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You can't tell when our constitution is being shredded, yes shredded, by the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave?


Yes our rights are under attack piecemeal.


The Only thing stopping them from taking them all is an armed populace.

Quote:But they can't, so they won't.

Sure they can, it would be incremental that's how it's been done all over Europe and parts of Asia post ww2. Believing they can't is the first step in completing the process.

Let me ask you this are you comfortable in a society where only the government is armed?
Quote:But they can't, so they won't.

Why can't they?
Quote:Reasonable cause is an insanely low standard.
Quote:That is not remotely the same thing. Let me know when he says "we need to command all the guns." Instead of filling in all the blanks on your own.
Quote:Godwin's Law invoked.

Try YouTube. Search Carlin NRA
Quote:Let me ask you this are you comfortable in a society where only the government is armed?
No. But that doesn't mean I believe there is an incremental plot to try to "get all the guns." The sheer number of known guns, "missing" guns and "ghost guns" made by overzealous gun enthusiasts, felons unable to obtain guns through legal means and paranoid ammosexuals who think the government is after them make it an impossible feat. Some people believe in this boogeyman so much they've built bunkers and have whole arsenals hidden in the woods. But still you think Big Brother is gonna take on the task of locating more guns than there are active pulses in this country, identifying who they likely belong to, and then of course, taking them away.
Quote:You can't tell when our constitution is being shredded, yes shredded, by the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave?

Yes our rights are under attack piecemeal.

The Only thing stopping them from taking them all is an armed populace.
What right did you have 8 years ago which you don't have now?

If you cannot provide a single example, how is the Constitution being shredded (,yes shredded)?
Quote:  Some people believe in this boogeyman so much they've built bunkers and have whole arsenals hidden in the woods.


:whistling: I don't know any of those crazies...........
Luckily in Australia like most democracies you can just vote a new government. In fact we seem to have more power without guns than you lot with guns. Only recently was the sitting Prime Minister dumped for a more popular alternative because of the opinion polls.
Luckily in Australia like most democracies you can just vote a new government. In fact we seem to have more power without guns than you lot with guns. Only recently was the sitting Prime Minister dumped for a more popular alternative because of the opinion polls.
Luckily in Australia like most democracies you can just vote a new government. In fact we seem to have more power without guns than you lot with guns. Only recently was the sitting Prime Minister dumped for a more popular alternative because of the opinion polls.
Quote:What right did you have 8 years ago which you don't have now?

If you cannot provide a single example, how is the Constitution being shredded (,yes shredded)?

NSA Spying


No Refusal Warrants (DWI Checkpoints)


Unreasonable/Warrantless searches (Can you Say TSA)


I'll Admit that the SCOTUS is responsible for a lot of it but Congress is NOT doing their job to reign it in

Quote:Luckily in Australia like most democracies you can just vote a new government. In fact we seem to have more power without guns than you lot with guns. Only recently was the sitting Prime Minister dumped for a more popular alternative because of the opinion polls.

You can say that again. And again.
Quote:NSA Spying

No Refusal Warrants (DWI Checkpoints)

Unreasonable/Warrantless searches (Can you Say TSA)

I'll Admit that the SCOTUS is responsible for a lot of it but Congress is NOT doing their job to reign it in

The NSA has been spying on you for more than 8 years. I'd check the history books before laying that at Obama's feet.

DWI checkpoints are a recent phenomenon?

Obama created the TSA too?

You should have thrown the outrage card well before he took office like I did when they passed the Patriot Act.

So.. You have the same basic rights you did before the bad man became president.
Quote:The NSA has been spying on you for more than 8 years. I'd check the history books before laying that at Obama's feet.

DWI checkpoints are a recent phenomenon?

Obama created the TSA too?

You should have thrown the outrage card well before he took office like I did when they passed the Patriot Act.

So.. You have the same basic rights you did before the bad man became president.

I too threw the red flag when bush trampled our rights but why the resistance to do it when Obama continues and expands on it?

In reality Obama is just the evolution of bush
Quote:The NSA has been spying on you for more than 8 years. I'd check the history books before laying that at Obama's feet.

DWI checkpoints are a recent phenomenon?

Obama created the TSA too?

You should have thrown the outrage card well before he took office like I did when they passed the Patriot Act.

So.. You have the same basic rights you did before the bad man became president.
The NSA's bulk data collection started, at the earliest, during the Bush 44 regime. The facilities to enable bulk collection of phone calls, internet histories, etc. didn't exist yet prior to that.


DUI checkpoints are not a recent phenomenon. What is recent is the presence of a judge onsite to rubber stamp a pre-filled warrant that allows the cop to pull out his gun, tell you to step out of the car, then use whatever force he deems necessary to strap you to a chair and take your blood. No probable cause necessary, just a cop radioing your DL information over to a judge a few dozen feet away who fills out your name and signs it.


John Mica created the TSA. He has repeatedly lamented what Obama, yes, Obama turned it into.


I recognized what the Patriot Act was the day the bill became public. It wasn't about security. It was about the Bush regime using an event they turned a blind eye to to establish a whole new level of control over the US population.


Bush laid the foundation. Obama built a skyscraper on it. If Ted Cruz pledges to blow Obama's skyscraper to hell, he has my vote.
A sad telling about the events near Mosul. Never forget this most important fact:


ISIS<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'adobe-caslon-pro', Times, Georgia, serif;"> was telling everyone, ‘We’re all brothers,’ ” Abu Malik said. “They let people smoke and drink. At the checkpoints, they distributed presents to the kids. They ate with people, drank tea with people. They were very nice—they didn’t bother anyone. Then, a week or so after they arrived, they started confiscating weapons. They told us it didn’t matter if we’d been with the Awakening or the Army or the police—if we gave up our weapons, we’d be forgiven. Ten days later, they started taking people. Everything changed. They took my cousin. My brothers dug holes in the fields and hid. I was at my house when they came for me. It was afternoon. I saw two Hyundai Santa Fes pull up outside, and I ran out the back and jumped over the wall. That was the last time I saw my family.”</span>




We cannot ever forget that the first act of the tyrannous is to remove our means of self defense. 

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