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Full Version: Predict Jags under/over win total for next year
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Quote:What's stupid is coming into a thread that is literally based around hypotheticals and then complaining about it. Stay out of the thread then.

Will it be stupid if Paul Perkins suffers an injury? I mean, you are setting it up as if Yeldon is some sort of exception that gets injured while other running backs remain healthy. You are denigrating our starting RB because you have feelings for another RB. But what happens if Perkins gets injured? Or does that only happen to Yeldon?

Weird premise, bro.
My point is having depth at the running back position IS important and that is illustrated by our offense tanking after Yeldon got hurt. It's definitely not about my preference for either running back considering a very healthy amount of the positive Yeldon threads in this forum have come from me and I'm higher on him than a lot of people here.

I'm not clear on what the question is.     Are you asking what over/under will be set in Las Vegas?   Or are you asking how many games I think we will win next year? 


Vegas will say 5.5


I say we will win at least 8 games.  

I say this convo is pointless with Sprinkles on the sidelines.
my vote is for 7.5, I think Vegas will put us at 6.5 though, with those additions.

Great thread. Great thread
I posted my way too early Jags 2016 prediction earlier at 9-7.  That had more to do with the improvement on their defense and less to do with Gus Bradley.  A decent coach would have gotten them 7-8 wins this year with that pathetic schedule.  Their schedule next year will be much tougher.  I am not going to change my prediction until I see who they sign and draft. 

Unless we make a much bigger splash than I expect in free agency, I expect us to be around a 5 win total again next year.  I really hope I'm wrong.

5 or 6 wins max. Sure we have talent, and a franchise QB. But as long as dopey Gus is on the sidelines wasting timeouts and implementing a soft ice cream zone defense, the team will continue to give up 30+ points most weeks.
More than zero and less than 17...
We were actually really close to winning a lot more games this year. Bad coaching/playcalling and personnel decisions, as well as a very poor defense is what cost a lot of those games. If we solidify the defense like we should this offseason, I think 7-8 wins is very possible.



Woah.. If Vegas sets it at 5.5 wins I'd put a couple hundred on that..
My guess for 2015 was 7-9 which I thought was safe considering the pre-season hype. I'm hearing the same or higher levels of hype so far this offseason, but I think the team is on the rise, so I'll go out on a limb and guess 8-8.
I'll be honestly quite shocked if we win more than 6 games next season.
If the roster looks like what I think it will by September, and they stay relatively healthy on defense, then I see 8 wins as do-able. 

10-6 come at me!
I see 7 wins at the most. Our schedule is brutal, and we're going to have a lot of rookies starting on defense more than likely (fowler included)
i voted over nine because it better be

The Vegas line will be inflated because the Media sees Gus Bradley as an "up and comer" instead of a bumbling hack lucky to tread water next season that the folks here in general see him as. I'd guess they'll be around seven or eight wins. I'm afraid we might struggle to win three and I sure wouldn't bet any hard earned cash on more wins than four. 

1 with Sprinkles, 4 more after he's gone.
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