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Full Version: Are you ever embarrassed to go around telling people that you are a Jags fan?
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Usually, I wouldn't care but sometimes people don't even know the Jags are a team LOL. (the non-real fans). That's when it's embarrassing. But honestly, I don't even care. I'm PROUD to be a jags fan even though I live all the way up in Canada, and when something crazy or good happens to the Jags(which happened quite a bit this year), everyone and their mother msg me because I am the only Jags fan around haha. That is a good feeling, and if in this Bortles era we ever become good, it's going to be an even greater feeling. DUVAL BABY.

Quote:No. I find the idea of it to be preposterous. We don't have any impact on how the team performs. Why would one possibly be embarrassed?
Because, as has been pointed out elsewhere on this forum, the Jaguar franchise wasn't awarded to an owner but to this city. If you live here, you are part of this city and connected to the team in that way, so any accolades (positive or negative) bestowed on the team tend to also reflect on you. If you live outside of J'ville and still support this team it carries an even larger onus for you. 
To answer the original question...no.


In fact, I am insulted when people accuse me of NOT identifying as a Jaguars fan when I wear something Jaguars related after a Jaguars win, as some person at Boston's shortly after the Jaguars whipped the Colts.


I informed her her perception was not accurate, and that I was a proud 21 year STH and wear Jaguars' stuff all the time.

Living in Texas, I'm not embarrassed. El paso is full of casual, bandwagon fans. They should be embarrassed, not me.
Never embarrassed.  They are my team and I'll stay behind them until I kick (or until they move).  I have lived in Jax since 1982 and have come to identify as a native.  To me, the Jaguars *are* Jacksonville.  If you're ashamed of the team or the city, feel free to move back to my original hometown, St. Louis.  Ninja

Actually, I would be more embarrassed to tell people that the OP is a jag fan.

If I was embarrassed I would jump on the lions bandwagon
No way.

Quote:Never embarrassed. They are my team and I'll stay behind them until I kick (or until they move). I have lived in Jax since 1982 and have come to identify as a native. To me, the Jaguars *are* Jacksonville. If you're ashamed of the team or the city, feel free to move back to my original hometown, St. Louis. Ninja

I live in Jax so it is easy around town. When I wear stuff traveling it can be funny. I was in NY during a Jets game and a guy flat out pointed at me and got his friend's attention to point me out. I probably filled out his bingo card.
After living in Jacksonville from 89-05 I moved to the new england area Sick . I represent my Jaguars but often get laughed at for it.  Although the last week has been sweet.  Everytime one of my co-workers makes a Jag joke (almost a daily basis) I just remind them how von miller smacked brady around.  It normally shuts them up.

Quote:After living in Jacksonville from 89-05 I moved to the new england area Sick . I represent my Jaguars but often get laughed at for it. Although the last week has been sweet. Everytime one of my co-workers makes a Jag joke (almost a daily basis) I just remind them how von miller smacked brady around. It normally shuts them up.

I think this depends on where in New England you are...I lived in Vermont for several years and VT and NH Pats fans were really cool to be around.

I still remember 07 after we lost to the playoffs (thanks Dropcutt). They were nervous all week about playing us and we're very gracious in victory...which I didn't expect. Then again, I lived in a small skI town and was one of a handful of transplants so maybe that had something to do with it...

I always try to wear Jag gear when travelling...It's fun walking down a sidewalk in Vegas and someone yells Go Jags!

NO WAY! Proud! Shows that we are true fans. There are a lot if bandwagon teams. Everytime I say imma jaguars fan I always get the same response, "wow that's a loyal fan"

Nope, not at all. Been a fan since day one, and that's not changing. It's funny, I'm also a Rays fan from the beginning, and they were horrible in the first ten years of their existence. It's like a badge of courage being a fan of teams that are so bad for so long.
Not at all....but one day....ONE DAY...we'll dominate the AFC South and wreak havoc on the rest!  Ninja  :thumbsup:

Nope, I proudly wear my Jaguar European banana hammock man-kini, and not much else.


What's to be embarrassed about?

Speaking of embarrassed Jags fans. Andrew Miller, the closer of the NY Yankees, was just on with Mike Francesa on WFAN here in New York. Mike asked him who his favorite football team is and he said "it's sad, but the jags". But then Francesa had nothing but good things to say about Bortles and the offense. He went on two say that they are on the rise and a few defensive playmaker away from being really good. I thought it was pretty awesome that even a local loudmouth here in New York can see that we are turning a corner.
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