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Full Version: Toby Gerhart NOT released
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If they pick up a free agent RB quickly when the period begins, I could possibly seeing them release him before the bonus is paid.  However, I think it more likely, at this point, that he is on the camp roster to compete....and then get released

I don't understand this at all. Maybe Dave just doesn't want to admit the mistake of signing him. He is awful.

Our line has been trash...just sayin. All of our backs struggled in the short yardage game last year. This comin from someone who would like to see Gerhart gone...
Quote:I don't understand this at all. Maybe Dave just doesn't want to admit the mistake of signing him. He is awful.


This is basically what I'm thinking because they've paid $3.5 mil of his $4 mil in bonus money, they'd rather pay the final $500,000 to see if they can get anything at all out of the investment. That said, I'd chaulk him up to a loss at this point. There are several good looking RBs about to hit free agency.

Cut Toby, Sign Alfred Morris.
Gerhart is still a good H-Back but over paid, I would re-do his deal

I knew Gerhart would be trash
Quote:I knew Gerhart would be trash

Me too
While I still contend that Gerhart will have an uphill battle to make August cuts, he did play through injury and there's an outside chance he surprises us.  If he does.... oh boy, I'm gonna' bump all of these threads and laugh my butt off.

Gerfart.. the squelchy kind

I was really high on him when we signed him...


Like him at Stanford, he played well when he got his shot in MIN. 



Time to take the Gerhorse to the Glue Factory


he's too white

Quote:I don't understand this at all. Maybe Dave just doesn't want to admit the mistake of signing him. He is awful.

Quote:This is basically what I'm thinking because they've paid $3.5 mil of his $4 mil in bonus money, they'd rather pay the final $500,000 to see if they can get anything at all out of the investment. That said, I'd chaulk him up to a loss at this point. There are several good looking RBs about to hit free agency.

We just cut two of Dave's bigger signings in Clemons and Beadles, not to mention that he cut Dekoda Watson midseason in his first year here. I don't think Caldwell's afraid to cut any of his guys whatsoever. Odds are that he sees a healthy Gerhart as just as good an option of what's on the open market and he's going to give Toby the chance to make it this coming training camp.
Quote:Dang!! I was excited for all of 10 seconds Sad
During your brief period of excitement, Toby almost completed a 40-yard dash.
This is what Dave sees


[Image: 200.gif]



This is what we see

[Image: 200.gif]




Wait for it , his time is coming. Then again Caldwell rewards, trash players who don't perform .. So he might just stay on the roster
Quote:Ok, so I'm not actually seeing this reported anywhere. But why not?


Gerhart is due a $500,000 roster bonus on March 13th, and then he'll carry a $3 mil base salary this season. I know they don't need the cap space, but with a slew of attractive FA RBs out there, they surely can use the roster spot.
I'm sure they're losing a lot of sleep over a $500k roster bonus down at the stadium.


Gerhart isn't going anywhere until they can find an adequate replacement.  As someone already pointed out, he'll more than likely make it to camp with the team.
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