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Full Version: Are you ever embarrassed to go around telling people that you are a Jags fan?
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Never been asked that to be honest with you nor do hopefully I plan on it. 

I don't understand the concept of being embarrassed to be a fan of a professional sports team. Sure, the Jags have done nothing of note for almost a decade, but I still enjoy watching them even when my friends and family joke about their lack of success. They are my team and I stick by them, win or lose.

There's nothing embarrassing about being the fan of a losing team. Growing up in New England the Red Sox fans were a testament of those who hoped and prayed each season for a winning shot at the World Series and each year after having their hopes crushed they were religiously there opening day.........same can be said for the Cubs fans.

Jaguars will get it right hopefully in the near future.
Why would anyone be embarrassed to be a Jags fan?   On the contrary, we should be very proud to be Jags fans.   It's easy to be a New England fan.   Why would anyone be proud of that?   That's like being born rich.   Why should someone be proud of that?   I'd be more proud to be born poor.  And that's what we are in a sense.   Jags fans aren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth, team-wise.  We don't have the world handed to us every year, like a Pats fan.   We are fighting through some long years of adversity.  


So am I embarrassed to be a Jags fan?   Hell no!   I'm damn proud of it! 
Never have and never will be.


Dothan is pretty much bandwagon central when it comes to the NFL with whichever NFC South is doing well at the time. I generally wear Jags gear 3 or 4 days out of the week and I've never gotten any flack over it. Even if they did come at me about it, it's not like I'd care what they thought anyway.

I'm definitely more proud when they win but I am definitely not embarrassed to say it. It's not your fault they're embarrassing; people will still respect your fanhood regardless of team.

Not embarrassed to let it be known I'm a fan of the Jags in social circles. I do get a little embarassed when I mention I participate on this message board though.
Embarrassed, no but aware they know my team sucks [BLEEP] for years on end and beyond, yes.
There are much better things to be embarrassed about....

Nothing to be embarassed about imo

I have no problem taking heat from other NFL Fans... most of their teams stink as well... I don't even hear it anymore.


Although, I wouldn't mind dropping the Teal from the team colors... it's kind of outdated like 90's beige formica...

Quote:Especially if you live outside of Jacksonville in places which have other NFL teams? for me personally, it's been mixed. I've gotten a lot of flak from people for being a Jags fan, but there are also others who admire my hometown loyalty, and the fact that I'm standing behind my team. I'm interested in reading about other people's experiences.

Nope. Not at all. Honestly only a handful of teams have legitimate bragging rights. Green Bay, Pittsburgh, San Francisco & Dallas usually have a lot of fans that talk a lot. Outside of Green Bay and Pittsburgh the last two teams listed haven't done anything great in a long time. I still take pride in the fact that we're the most succesful expansion team in NFL history in terms of winning. And I still take pride in the fact that we're a small market team that continues to succeed despite all the talk outside our city.
Quote:Why would anyone be embarrassed to be a Jags fan? On the contrary, we should be very proud to be Jags fans. It's easy to be a New England fan. Why would anyone be proud of that? That's like being born rich. Why should someone be proud of that? I'd be more proud to be born poor. And that's what we are in a sense. Jags fans aren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth, team-wise. We don't have the world handed to us every year, like a Pats fan. We are fighting through some long years of adversity.

So am I embarrassed to be a Jags fan? Hell no! I'm damn proud of it!
I relocated here and jumped aboard the Jags train when they came to town, I still am aboard the same train but I have and always will be a Pats fan first.

Like the Jags the Pats had so many terrible years, our stadium was one of the worst, toilets overflowed, drunken disappointed fans, losing our Monday Night Football participation due to drunken brawls.................wobbled into the Super Bowl only to get throughly embarrassed by the 85 Bears......................it took almost 20 years to climb back into contention. Before Brady we shuffled through quarterbacks much like the Jags have. Point is they may consistently make the playoffs each year but they had one heck of a losing streak much like the Jags.

Hopefully the Jags can find their way back into dominance. I am disappointed the way things have played out for the Jags but it might take a while. Our franchise twin has been to the dance and returns this year to the Super Bowl but they have also had tremendous highs and lows over twenty years!
I live in Panther territory which on any given day is a pain in the butt. Right now it's even worse. But I have no problem showing my Jaguar allegiance. Many friends have told me now that I've lived here almost 5 years I should switch teams. I tell them that would be considered a step down. They just look at me funny.

I live 2 blocks from Lambeau and I wear Jaguars gear a lot never once have I been embarrassed to support my Jaguars. I get a lot of questions about it but after talking to people they realize how deep the colors and love run

Nice to know I am not the only Jags fan living in Green Bay. I do enjoy the confused look on people's faces though when I tell them I'm a jags fan.
Quote:I relocated here and jumped aboard the Jags train when they came to town, I still am aboard the same train but I have and always will be a Pats fan first.

Like the Jags the Pats had so many terrible years, our stadium was one of the worst, toilets overflowed, drunken disappointed fans, losing our Monday Night Football participation due to drunken brawls.................wobbled into the Super Bowl only to get throughly embarrassed by the 85 Bears......................it took almost 20 years to climb back into contention. Before Brady we shuffled through quarterbacks much like the Jags have. Point is they may consistently make the playoffs each year but they had one heck of a losing streak much like the Jags.

Hopefully the Jags can find their way back into dominance. I am disappointed the way things have played out for the Jags but it might take a while. Our franchise twin has been to the dance and returns this year to the Super Bowl but they have also had tremendous highs and lows over twenty years!

I always think of the Pats to remind myself there is light at the end of the tunnel. For reals. They're a dynasty now, but were so bad for so long. Hope springs eternal. We just need a Belichick and not a rah-rah boy.

Quote:I'm definitely more proud when they win but I am definitely not embarrassed to say it. It's not your fault they're embarrassing; people will still respect your fanhood regardless of team.

I respect a fan of a losing team a lot more than I respect a fan of a winning team.   Being a fan of a losing team means you have fortitude, and loyalty.   Why would anyone go around crowing that they're a Pats fan?  That's like bragging about being born rich.  


If you were born poor, would you be embarrassed by that?   Most politicians wish they were born poor.  Being born poor is a point of pride to them. 


Jags fans should take the same attitude.  It's a lot harder to be a loyal Jags fan than it is to be a loyal Pats fan.   That's why we should be proud of it, not embarrassed by it.   When people ask us about being a Jags fan we should hold our heads high.  


The few, the proud, the Jags fan!



Obviously I've had too much caffeine this morning.

I have a harder time justifying how in the world we still have Jason "The Shank" Myers on our roster...

Never. I don't need the Jags to embarrass myself. I'm pretty good at that on my own. Big Grin

No.  It's a game.



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