the process) we have spent 22 TRILLION DOLLARS and the poverty rate is EXACTLY THE SAME.  That says nothing of the trillions of dollars we have spent on education in that time and the problem still persists no matter how much people want to put their head in the sand.


I will admit, I used to stereotype African Americans who judge others within their race and be quick to point the finger, point out the ills of their very own community, yet not help solve the problem as Uncle Toms. Now I view those same people as uncomfortable with their own identity and is looking to be accepted by another group of society for financial benefit or personal comfort. These same people refuse to moderate their position because they have been brainwashed to a certain degree to believe a certain narrative about their heritage. 




In reality, skin color is meaningless.  If skin color is truly meaningless then why should i derive my identity from it.  Seems kind of silly doesn't it?  


Culture does matter.  Culture spanning over specific groups or nationalities can have a dramatic influence on the people inside said culture.  You brought up a very good point about Drug culture and the problems that it causes for our community.  At a certain point we have to come to grips with the fact that to accurately combat it we should be the loudest voice condemning it and pointing out those harming their own community.  Instead we listen to rap songs about pushing weight and bling.  


The most dire institutional force hampering black social mobility is the marital birth rate.  That's 100% in our control.  We don't need an act of congress or executive action.  Instead we have become guinea pigs for the radical left who want to create a world devoid of the father in the home and that doesn't believe that there should be any moral constraints on sexuality.  How's that working out for us?

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