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Full Version: What about that Classless call during the Hurns injury?
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Quote:It would have been classless had they thrown the challenge flag while Hurns was still on the field.  I can't believe some people are offended at this.  San Diego waited until Hurns was off the field to challenge it.  Not sure what people would want them to do?

The flag was thrown during a commercial break so I have no idea what Mike McCoy was seeing on the field. I do know two commercial breaks were taken during the injury timeout, which means McCoy had more than five minutes to look at it and decide if the play was worth challenging.


What did I want McCoy to do? Go out on the field with his headset off to check on the injured player. San Diego players did that. Our guys did when Lonnie Ballentine was down. It would be nice if coaches did the same thing. But I understand coaches want to win and have other things to do, so I can't be mad at him for staying on the sideline.
Maybe the refs should have just called it a game after the injury?  I mean, it was just as classless of them to carry on with the game like nothing had happened after Hurns left the field, right?  Or should they have flagged the turf for a personal foul for hitting a defenseless receiver like that and awarded us 15 yards and a fresh set of downs? 



Let's pull back on the manufactured outrage, folks.  Looked like an interception in slow-mo to me in the stadium.  We were fortunate that the game didn't end right there because of it.

Not classless.  It does give a small picture about the character of the coach though.  Me personally, I wouldn't challenge a ball that is sitting on top of a knocked out player.  I want to win, but I know the difference between earning a win and getting a win.  If the call had originally gone to San Diego I'm not giving Jacksonville the ball back, but I'm not challenging that play either.


Fair play, but personally I wouldn't have done it.

I was at the game.  McCoy was on the field within 10 yards of Hurns as he lay there motionless.  He showed as much concern as anyone.  There were no replays of the play on the video boards until after Hurns was taken off the field and, quite frankly, it looked like an interception.


McCoy did what any coach would have done.  It was in no way classless.


This is a stupid topic.

Quote:The flag was thrown during a commercial break so I have no idea what Mike McCoy was seeing on the field. I do know two commercial breaks were taken during the injury timeout, which means McCoy had more than five minutes to look at it and decide if the play was worth challenging.


What did I want McCoy to do? Go out on the field with his headset off to check on the injured player. San Diego players did that. Our guys did when Lonnie Ballentine was down. It would be nice if coaches did the same thing. But I understand coaches want to win and have other things to do, so I can't be mad at him for staying on the sideline.

He did.  Happy now?


San Diego medical staff was out there before the Jaguars could get to Hurns because of where the injury occurred.  Both teams were on high alert as a result of the injury, and both coaches were on the field monitoring the situation.
Quote:Not classless. It does give a small picture about the character of the coach though. Me personally, I wouldn't challenge a ball that is sitting on top of a knocked out player. I want to win, but I know the difference between earning a win and getting a win. If the call had originally gone to San Diego I'm not giving Jacksonville the ball back, but I'm not challenging that play either.

Fair play, but personally I wouldn't have done it.

Ok I think this is my views. I definitely personally wouldn't do it and tbh would consider giving the ball back. But your right it's different views.

I dunno when I was playing sports my manager was always very strict on professionalism an respect for the opposition. And it didn't exactly hurt us in terms of wins as the medals I have suggests.

I guess what I'm saying is my old manager would not of challenged that (different sport but same ethics apply) and if he wouldn't of then I wouldn't either..

NFL seems a lot more lenient in a lot of aspects to what I've grown up watching, but hey I love it and I love my Jags and have done for 10 years but even after that time I guess I occasionally have a culture shock.
It's ironic that the people saying it was ok to challenge are showing their class by name calling people with "low iq"  


Classless people don't know class so it makes sense they see nothing wrong with it.


It would of only been an int cause the guy was knocked out.  It was classless

Quote:It's ironic that the people saying it was OK to challenge are showing their class by name calling people with "low IQ."  


Classless people don't know class so it makes sense they see nothing wrong with it.


It would have only been an interception because the guy was knocked out.  It was classless

LOL Thanks for pointing that out. I am guilty of not making sense to people either, but it is crazy how illogical others can be.


Obviously it would have been a catch if Hurns was not knocked out, but as it was, the ball could have hit the ground. I thought replays were inconclusive.


Quote:It quite clearly does maybe your low iq hasn't picked it up.

Of course it's not only acceptable to challenge a play when a player has not been injured. But to challenge that play when it ONLY would of been an interception because Hurns was injured and the ball stayed on his lifeless body is definitely classless. If say for example the defender knocked Hurns and the ball flew out and another guy caught it id be fine with that but due to the circumstances of Hurns trying to hold on and it just staying on his body due to him being Unconcious that is classless.
Stop posting, you have no idea what you are talking about.

This is the kind of crap that gets posted on other teams forums so they can laugh at the stupidity. You are making the entire fanbase look stupid, stop posting. 


Quote:It's ironic that the people saying it was ok to challenge are showing their class by name calling people with "low iq"  


Classless people don't know class so it makes sense they see nothing wrong with it.


It would of only been an int cause the guy was knocked out.  It was classless
Its also ironic how low iq crew(you seem to be member #1) are all in agreement that this was somehow a "classless" act. Hey, atleast you guys point yourselves out.


And if calling out someone for making a stupid remark is classless, then I happily accept my title and will wear it with a smile from ear to ear. Smile

Quote:I thought it was a good challenge. If it were originally called a interception and we challenged it I don't think it would have been overturned
I didn't like the challenge cause of the injury but it was close. It looked as if it hit the ground when his head hit but yeah if it would've been called an INT then it would have stood cause you couldn't see clearly, it hit the ground cause guys were in the way. I think the injury is why they called it incomplete. 
Quote:I didn't like the challenge cause of the injury but it was close. It looked as if it hit the ground when his head hit but yeah if it would've been called an INT then it would have stood because you couldn't see clearly, it hit the ground cause guys were in the way. I think the injury is why they called it incomplete. 

Nonsense. The injury caused it to be either incomplete or intercepted, but no way does that affect which way officials rule it. That would downgrade the whole officiating crew.
Quote:Stop posting, you have no idea what you are talking about.

This is the kind of crap that gets posted on other teams forums so they can laugh at the stupidity. You are making the entire fanbase look stupid, stop posting.
Am I not entitled to an opinion regarding this? I'd also like to point out that the whole stadium booed the decision which was evident from the coverage. So quite clearly a lot of people agree with my sentiment.

Do you have such low self esteem that you seriously care so much about what other people think that you won't say anything if people may be deemed to make fun of it? That's pretty pathetic man. High school must of been tough for you, huh?
Quote:Am I not entitled to an opinion regarding this? I'd also like to point out that the whole stadium booed the decision which was evident from the coverage. So quite clearly a lot of people agree with my sentiment.

Do you have such low self esteem that you seriously care so much about what other people think that you won't say anything if people may be deemed to make fun of it? That's pretty pathetic man. High school must of been tough for you, huh?

Fans boo correct calls all of the time, so whats going to keep them from booing a coaches challange?. Most just wanna make some kind of negative noise for the visiting team and I wouldn't want judgement calls to be up to thousands of beer buzzed fans..
Quote:Nonsense. The injury caused it to be either incomplete or intercepted, but no way does that affect which way officials rule that coaches challenge it. That would downgrade the whole officiating crew coaching staff.

Quote:Its also ironic how low iq crew(you seem to be member #1) are all in agreement that this was somehow a "classless" act. Hey, atleast you guys point yourselves out.


And if calling out someone for making a stupid remark is classless, then I happily accept my title and will wear it with a smile from ear to ear. Smile

[Image: 56146383.jpg]
Quote:Fans boo correct calls all of the time, so whats going to keep them from booing a coaches challange?. Most just wanna make some kind of negative noise for the visiting team and I wouldn't want judgement calls to be up to thousands of beer buzzed fans..
Quote:Fans boo correct calls all of the time, so whats going to keep them from booing a coaches challange?. Most just wanna make some kind of negative noise for the visiting team and I wouldn't want judgement calls to be up to thousands of beer buzzed fans..

I can't remember us booing anything else this year? At least loud enough that I can hear through the TV, except the Ravens game with that string of horrendous officials flags.
Quote:I can't remember us booing anything else this year? At least loud enough that I can hear through the TV, except the Ravens game with that string of horrendous officials flags.

Whose fans were booing what? I did not hear any booing Sunday.


The loudest boo birds I ever heard were Patriots fans. They drowned out the referee.
Quote:Whose fans were booing what? I did not hear any booing Sunday.


The loudest boo birds I ever heard were Patriots fans. They drowned out the referee.

The fans were booing the challenge You could hear it loudly through the tv.
Quote:Am I not entitled to an opinion regarding this? I'd also like to point out that the whole stadium booed the decision which was evident from the coverage.

I must have been at a different game.
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