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On a scale of 1-10?


I'm at a 7.5. 


That's pretty high for me.  My neighbors are now aware of my entire arsenal of sports-relevant cursing. 


Learning how to win??  More like mastering beating themselves.  There's a cheap joke in there somewhere. 

Not frustrated.  Although I would rather win, I enjoyed the game. 


Yes, the defense needs better players, besides just being the Telvin Smith show.  I am happy to see the skill player side of the offense really showing growth; however, the offensive line needs new blood in this off season.  The one Caldwell decision that bothers me most is how he has kept Meyers...the NFL is not a training league, that is what college does for this level of players.
Yeah I am ...


But -


we are a few kicks away from being 6-6.

Our time will come. This total tear down and rebuilt is heading the right way. Staying the course, adding more players will make it bloom.

In any field where sophistication and precision is high, things take time to develop. Can not microwave it. Have to grow it, harvest it, bake it.

Disappointed with the loss, but not frustrated. That ended with the loss last week. It's very liberating to not need to win.


And I had Bortles and ARob on my fantasy team. Smile

Frankly, not frustrated at all. Why? Because unlike many of those that frequent this blog who had (have) grand delusions that if the Jags could just do this or that...........they'd be in the playoffs. That was NOT going to happen so no..........the Jags are pretty much where I expected them to be at this juncture. And, they deserve to be there. The bright spot today is that at least in this game, NONE of this can be put on Blake Bortles. Pretty decent game and for once...........no interceptions. Good teams find a "way" to win the close ones. They just do! The Jags are NOT a very good football team............particularly defensively. I'm sure that will be addressed in the off season. Plus, while the majority of those who come here think TJ Yeldon is THEE MAN.........sorry guys I aint seeing it. But, considering the rest of the running back corp, who else would you play? Lastly, Gus Bradley cannot keep saying "we're getting there or great effort". That is simply not acceptable to say any further. Nobody disputes his likeability and his enthusiasm for his players, but he "accepts losing" much too easily for my tastes. Losing is NOT acceptable at this level. All this said, it looks like the majority of folks will be going to the wait till next year card. That's not an unreasonable statement to make this late in the season. There are pieces to this puzzle that still need to be brought in to allow them to proceed to that prized next level. If I'm the owner, I'd seriously consider bringing in a head coach who refuses mediocrity and cares more about results than he does effort. Maybe it's time to bring in a no nonsense Parcells or Belichick kind of personality. Someone who expects his players to be at the top of their game or they are gone!   

Why does nobody have any sense of perspective?  It's a series of childish tantrums after each loss. 


If Wiz doesn't sail that snap for a cheap Titans TD, then we are raving about Bortles' performance, the Defense getting big turnovers, etc.  But because of 1 player having a brain fart on 1 play, the coaches can't coach, the defense can't tackle, we need to blow it up and start over, etc etc etc. 

Quote:On a scale of 1-10?


I'm at a 7.5. 


That's pretty high for me.  My neighbors are now aware of my entire arsenal of sports-relevant cursing. 


Learning how to win??  More like mastering beating themselves.  There's a cheap joke in there somewhere. 
I'm pretty positive that I drop more F-Bombs during the Jags game every week, than I do during the entire length of time as the off season.
Not at all because this team finally has an offense just need more talent on d
Quote:Upset initially of course, but am now easting a Pittsburgh Sandwich from Metro Diner so I feel better.


Gus has to go, though. I know he wont and we are stuck with him for another year, but still. This team cant reach that next level with him still coaching. He needs to at least hire an up and coming defensive mind to replace Babich.
We're using his defensive scheme from Seattle, but yet he doesn't actually coach this defense. How does that make sense?
A good coach plays to his personal.  We do not have the players to play that Seattle Scheme.  Seattle has a pass rush on top of 2 enforcer safety's.  We got lost cyprien and average evans.   The center of the field is a playground for opposing teams.

Quote:On a scale of 1-10?


I'm at a 7.5. 


That's pretty high for me.  My neighbors are now aware of my entire arsenal of sports-relevant cursing. 


Learning how to win??  More like mastering beating themselves.  There's a cheap joke in there somewhere. 
master beating?
Apathy set in for me, I don't even care that I have to work sundays and miss most of the game anymore. 

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most frustrated? I'm at a 10.


But this isn't just a "we lost to a bad team, darnit" frustrated. This is a culmination-frustration.


This is the 3rd year of a rebuild. We wanted to see a competitive team. We wanted to see improvement.


Has there been improvement? Obviously.


Is this a competitive team? If you consider sticking around a score with the worst of the worst teams in the NFL and losing pretty decisively to every actually decent team, then sure. I, personally, don't though.


There's been very little in the way of entire-team positives this year. A couple individual positives, obviously (Telvin, ARob, Hurns, Bortles, etc. etc.). This has been the easiest schedule a team may ever see, and the Jags are still managing to keep themselves in contention for a top 5 draft pick.


It's new and inventive ways to lose each week too. It's not like they have a bad run defense so every team just runs on them for 200 yards each week. I can understand that, as Vic used to say "help is not on the way." With this team though? One week a team will run all over the Jags and the next a team will pass all over it, then some weeks the offense falls apart and others it looks like a juggernaut until it gets into the redzone.


All of this leading to today; a loss to a Mike Murlarkey led Titans team who hasn't won a game at home in over a year. Especially the way they lost, with the absolutely awful defense.


Now, losing to Murlarkey has me fairly frustrated. All of this up to this point puts me probably around a 7 on the 1-10 scale, mainly because I hate Murlarkey. So what brings this up to a 10?


Everyone on the 5th Quarter is citing their "insider knowledge" of this franchise to say, pretty confidently, that Gus is back next year.


It's the definition of insanity. Watching this team and caring is smashing your head against a wall. I went into this season expecting the Jags to have a tough schedule causing them to look bad, so I didn't care all that much. I watched the first few weeks joking around about the team, because, the only way to truly enjoy the awfulness was to laugh, in my own opinion. But that turned out to not be the case. They've had a laughable schedule and they've still managed to look laughable. How am I supposed to justify sitting through a 4th year of this?


I feel like a 15 year old high school girl at this point; I can't even.

Quote:I've given up on the season. Excited about some of our young offensive players though.

If we can even get a top 15 defense we will be contending for playoffs next year.
I gave up on the season when we lost to Carolina.
They probably would've, you know what nevermind we still have a long way to go and we aren't gonna be there next year either.

I'm frustrated not so much because we're losing (although you want to win) but in the way we're losing.  So many games this year have been within our grasp and have comes down to a few instances of stupidity or failures in execution.  Here's what I know.  Half of our loses (if not more) this year have been due to a failure in preparation and attention to detail.  This is on the coaching staff.  You can't sugar coat it.  There is talent on this team now and we should be performing better.

Quote:Why does nobody have any sense of perspective?  It's a series of childish tantrums after each loss. 


If Wiz doesn't sail that snap for a cheap Titans TD, then we are raving about Bortles' performance, the Defense getting big turnovers, etc.  But because of 1 player having a brain [BAD WORD REMOVED] on 1 play, the coaches can't coach, the defense can't tackle, we need to blow it up and start over, etc etc etc. 

Lots of truth to that.
The most frustrating thing about this game for me:

2 weeks ago, the defense played extremely well against this SAME TEAM. They held the tacks to 13 points, created a critical turnover late in the game to basically seal the win. 13 points.

Today, absolutely dreadful. Seriously, what in the he** changed that much? They give up 13 points 2 weeks ago and then 35 points to the same freaking team?! Pitiful.
Quote:The most frustrating thing about this game for me:

2 weeks ago, the defense played extremely well against this SAME TEAM. They held the tacks to 13 points, created a critical turnover late in the game to basically seal the win. 13 points.

Today, absolutely dreadful. Seriously, what in the he** changed that much? They give up 13 points 2 weeks ago and then 35 points to the same freaking team?! Pitiful.
Shocking right? The coaches watched the tape and made adjustments! Whoa! Brand new theory!
Quote:Shocking right? The coaches watched the tape and made adjustments! Whoa! Brand new theory!
Lol, exactly. tacks obviously adjusted from what they saw 2 weeks ago. Jags? Yeah right.
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