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Quote:Barrack Hussein Obama has done worse to this country than Carter did.
Qualify that statement please, although your use of Obama's middle name suggests that you're unable to do so.
Quote:Here's a question, and I'm totally serious about it.  Can Donald Trump be another Ronald Reagan?  Seriously...


No.  Because Reagan was not a narcissist, a bigot or a bully.  Trump would abuse that post like no other president in history. He doesn't care about the everyman. He doesn't even pretend to.  
Quote:No. Because Reagan was not a narcissist, a bigot or a bully. Trump would abuse that post like no other president in history. He doesn't care about the everyman. He doesn't even pretend to.

I fear a trump presidency at this point more than anything else
Nice to know u havent been paying attention.
Quote:Nice to know u havent been paying attention.

I just think trump is an authoritarian saying whatever people want to hear. I asked someone else on here give me a position a policy hell a statement where trump has advocated reducing government interference, everything ive heard from him is about changing the who and how's to make it work better.
..and getting Mexico to pay for it.
Quote:I just think trump is an authoritarian saying whatever people want to hear. I asked someone else on here give me a position a policy hell a statement where trump has advocated reducing government interference, everything ive heard from him is about changing the who and how's to make it work better.

I've heard that critique before and i just don't get it.  When you look at everything that he is passionate about it has to do with the legitimate roles of government, protecting the citizens, managing the influx of migration and negotiating deals with our international trade partners.  


He has said time and time again that regulations are too burdensome and that he wants to implement tax reform to attract business.   


He's not out there leading the charge for the EPA to write more regulations about CO2, he's denounced common core etc. etc.  


I don't get the accusation that He's going to be some authoritarian.  Does he have the constitutional credentials of Ted Cruz?  no.  s he as Libertarian as Rand Paul?  No.  But he's still to the right of at least half the republican field and he fundamentally believes that the private sector is the driver of economic growth.  
Quote:I've heard that critique before and i just don't get it. When you look at everything that he is passionate about it has to do with the legitimate roles of government, protecting the citizens, managing the influx of migration and negotiating deals with our international trade partners.

He has said time and time again that regulations are too burdensome and that he wants to implement tax reform to attract business.

He's not out there leading the charge for the EPA to write more regulations about CO2, he's denounced common core etc. etc.

I don't get the accusation that He's going to be some authoritarian. Does he have the constitutional credentials of Ted Cruz? no. s he as Libertarian as Rand Paul? No. But he's still to the right of at least half the republican field and he fundamentally believes that the private sector is the driver of economic growth.

So here's where I've drawn my conclusions from, for starters he's open supported used and advocated the use of eminent domain. Not only for public use but for use by private corporations that's a huge abuse of eminent domain and extremely authoritarian in nature. he openly supports bulk data collection but isn't really clear that he understands what the NSA is doing, non-theless he's never spoken about rolling back authoritarian programs like the NSA, patriot act or the ndaa. He's absolutely progressive on taxes he makes no attempt to talk about tax reform he just wants to change the bracket levels, lipstick on a pig. Hes mentioned being very hawkish in foreing policy, I know that gives most of the GOP a woody but when it boils down the most hawkish of Presidents are usually pretty authoritarian. All this is still ignoring all of his progressive stands in the past, I'm willing to ignore his progressive social policies prior to his campaign. But his authoritarian view that I need government to fix everything from the economy to security is a core conflict with conservatism. Any conservative worth their salt should be able to tell you that government is the obstacle to achieving success not the vehicle to get us there. I guaranteed you trump sees it as the vehicle its how he's made his fortune by his own admintion using government to his gain.
As a conservative I will agree the government more often than not is the obstacle to achieving most economic goals. At the same time the government does have certain legitimate functions that the Citizen cannot perform. The government sets limitations on immigration. The government raises an army to defend us from our enemies foreign and domestic. The government manages and negotiate the trade deals that we have with our international partners. Those are the legitimate functions of state as expressed in the Constitution. When it comes to taxes I don't necessarily know that you can call him a progressive. Every tax plan that's ever been proposed to have some type of accommodation for the poor. Would you call Ronald Reagan and progressive on taxes because they were the lower bracket? Would you call Ted Cruz a progressive because his 10% flat tax starts at above $36,000? Of course not. These people understood that taxation is a hindrance to economic growth not the driver of economic growth. On foreign policy Donald Trump is never express himself to be a hawk. He's constantly and consistently express the fact that he would not have gone into Iraq. He expressed his fundamental believe that's the bility is greater than instability. When it comes to current foreign policy models he believes that we should do something about Isis. That's the same position is Rand Paul. When it comes to Syria he said that we should develop a safe zone for the refugees to stay in their own country. He's also said that he believes instability and that he would not advocate the unilateral toppling of Assad's regime. That's the same position as Ron Paul and then actually put them to the left of a guy like John Kasich. That's a car that's a far cry from an authoritarian warlord. In my belief I think there is a fundamental difference between advocating that the fundamental roles of government are executed with competence versus believing the government is the solution to every problem.
Yes Ronald Regan was progressive on taxes and even raised them numerous times through out his term. Any tax policy that does not address the fundamentally unconstitutional income taxes stifling productivity its a progressive tax plan. The income tax was established by progressives to fund a progressive state. The Flat tax to a lesser extent is still a progressive tax plan, any tax plan based on tax production and not consumption is a progressive tax policy. Trumps plan isn't that much different than any democrats. Hell unfortunately the entire GOP's tax policy isn't that much different from the democrats anymore. On foreign policy he has said he would send in ground troops to fight ISIS in Syria. He was against the Iraq war but now wants to start a trade war with China.


I'll ask you what I asked someone else, give me a policy he supports that reduces not changes but reduces the role of government and I'll start to consider him.

Reducong regulatory oversight is reducing the role of government. If you don't think tgat goes far enough i understand but that doesnt make him authoritarian.

As dar as taxes yes after i get a lap dance from scarlett johanson id repeal the income tax. Thats not a realistic standard. And even the fair tax proposal has some progressive elements.

As for the democrats they want to signifigantly increase taxes to redistribue wealth. Thats an inherently different construct than simply havong a much lower rate of taxation with tiers.
I don't have any faith in this country, which means that one of either Clinton, Sanders, or Trump will be POTUS



God help us

Quote:As dar as taxes yes after i get a lap dance from scarlett johanson id repeal the income tax.
I'd vote for Christie if that was my incentive.


What? Every man has his price.
Quote:Trump is really breaking new ground. What other politician can get away with calling the president a half breed without numbers dropping or supporters saying "Hmmm.. maybe that's not the best thing to be saying?" Nobody. He is truly in a league of his own there.

Not to mention calling his own followers idiots who would allow him to do anything.
One year from now we'll be just as screwed as we are now if not worse. I have no confidence in our political 'leaders' anymore and haven't for some time.


This country is a shell of it's former self. Was the former self perfect? No, but it wasn't infested with a bunch of butt hurt people who would rather have everything spoon fed and given to them than to actually think for themselves or work for what they want. It's full of people who will roll over in the same of 'peace and safety' while the government slowly erodes our rights and freedoms. A criminal is able to run for POTUS and people hail her because she's a female and democrat. Healthcare is now a LAW and we are penalized by the IRS if we don't have coverage. Crying out loud, we have a Socialist running for POTUS and people don't blink an eye.


There are so many things wrong with this country and no one seems to care as long as they have the latest iphone or 70 inch flat screen or whatever. It makes one weep for the future. And for those who want to say 'same stuff, different generation' I call BC. Back in the day we were short-sighted because we had only newspapers and network TV to tell us what we needed to know. Now we have the world at our fingertips and we are still just as short-sighted because we're willfully ignorant of what we don't want to know. We only listen to what we want to hear and that's not just stupid but also dangerous. 


In a head to head campaign, Sanders beats Trump: http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/poll...vs-sanders


Despite their seemingly opposing views, both Trump and Sanders agree that more government is the solution to all of our problems.

Quote:Here's a question, and I'm totally serious about it.  Can Donald Trump be another Ronald Reagan?  Seriously...


Reagan was mainly known as an actor, but did have some political experience (unlike Trump).  He was able to gain super-majority support in his landslide win after Jimmy Carter.  Barrack Hussein Obama has done worse to this country than Carter did.  Is it possible that people are so fed up that they would vote for Trump rather than a "traditional candidate?


Trump does seem to have support not only from the "far right", but also from a lot of center/left and center/right leaning voters.


Looking at "traditional candidates"...  On the right side of the political spectrum, the only other two viable candidates are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.  Ted Cruz is the "anti-GOP-establishment" candidate, loved by conservative leaning people.  Marco Rubio is the "GOP-establishment" choice right now since Jeb Bush is not doing so well.


Look at the left.  Most talking heads in the media are simply waiting for the "coronation" of Hillary, yet Bernie Sanders will probably beat her.  Would the majority of voters really select a socialist?  Hillary is the left's "establishment" candidate while Bernie Sanders is the "radical left" candidate.


I personally know several democrats, some of them family members that will not vote for either Hillary or Bernie Sanders.  Many of them have expressed an interest in Marco Rubio, though a few have also talked about Donald Trump.

Why do you refer to the President as Barack Hussein Obama, but don't refer to Ted Cruz by his full name, Rafael Edward Cruz?
Quote:Why do you refer to the President as Barack Hussein Obama, but don't refer to Ted Cruz by his full name, Rafael Edward Cruz?

Maybe he doesn't like the reference to a teenage mutant ninja turtle?
Quote:Why do you refer to the President as Barack Hussein Obama, but don't refer to Ted Cruz by his full name, Rafael Edward Cruz?
Because "logic" has turned him into a GOP patsy.
Quote:Why do you refer to the President as Barack Hussein Obama, but don't refer to Ted Cruz by his full name, Rafael Edward Cruz?

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