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Full Version: Mass Shooting in San Bernardino, California
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How many of these threads has there been this year by the way. Seem to be going in circles once a month.
Looks like they've "officially" named Syed Farook as one of the killers.  A woman was involved.  And also read that maybe his brother was part of it.  


Obviously with a name like that everyone will jump to Islamic terrorism.  Sounds like this guy went to high school and college in LA so its not as though he recently crossed the border having just come from Syria (Obama breathes a sigh of relief!). But doesnt mean he couldnt have been indoctrinated over the internet which seems to be happening with more regularity.  Obviously that is all just speculation of course.  


Very well could just be a disgruntled employee or a spurned lover or something.  


Quote:How many of these threads has there been this year by the way. Seem to be going in circles once a month.
I think one is too many.
Quote:I think one is too many.

Think most of us think that. Unfortunately people dying is less important than people having the ability to play with guns for fun to some.
Waiting for something stupid from Donald Trump in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...


Quote:Not Walmart but just about any sporting goods store you can get an ak47

I'm pretty certain you're confusing an AK-47 with an AR-15. Or at least, a "modified" semiautomatic only AK variant.
Quote:Not Walmart but just about any sporting goods store you can get an ak47

I'm pretty sure California does not allow the sale of assault weapons, or even 'assault' weapons.

Can you drive into California without a border check?...
Quote:Can you drive into California without a border check?...

Only from Mexico.
Facebook already has taken down the shooters' facebook accounts. Why do they do this? I don't see how hiding a profile from the public aids an investigation. If anything, it could help if left up.
Quote:Only from Mexico.

Good thing these shooters are usually US citizens then! Or you would be building walls...
Quote:I'm pretty certain you're confusing an AK-47 with an AR-15. Or at least, a "modified" semiautomatic only AK variant.

I forgot you guys are in California but yea ak47 are just easy to get as ar15 I have two of them. One I purchased from a sporting goods store the other from a private individual.

I only have one ar15 platform their a little more maintance I definitely prefer my 47's.
Quote:Waiting for something stupid from Donald Trump in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Donald Trump's immediate tweet


"California shooting looks very bad. Good luck to law enforcement and God bless. This is when our police are so appreciated!"


vs Hillary Clinton's immediate tweet


"I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now. -H"


vs Bernie Sanders immediate tweet


"Mass shootings are becoming an almost-everyday occurrence in this country. This sickening and senseless gun violence must stop."


I thought Donald Trump was supposed to be the insensitive one? Aren't the Democrats the group of compassion? Low and behold Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders immediately politicizes while Donald Trump sympathizes. Every single Democrat candidate immediately jumps to gun control, while every single Republican candidate sympathizes with the victims. Progressivism is a joke of a political ideology. I can't wait for Trump to destroy whoever the Democrat nomination is. Only then can we actually deal with gun violence and American safety.
Yeah, how insensitive to guns...
Quote:Yeah, how insensitive to guns...

you're pretty invested in seeing a foreign country change their policy I'm curious why?
Gun control was a hot button issue until it became evident that many on the left liked to keep a little protection (not just condoms) around for themselves. Gun control declarations make good sound bites, but the truth of the matter is, no one wants to be the first to relinquish their rights with so many guns in the hands of criminals.
Quote:Donald Trump's immediate tweet


"California shooting looks very bad. Good luck to law enforcement and God bless. This is when our police are so appreciated!"


vs Hillary Clinton's immediate tweet


"I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now. -H"


vs Bernie Sanders immediate tweet


"Mass shootings are becoming an almost-everyday occurrence in this country. This sickening and senseless gun violence must stop."


I thought Donald Trump was supposed to be the insensitive one? Aren't the Democrats the group of compassion? Low and behold Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders immediately politicizes while Donald Trump sympathizes. Every single Democrat candidate immediately jumps to gun control, while every single Republican candidate sympathizes with the victims. Progressivism is a joke of a political ideology. I can't wait for Trump to destroy whoever the Democrat nomination is. Only then can we actually deal with gun violence and American safety.

Dream on. If Trump gets the nomination. What's his political ideology anyway? He apparently is running to be head of the 21st century version of the Know Nothing Party. He's winning in a landslide.


As I've said - you can't win a nation election by only appealing to angry white middle-class males (and a few evangelical women). It's been tried before and doesn't work.
Yes, it's more sympathetic  to keep victims in their thoughts and prayers and do absolutely nothing to prevent the next one, than it is to want to prevent the next tragedy from happening.  I mean after that woman was killed in California, you didn't see Republicans bring up illegal immigration and sanctuary cities did you?  No siree.  They didn't think once about preventative measures.  

I still favor gun licensing myself.  If you're going to own a gun you should be able to prove yourself mentally competent, not have a criminal background, and know how to actually use and store a gun properly.  I know this is a radical idea to many conservatives, and it'll lead to 'registration' and having your guns 'taken away'.  I mean I guess if you're mentally unstable, sure.  

Quote:Facebook already has taken down the shooters' facebook accounts. Why do they do this? I don't see how hiding a profile from the public aids an investigation. If anything, it could help if left up.

Because people use them to harass and threaten relatives who had nothing to do with anything. The profiles are still available to law enforcement, they just can't accessed by members of the public.
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