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Full Version: tacks to keep Mularkey?
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Quote:Mularkey isn't and never was as bad as advertised by some.


Yeah, he's even worse than advertised. It's tough to listed to one of his press conferences and not fall asleep, and he does little to motivate his team. Mularkey is easily one of the ten worst head coaches in league history, and we can only hope they retain him thereby remaining one of the league's gutter dwellers for a long time to come.

Quote:Yeah, he's even worse than advertised. It's tough to listed to one of his press conferences and not fall asleep, and he does little to motivate his team. Mularkey is easily one of the ten worst head coaches in league history, and we can only hope they retain him thereby remaining one of the league's gutter dwellers for a long time to come.
Have you seen one of BB's press conferences or listened to his half time speeches?  Rah-rah coaches and giving kick-[BLEEP] press conferences are overrated.  How did the ice cream and sprinkles work out for you this year?  I'm not wild about Mularkey, but I think press conferences and let's win one for the gipper speeches don't really matter.  These guys are pros and shouldn't need a coach to light a fire under them.
Quote:Have you seen one of BB's press conferences or listened to his half time speeches? Rah-rah coaches and giving kick-[BAD WORD REMOVED] press conferences are overrated. How did the ice cream and sprinkles work out for you this year? I'm not wild about Mularkey, but I think press conferences and let's win one for the gipper speeches don't really matter. These guys are pros and shouldn't need a coach to light a fire under them.
Very true. But there are many other reasons why Mularkey is a bad coach. The fact that his press conferences would put a crack head to sleep is an added bonus to the complete package of sucktitude.

No need to worry though, as terrible as Mularkey is, he isn't nearly as dumb as the buffoon coaching our team so I guess we don't really have much room to laugh.
Quote:Yeah, he's even worse than advertised. It's tough to listed to one of his press conferences and not fall asleep, and he does little to motivate his team. Mularkey is easily one of the ten worst head coaches in league history, and we can only hope they retain him thereby remaining one of the league's gutter dwellers for a long time to come.



Exactly what happens every time one has to listen to Mularkey speak.

Quote:Exactly what happens every time one has to listen to Mularkey speak.

If that's your (laughable) standard for quality HCs, you just condemned many good coaches - including Bill Belichick.


Logic -> FAIL


But then, since that's the best you've got, I guess you have to have something.
Quote:I wish more coaches would come to this realization.
Too many sprinkles and the fans get mad, too much discipline and the players get mad.  Tough to be a coach in today's world.  


MM never stood a chance with this franchise with all the circumstances swirling around him at that time.
Could Mularkey be a placeholder to provide consistency for a potential sell. New owner would then have a young QB and be able to pick his own GM / Coach?

(Unless they already fired the GM. I haven't paid attention to their offseason.)
Wasn't Mularkey the head coach here when Weaver sold the team? 

Quote:Wasn't Mularkey the head coach here when Weaver sold the team? 

No. Weaver fired Del Rio and had Mel Tucker promoted then made the announcement that he was going to sell the team. Khan came in and allowed Gene Smith one season to do as he wished while Khan, ostensibly, learned how to be an NFL owner. Smith hired Mularkey and... well we all know what happened there.


Good Lord, Smith really screwed this organization over.
the Titans are really stupid if they dont make an offer for Chip Kelly.

Quote:the Titans are really stupid if they make an offer for Chip Kelly.

The tacks are stupid if they keep Mularkey on.  But hey, that's good for us.  Mularkey was a terrible coach.  Even better is if they brought in a GM with the requirement that he wants to keep Mularkey.  That'd make him a pretty weak General Manager on top of having a weak coach.

The tacks are stupid no matter what they do. It's a Nashville thing.
Most tack move ever.
tacks.... Sick

Quote:But hey, that's good for us.  

If that were true, we would have swept him.  Easily.


We didn't.
It's official.  Mularkey hired by titans.

LOL love it 

Quote:LOL love it 

I'm sure the titans feel the same way.  Who is mistaken?


We'll see.
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