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Just in-case anyone is bored and wants to watch little Rubio curl up in the corner in the fetal position. This never gets old. Have fun...


Quote:Just in-case anyone is bored and wants to watch little Rubio curl up in the corner in the fetal position. This never gets old. Have fun...

And there you have it, what elections have become. Catfights, insults and one liners rule the day, not substance, or even a tepid attempt at substance.


I'm just going to vape up, sit back and enjoy this reality show for the entertainment value alone. Nothing much to do except hope we somehow survive any one of them as POTUS.
Quote:And there you have it, what elections have become. Catfights, insults and one liners rule the day, not substance, or even a tepid attempt at substance.


I'm just going to vape up, sit back and enjoy this reality show for the entertainment value alone. Nothing much to do except hope we somehow survive any one of them as POTUS.

But everything Christie said is pretty much the truth, right?
Quote:And there you have it, what elections have become. Catfights, insults and one liners rule the day, not substance, or even a tepid attempt at substance.


I'm just going to vape up, sit back and enjoy this reality show for the entertainment value alone. Nothing much to do except hope we somehow survive any one of them as POTUS.

did you watch the clip? doesn't seem like you did. I mean, i understand just sitting back and being entertained, but Christie made some good points there.
Quote:Republican establishment plans to throw the election for Hillary if Trump gets nomination. Such an odd feeling to see these so-called "conservatives" and republicans, who for decades have clamored for lower taxes, better vet care, border security, stronger military, a bigger more expansive party, etc etc turn on a dime and throw it all away as soon as someone might come in and potentially reveal all their backroom dealings and deception

A part of me doesn't want to see Trump win and have his nomination stolen from him, just to see the GOP burn to ashes. This country is in deep, deep danger. For realsy. And for once, it isn't the fault of the Democrats.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/02/kristol-lays-strategy-give-white-house-hillary-trump-shouldnt-win/'>http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/02/kristol-lays-strategy-give-white-house-hillary-trump-shouldnt-win</a>

Except trump isn't for lowering taxes. His plan on not taxing income under 50k isn't much different than what you have now. He actually raises taxes on the top bracket to compensate for the lower income threshold. Then you consider his proposal of tarriffs on China and Mexico that's a tax on the consumer. The retailer's don't absorb the cost it'll be past down at the point of sale. He's not advocating any changes to Medicare or Medicaid so he kicks the can down the road on the biggest funding liability we have. Damn it im talking myself out of voting for him again.

I want to say I'll vote for any Republican over Hillary. But damn it trump or rubio is going to make it real hard for me to not write in the libertarians option.
Quote:Except trump isn't for lowering taxes. His plan on not taxing income under 50k isn't much different than what you have now. He actually raises taxes on the top bracket to compensate for the lower income threshold. Then you consider his proposal of tarriffs on China and Mexico that's a tax on the consumer. The retailer's don't absorb the cost it'll be past down at the point of sale. He's not advocating any changes to Medicare or Medicaid so he kicks the can down the road on the biggest funding liability we have. Damn it im talking myself out of voting for him again.

I want to say I'll vote for any Republican over Hillary. But damn it trump or rubio is going to make it real hard for me to not write in the libertarians option.

What are you talking about? He is lowering taxes across the board


Fewer and lower rates: Trump would reduce the current seven income tax rates to just three: 10%, 20% and 25%. That's well below today's top rates of 28%, 33%, 35% and 39.6%.

Much bigger standard deduction: Trump would also increase the standard deduction to $25,000 for single filers and $50,000 for married couples. That's about four times higher than the current one.

Limit value of itemized deductions: Most filers would choose the extra-large standard deduction under Trump's plan. But those who still choose to itemize would be limited in how much of a deduction they could claim. The only deductions not subject to the limitation would be the mortgage interest deduction and charitable contributions.

Same investment tax rates: Trump would continue to offer today's preferential income-based tax rates rates of 0, 15%, and 20% on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends.

Several taxes eliminated: Trump would repeal the estate tax, the alternative minimum tax, and the 3.8% surtax on investment income created under Obamacare.


"The Tax Policy Center analysis estimates that Trump's tax plan would cut taxes for everyone.


But the biggest tax benefit by far would go to the very wealthiest households.


Middle-income households would see their taxes cut by an average of $2,700, or 4.9% of after-tax income. Those in the top 0.1%, however, would see their taxes reduced by an average of $1.3 million, or 19% of their after-tax-income.


And contrary to Trump's assertions that he would crack down on investment fund managers who benefit from a very low tax rate on some of their income today, the Tax Policy Center found those managers could see a windfall under Trump's plan.


Trump's campaign never responded to the Tax Policy Center's questions about his proposals. But the think tank said when it had to fill in the blanks by making assumptions about Trump's intentions, it chose those that would minimize the benefits to high-income households as well as the plan's potential revenue loss. In other words, it gave Trump's plan the benefit of the doubt."




I know you have the libertarian idea that taxes are theft, and I agree to an extent, but you have to be logical when trying to reform the tax structure. You simply aren't going to implement a flat tax or a fair tax and not have 65% of the country in an violent uproar.


He hasn't specifically said how he would handle implementing tariffs, but the need for tariffs and trade-balance are in dire need. Free Trade is being absolutely abused by global entities and to leave existing trade deals as-is is extremely unfair for native businesses and growth. You cannot sustain a healthy, growing US economy on the backs of global and foreign corporations.



I know you have the libertarian idea that taxes are theft, and I agree to an extent, but you have to be logical when trying to reform the tax structure. You simply aren't going to implement a flat tax or a fair tax and not have 65% of the country in an violent uproar.


What is it about flat tax or fair tax that freaks people out? I simply don't get it.
Quote:What is it about flat tax or fair tax that freaks people out? I simply don't get it.

If you make people pay taxes they won't vote for you.
Quote:What is it about flat tax or fair tax that freaks people out? I simply don't get it.

1.  It is a consumption tax.  We are a consumer economy and taxes on said consuming will drive consumption lower, allowing less revenue and putting the economy into a death spiral.


2. High taxes will drive the black market.  Those most in favor of the flat tax will be the first in line to avoid it, creating a whole new class of criminal.


3.  It's so bloody Canadian.
Quote:But everything Christie said is pretty much the truth, right?

Quote:did you watch the clip? doesn't seem like you did. I mean, i understand just sitting back and being entertained, but Christie made some good points there.

If you notice, I quoted the reaction, not the clip. I've seen the clip, and also had the most recent debate in mind when I posted. This one-upmanship, exchanging barbs, attempts at "punking" opponents. Meh, I'm not impressed nor am I enlightened by their behavior. If you want to choose your president the way our message board debates often de-evolve into, and the one in the fetal position loses, be my guest.


Me? It's past time to vape it up and enjoy the show.

Carson says he sees no path forward, and will not attend tomorrows debate



I honestly think the other candidates sometimes forgot that Carson was running too..
Quote:1. It is a consumption tax. We are a consumer economy and taxes on said consuming will drive consumption lower, allowing less revenue and putting the economy into a death spiral.

2. High taxes will drive the black market. Those most in favor of the flat tax will be the first in line to avoid it, creating a whole new class of criminal.

3. It's so bloody Canadian.
1. I know what it is. We already pay taxes on stuff we buy. How much higher would the taxes be to make up for no state and federal income tax?

2. I assume the answer to question #1 will answer my question for #2.

3. I was not aware Canada is a flat/fair tax country.

Actually nevermind. I looked it up.
Quote:Carson says he sees no path forward, and will not attend tomorrows debate

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://abc6onyourside.com/news/nation-world/ben-carson-suspends-campaign-sources'>http://abc6onyourside.com/news/nation-world/ben-carson-suspends-campaign-sources</a>

Duh. How can you see a path with your eyes closed.

Time to pack it in doc.
Quote:And there you have it, what elections have become. Catfights, insults and one liners rule the day, not substance, or even a tepid attempt at substance.


I'm just going to vape up, sit back and enjoy this reality show for the entertainment value alone. Nothing much to do except hope we somehow survive any one of them as POTUS.

It looks like Trump vs. Hillary.



I welcome our new sociopathic overlord.

Quote:1. I know what it is. We already pay taxes on stuff we buy. How much higher would the taxes be to make up for no state and federal income tax?

2. I assume the answer to question #1 will answer my question for #2.

3. I was not aware Canada is a flat/fair tax country.

Actually nevermind. I looked it up.

1 the latest fair tax which is a consumption tax replaced all federal taxes, that's income taxes, capital gain taxes, death taxes ect... With a 23% sales tax on new items only. It's an embedded tax so you go to the store item x is $100 at the register its $100 because the 23% is already on the price tag. The flat Tax is completely different its still collected from your paycheck except everyone regardless of income or deductions pays the same rate.

Canada isn't a fair or flat Tax country they tax income like we do and then have an additional consumption tax we call that double taxation here.
Quote:What are you talking about? He is lowering taxes across the board


Fewer and lower rates: Trump would reduce the current seven income tax rates to just three: 10%, 20% and 25%. That's well below today's top rates of 28%, 33%, 35% and 39.6%.

Much bigger standard deduction: Trump would also increase the standard deduction to $25,000 for single filers and $50,000 for married couples. That's about four times higher than the current one.

Limit value of itemized deductions: Most filers would choose the extra-large standard deduction under Trump's plan. But those who still choose to itemize would be limited in how much of a deduction they could claim. The only deductions not subject to the limitation would be the mortgage interest deduction and charitable contributions.

Same investment tax rates: Trump would continue to offer today's preferential income-based tax rates rates of 0, 15%, and 20% on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends.

Several taxes eliminated: Trump would repeal the estate tax, the alternative minimum tax, and the 3.8% surtax on investment income created under Obamacare.


"The Tax Policy Center analysis estimates that Trump's tax plan would cut taxes for everyone.


But the biggest tax benefit by far would go to the very wealthiest households.


Middle-income households would see their taxes cut by an average of $2,700, or 4.9% of after-tax income. Those in the top 0.1%, however, would see their taxes reduced by an average of $1.3 million, or 19% of their after-tax-income.


And contrary to Trump's assertions that he would crack down on investment fund managers who benefit from a very low tax rate on some of their income today, the Tax Policy Center found those managers could see a windfall under Trump's plan.


Trump's campaign never responded to the Tax Policy Center's questions about his proposals. But the think tank said when it had to fill in the blanks by making assumptions about Trump's intentions, it chose those that would minimize the benefits to high-income households as well as the plan's potential revenue loss. In other words, it gave Trump's plan the benefit of the doubt."




I know you have the libertarian idea that taxes are theft, and I agree to an extent, but you have to be logical when trying to reform the tax structure. You simply aren't going to implement a flat tax or a fair tax and not have 65% of the country in an violent uproar.


He hasn't specifically said how he would handle implementing tariffs, but the need for tariffs and trade-balance are in dire need. Free Trade is being absolutely abused by global entities and to leave existing trade deals as-is is extremely unfair for native businesses and growth. You cannot sustain a healthy, growing US economy on the backs of global and foreign corporations.

Sure he's for changing the tax brackets, but he's not proposing doing anything about medicare or medicaid. So it's just kicking the can, when it comes to the income taxes people making under 50k mostly get back more than they pay already. So he's not really changing much for the lower income earners. I guess if you're single filer it would be a big change. But even under trumps plans you're still paying into the medicaid and medicare system taxes that are endless money pits. Again I point out if he really does what he says and starts leveling tarrifs it will be an additional tax on the consumer just like the ACA is an additional tax on the consumer forcing us to pay higher prices for products or services.


When you step back and look at what Trump proposes at best it's a break even fiscal policy, at worse we all take on more debt and are paying higher taxes.  
Quote:Carson says he sees no path forward, and will not attend tomorrows debate



I expected it, but it is still sad.  He was a kind, intelligent person that the democrat controlled media attacked viciously at the start of his campaign.  Then Teddy Cruz destroyed him with his lies about withdrawing in Iowa. 

If I was a close friend of Dr. Carson's I would've encouraged him to run for Mayor (Baltimore) or Governor of Maryland to which I think he could win (he can still do that).  If he is able to turn that state around, healing it, and rebuilding its infrastructure (he would be a huge lock for president in the next go around).
I've figured it all out. The whole campaign makes sense now. It can only be leading to this:


Trump/Sanders 2016

Because you're not confused enough already!

If Obama does the right thing for the country, then Hilary will be in jail for being a traitor to America.

That would mean that either Bernie Sanders or someone else the DNC elects such as VP Biden to go against whomever the GOP puts up there (They really want Rubio but Americans appear to want Trump or Cruz more)...

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