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Full Version: Mass Shooting in San Bernardino, California
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Quote:I still favor gun licensing myself.  If you're going to own a gun you should be able to prove yourself mentally competent, not have a criminal background, and know how to actually use and store a gun properly.  I know this is a radical idea to many conservatives, and it'll lead to 'registration' and having your guns 'taken away'.  I mean I guess if you're mentally unstable, sure.  

Would any of your recommendations have stopped the shooter in San Bernardino? He bought two of his guns legally in California, which means he got a background check. Also, California does have a firearms register. California also bans assault rifles, which were used. The laws already exist in California to prevent this type of shooting, but it didn't stop it. Do you think laws should be inacted to prevent certain groups of people from getting guns? Maybe if you are a conservative voter? Or deeply religious? Restrict guns from certain groups?

Quote:Would any of your recommendations have stopped the shooter in San Bernardino? He bought two of his guns legally in California, which means he got a background check. Also, California does have a firearms register. California also bans assault rifles, which were used. The law already existed in California to prevent this type of shooting, but it didn't stop it. Do you think laws should be inacted to prevent certain groups of people from getting guns? Maybe if you are a conservative voter? Or deeply religious? Restrict guns from certain groups?

If California bans assault rifles, and they used assault rifles, they didn't get those assault rifles in California, did they?  (At least not legally)  Either they legally purchased them in another state, or illegaly purchased them (in which case this tragedy was likely unpreventable, but that doesn't mean the next one wont' be preventable)

Yes, certain groups of people shouldn't be allowed to get guns.  Including:  Mentally Ill, people with criminal records, and people who don't know how to properly handle and store guns, terrorist suspects... 

Maybe it wouldn't have prevented the tragedy in San Bernadino.  Nothing is going to 100% work.  The idea is to make changes to prevent more of these tragedies from happening.  They're happening at too frequent of a rate.  Maybe you don't think we should do anything to prevent them.  I do.

If you're a convicted felon, you won't pass a background check.  I agree with your mentally ill comment, and would be supportive of making mental health records accessible to the folks conducting background checks.

Quote:If California bans assault rifles, and they used assault rifles, they didn't get those assault rifles in California, did they?  (At least not legally)

Yes, certain groups of people shouldn't be allowed to get guns.  Including:  Mentally Ill, people with criminal records, and people who don't know how to properly handle and store guns.

Maybe it wouldn't have prevented the tragedy in San Bernadino.  Nothing is going to 100% work.  The idea is to make changes to prevent more of these tragedies from happening.  They're happening at too frequent of a rate.  Maybe you don't think we should do anything to prevent them.  I do.

The mentally ill and persons with criminal records are already barred from owning guns. It also shows up in background checks. It appears that most people who end up in these shooting messes aren't criminals, or if they are have illegal weapons, but rather crazies who aren't diagnosed as crazy until after the fact. Like Bernie Sanders says, we have to address the mentally ill individuals in this country more effectively. Unfortunately, what constitutes mentally ill can be very subjective. If left for the government to decide, they could brand the deeply religious or conservative as mentally ill (which I am sure a lot of people on this board would appreciate).
Quote:Maybe it wouldn't have prevented the tragedy in San Bernadino.  Nothing is going to 100% work.  The idea is to make changes to prevent more of these tragedies from happening.  They're happening at too frequent of a rate.  Maybe you don't think we should do anything to prevent them.  I do.

Very few, if any, of the mass murders in the US would have been prevented by registration. Even the crazy guy in Colorado had not been found mentally ill by any medical or government agency at the time he bought his guns.


But by your logic one could argue that banning Islam from the United States would be a far better option. Since (and not including) 9/11, over 40% of the mass murders in the US have been committed by Muslims, who comprise a mere 0.8% of the population.

Do you have a source for that 40% stat?  I'm not disputing it at all, but would like to see and use that source.

Quote:I forgot you guys are in California but yea ak47 are just easy to get as ar15 I have two of them. One I purchased from a sporting goods store the other from a private individual.

I only have one ar15 platform their a little more maintance I definitely prefer my 47's.

You're telling me you own two fully automatic AK-47's and you bought them legally?
Quote:Do you have a source for that 40% stat?  I'm not disputing it at all, but would like to see and use that source.



Add 14 Muslim murders and 3 non-Muslim murders to the numbers in that article. The result is 40 out of 91 mass murders in the US committed by Muslims, 43.9%.


EDIT: That's mass murder deaths, not incidents.

Quote:If California bans assault rifles, and they used assault rifles, they didn't get those assault rifles in California, did they?  (At least not legally)  Either they legally purchased them in another state, or illegaly purchased them (in which case this tragedy was likely unpreventable, but that doesn't mean the next one wont' be preventable)

Yes, certain groups of people shouldn't be allowed to get guns.  Including:  Mentally Ill, people with criminal records, and people who don't know how to properly handle and store guns, terrorist suspects... 

Maybe it wouldn't have prevented the tragedy in San Bernadino.  Nothing is going to 100% work.  The idea is to make changes to prevent more of these tragedies from happening.  They're happening at too frequent of a rate.  Maybe you don't think we should do anything to prevent them.  I do.

Buying assault rifles is AFAIK still illegal here, but buying the pieces of an assault rifle and assembling them is not. It's fairly straightforward to do as I understand it.


Add 14 Muslim murders and 3 non-Muslim murders to the numbers in that article. The result is 40 out of 91 mass murders in the US committed by Muslims, 43.9%.


EDIT: That's mass murder deaths, not incidents.

Interesting article. Despite the high percentage of mass murders by Muslims, the point is made about law enforcement in general considering domestic right wing extremist violence more of a threat.
Quote:Yes, it's more sympathetic  to keep victims in their thoughts and prayers and do absolutely nothing to prevent the next one, than it is to want to prevent the next tragedy from happening.  I mean after that woman was killed in California, you didn't see Republicans bring up illegal immigration and sanctuary cities did you?  No siree.  They didn't think once about preventative measures.  


yet #bringbackourgirls was so inspiring
Quote:Interesting article. Despite the high percentage of mass murders by Muslims, the point is made about law enforcement in general considering domestic right wing extremist violence more of a threat.

It is almost as if they completely ignore actual statistics. Strange indeed.
Quote:You're telling me you own two fully automatic AK-47's and you bought them legally?
Yes they can be bought legally.  The process to buy is expensive (10-50K/ automatic weapon) + transfer fees, lengthy (6-8 months), and involves a thorough and detailed vetting process by the ATF (if a Syrian refugee underwent the same vetting, I would have no problem inviting him to my grandson's bar-mitzvah).  The process is required and repeated for each purchase. 


(edit)- I'd like to add that they make excellent investments!

Quote:(edit)- I'd like to add that they make excellent investments!

Where do you live, so I can avoid ever living in any place where you need to use an AK-47 ever let alone <i>two</i>.
Quote:Where do you live, so I can avoid ever living in any place where you need to use an AK-47 ever let alone <i>two</i>.

Clearly you should avoid California, Illionois, South Carolina, Texas, Coloroado...pretty much anywhere in the USA.
Quote:Where do you live, so I can avoid ever living in any place where you need to use an AK-47 ever let alone <i>two</i>.

Try moving to Singapore.
Quote:Where do you live, so I can avoid ever living in any place where you need to use an AK-47 ever let alone <i>two</i>.
Right next door, hey neighbor.*

I've never needed to use one.  Some people collect Picasso sketches, and some people collect MP5s.  
Quote:You're telling me you own two fully automatic AK-47's and you bought them legally?
Civilian ak47s are semi automatic which is just a reducer on the trigger I can make them fully automatic in about an hour but that would be illegal

I'll add to that it's a super common gun in these parts, theyre half the price of an ar15 platform way more durable and the ammo is cheap to shoot!
Quote:Where do you live, so I can avoid ever living in any place where you need to use an AK-47 ever let alone two.

I don't need them i just have them. I used to have three but I sold one during the panic a few years ago. Turned my $600 investment into a $1500 return
We now know that we were dealing with an explosive device at the scene and an arsenal invluding over a dozen ieds at their home.

Anyone thinking this has anything to do with gun laws IS NOT THINKING.
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