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Full Version: Cyprien is good
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uh, he is slow. he can hit hard i guess, but not really compared to the best safeties in the league. in the open field he is a liability. the play where Moncrief ran right around him is a prime example of what he does every game. he had help inside and still got juked out.

Quote:uh, he is slow. he can hit hard i guess, but not really compared to the best safeties in the league. in the open field he is a liability. the play where Moncrief ran right around him is a prime example of what he does every game. he had help inside and still got juked out.

He actually prevented Telvin from making the play on that one as well.   Pretty ugly.
Quote:I think thats because they realised that Earl Thomas types don't grow on trees.

I think that's true, but finding guys who can thump and cover? I think that's just as hard. There's a reason that for most of the NFL history, there's a distinction between FS and SS..
Quote:I think that's true, but finding guys who can thump and cover? I think that's just as hard. There's a reason that for most of the NFL history, there's a distinction between FS and SS..

Sample is a strong safety only in my opinion despite what Gus may say. He played in a very high ranked D in college and beside a ballhawks FS which may have inflated his coverage stats. I think he was drafted to put pressure on Cyp.
We will be drafting a CB and FS. It's gonna be awesome.
Did y'all notice the adjustment the Jaguars made with their coverage?
Quote:Did y'all notice the adjustment the Jaguars made with their coverage?

Do you mean the look with Marshall and House on the outside and Sergio deep?  

(they also had Evans and Cyp switching roles a little more often than I've noticed in other games)
Too bad we gave up on Reggie Nelson. He has 18 pass deflections and leads the NFL with 8 interceptions.

I'd take him over Josh Evans anyday. Great job Gene!
Quote:Too bad we gave up on Reggie Nelson. He has 18 pass deflections and leads the NFL with 8 interceptions.

I'd take him over Josh Evans anyday. Great job Gene!

And that's a pretty good reason as to not give up early on Cyp. Some players take longer to develop than others. He's improving.
Quote:Too bad we gave up on Reggie Nelson. He has 18 pass deflections and leads the NFL with 8 interceptions.

I'd take him over Josh Evans anyday. Great job Gene!

Meh, if you want him just sign him in the offseason. He is a free agent.
Quote:And that's a pretty good reason as to not give up early on Cyp. Some players take longer to develop than others. He's improving.
cyp never had the play making ability that Nelson had. Bad point.
Quote:Meh, if you want him just sign him in the offseason. He is a free agent.

If I was him I wouldn't even come back here with the way he was treated
Quote:If I was him I wouldn't even come back here with the way he was treated

If he does come back here, even for a visit, he isn't going to recognize anybody in the building except maybe the receptionist.
I doubt he entertains coming back.  He was cast aside, by his own


Back then they don't want me, now I'm hot they all on me...

Quote:I doubt he entertains coming back. He was cast aside, by his own

Back then they don't want me, now I'm hot they all on me...
That and he will be 33. Pass.
Plus, why would Cincy let him walk?

Cyp is very inconsistent. Once he does develop into a consistent player that takes the right angles, he can be good enough. He can become our Darius. He will never be a good coverage safety, but he can hit.

We need a true FS... as of right now, we have a bunch of SSs (Evans, Cyp, Sample, Brown). SS will work itself out once we find that FS, IMO
He aiight... 



Quote:That and he will be 33. Pass.

I had no idea.  Time flies.  Perhaps a 1-2 year stop gap somewhere.
Quote:Cyp still has work to do.

He's no bust - but his inconsistency is very disappointing.

Side note: its amazing to me how much better

Josh Evans looks in the box compared to center field. Night and day.

I like him as SS depth moving forward - and I've been one to repeatedly call out his poor play.
I've said it forever, we have a bunch of SS on this roster and no FS. Evans has always looked and played like a SS. He doesn't have the range for FS, but he isn't afraid to come up and hit somebody. Cyp is the same. Those two are set at SS for us. 


Sample looks to be in the same mold, but he might have a little bit more range. We didn't see enough of him to get a feel and we still have to address the FS position.


Evans always gets a bad rap around here, but dude was a 6th round pick and he has already played a lot of football in the NFL. He may never be great, but I guarantee you he has a long career in the NFL.
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