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Full Version: How frustrated are you?
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Quote:let Payton go to the fish. We don't need him here. Besides, that egomaniac would never be able to work with Caldwell

Yeah, I don't think I'd want Payton if he demands GM power...  I think it's evident that no matter how great a HC you are in this day and age, you cannot do both jobs and sustain success...
I want to win, but as I said to my wife, a few years ago I used to say "ok, so we are losing, but can't we at least score? I mean, if we were scoring a few touchdowns at least the games wouldn't suck to watch."

Now we are scoring and losing. I am frustrated, but this offense is the real deal. Real talent and real ballers. I shudder when I think of 3rd and 11 check downs EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Defense needs a couple guys and our kicker needs to be cut, but for the first time in years I feel like the future is really here, not simple optimism, but real talent on the roster.
I just can't be frustrated.


Either I'm lit by kick off or I am baked beyond belief.


No frustration, either way.

I went back to bed at half time...what happened?  We lost again?


I'm just waiting for the Breaking News headline on nfl.com that Bradley is fired.

Its at a point where i just dont understand whats wrong with this team. We always find a way to lose. Is it on the coach, players, who knows. It's come to a point where i expect this week in week out. Something has to change and i just hope Khan realizes this.
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