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Quote:lol, is that what got you your warning?

I cannot confirm nor deny this allegation.  I will say this:  Gus Bradley has friends in very high places...  Very high... Ninja
Quote:The defence pretty much sucks. There's some talent there but they just don't get it done. The Chargers go for 31 against us last week and they're held to 3 points by Denver. That shows you the gap between our defence and an elite unit.

Are you kidding me? Denver has the #2 defense in the NFL. If you want to complain about how bad our defense is, compare it to an average unit that has never been called elite this season.
Quote:That would be stupid.

Well, if we're not gonna get 11 better players, then what the heck are we gonna do?  You tell me the solution...


Clearly the 11 we have cannot play the zone defense our coaching staff loves to play.  So if this 11 cannot do it, we gotta get 11 better ones, right?  What other option do we have?
Quote:Are you kidding me? Denver has the #2 defense in the NFL. If you want to complain about how bad our defense is, compare it to an average unit that has never been called elite this season.

If you're not striving for an elite defence, and you are content with mediocrity, then you're not a fan. 
Quote:lol, Head coaching was a BIG BIG problem today.


Gus did NOT have the defense ready to play and could not find a way to contain a rookie QB starting on a 2-9 team, with an interim HC, who hadn't won a home game since the last time the Gus Bradley led Jags played there after losing the previous week to another 2 win team at home.


Coaching is a <span style="font-size:48px;">BIG BIG <span style="font-size:14px;">problem right now and that's the biggest reason the Jags are 4-8.</span></span>


<span style="font-size:48px;"><span style="font-size:14px;">You can deny it all you want, but that won't change the fact that gus is 11-33 and consistently loses to really bad football teams.</span></span>
Well... if you put it that way... then, okay!
Quote:Well, if we're not gonna get 11 better players, then what the heck are we gonna do?  You tell me the solution...


Clearly the 11 we have cannot play the zone defense our coaching staff loves to play.  So if this 11 cannot do it, we gotta get 11 better ones, right?  What other option do we have?

Who do you think we drafted at #3 overall this year? Answer: A pass rusher.


Do you think Telvin Smith sucks? You must not be watching games if you do.


Give some of these guys time to develop. They are young and still learning.
Quote:If you're not striving for an elite defense, and you are content with mediocrity, then you're not a fan. 

I did not say we should only strive for mediocrity.
Quote:Are you kidding me? Denver has the #2 defense in the NFL. If you want to complain about how bad our defense is, compare it to an average unit that has never been called elite this season.
Jesus tapdancing Christ, every thread I see you saying whatever you can to defend Bradley.


Here are the facts - he is, what, 10-31 as a HC?


He was hired as a "defensive-minded" coach. His Defense is the easily the WORST in the league, for almost three years straight.


You say it's on the players, and if we had the right players the scheme would be fine.



That is the thing. We DON'T have the right players, therefore the scheme MUST be adapted to what you have. That is what good coaches do. Bradley does not do this.


Bradley, a defensive-minded head coach, NEVER has his defense ready to play four quarters of football and he NEVER adapts the defensive scheme to better suit his available talent pool nor his opponent.


He is a BAD head coach. It really is that simple.
Quote:Who do you think we drafted at #3 overall this year? Answer: A pass rusher.


Do you think Telvin Smith sucks? You must not be watching games if you do.


Give some of these guys time to develop. They are young and still learning.

If you think the pass rush was the problem of this defense today or this season, YOU ARE WRONG.


We play a zone defense that allows any QB to pick us apart.  1 pass rusher won't ever fix that.  If you don't understand that this scheme sucks and is the reason for the pathetic performance of our defense, then you either don't know football, or you're not really watching this team play.


WRs run to open space and sit down waiting for the ball to be thrown to them.  The QB just has to find the soft spot in the zone.  When you only rush 4 and you have 5 linemen blocking you will always be able to pick apart the defense if all the D does is play an uber soft zone scheme.


We would need 3 HOF caliber LB's and 2 Ronnie Lot type safeties for this defensive scheme to be capable of any sustained success.


I mean, heck, that may happen.  I can't wait for it to happen!!!  But it's not very likely to happen...

Quote:I did not say we should only strive for mediocrity.

Yes, you did. You got bent out of shape when I compared the defence with the desired goal - an elite defence. That means you don't think our defence can get there. That's inexcusable. You're a faux-fan.
Quote:Why? Could they get any damn worse?!?
Telvin, Marks, House, and Colvin are pretty good. 
Our D made MM look good.  I rest my case.

MM is good.  I rest my case.

Quote:Telvin, Marks, House, and Colvin are pretty good. 

Darn right they are.  But it's not enough in this type of defense.  The Seattle D is too demanding in this day and age.  It's a terrible D unless you have at least 4 all-pro players in at the LB and Secondary positions.


That's too much to ask for from any team.  We need to change our scheme.  This one ain't gonna get it done.

Quote:MM is good.  I rest my case.

He's good against this sorry D.  LOL.  The dude is mediocre against real teams.
Quote:MM is good.  I rest my case.

Then why is he 3-9?
We need a damn pass rush. That would directly impact the secondary. That and a FS. Fowler/Marks back, a FA DE (Irvin) or 2, and a FS (Gipson). Fixed.
Yes, Poz can't cover TE's,  Must be Gus fault.  Yes, fire Gus.

Quote:Then why is he 3-9?
Because he's a rookie?


Check the stats for the great Peyton Manning in his rookie year.


Only time will tell what the future holds, but for now, he looks pretty good.
Quote:Because he's a rookie?


Check the stats for the great Peyton Manning in his rookie year.


Only time will tell what the future holds, but for now, he looks pretty good.

I thought you guys were talking about Mike Mularkey for a second there. Mariota is good.
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