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Full Version: Sooooo...is this terrorism? - merged
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Quote:Funny, I don't recall anyone on this board ever saying anything like that when it was a brown-skinned guy holding the gun.


I knew someone on this board would go there, but bleep bleep it, I'm annoyed that it was you.

Why? I don't believe much of anything the media reports. This guy went from his home in the Carolinas, shot up a PP clinic in Colorado, and doesn't actually kill anyone from the clinic? He couldn't find a PP closer to home? He's really that awful with his "AK" type "long gun" that he could only shoot a couple people including one in the parking lot? It's terrible that people died, it's too convenient that the killing was done as ineffectively as possible by a caricature of a stereotype Sure has done a good job of getting people riled up at Christians though, lots of "Christians/Jews are just the same/as bad as the Muslims" type chatter today. I wonder why anyone would want people thinking that way over the next 12 months?

Quote:Yes its a form of terrorism

I won't condone his actions but I can say I understand his actions. Which is an odd moment for me as I realize how "moderate muslims" feel about jihadist.

Congratulations - out of this incredible act of senseless violence, your mind and soul have grown a little.


And I'm not being sarcastic for once.


Quote:Funny, I don't recall anyone on this board ever saying anything like that when it was a brown-skinned guy holding the gun.
What the hell does this have to do with race?
Quote:The whole "terrorism" thing is very convoluted.  What defines terrorism?  What makes this terrorism and the schmuck who gunned down the playground in New Orleans not a terrorist?  They both are terrible men with the intent to hurt and kill innocent people.  I guess you could label the Colorado thing as terrorism, and I believe it likely will be, but to me, there is a bit of a difference between a few nuts with zero affiliation to each other going on a rampage and organized groups of thousands, maybe even millions of jihadists.  It's very difficult to prevent lone wolves, no matter what their motivation may be.


I am glad they caught the man alive though.  Death by shootout with the cops would have been too easy of a way out of what's coming to him.  

Terrorism is the intentional promotion of fear through violence in pursuit of a political cause. Mass murder can be part of terrorism, but is sometimes just sickness.


Quote:Terrorism is the intentional promotion of fear through violence in pursuit of a political cause. Mass murder can be part of terrorism, but is sometimes just sickness.
But we still don't know if this was a politically motivated act of terrorism or just a guy going crazy. I guess to a lot of people it does not make a difference.
Quote:But we still don't know if this was a politically motivated act of terrorism or just a guy going crazy. I guess to a lot of people it does not make a difference.

You're exactly right, but few people are willing to wait for the facts before they decide that it was the "insert stereotype group here'''s fault.


Quote:You're exactly right, but few people are willing to wait for the facts before they decide that it was the "insert stereotype group here'''s fault.
Even if this guy does not turn out to be a stereotype, you can bet that Christians and Pro-Lifers are going to catch hell over this. It's a classic example of a Reichstag Fire excuse.
So, after reading several articles this morning, it appears that of the three civilians, one was shot at a nearby vision store and another in the parking lot. Further, the police stated yesterday that the actions was unconnected with Planned Parenthood. There was some talk about a bank robbery gone bad, but that seems to have been debunked. Doesn't sound like he was a pro-lifer there to blast abortion docs to hell. I wonder if we'll get the whole story today?

Quote:Terrorism is the intentional promotion of fear through violence in pursuit of a political cause. Mass murder can be part of terrorism, but is sometimes just sickness.


Quote:But we still don't know if this was a politically motivated act of terrorism or just a guy going crazy. I guess to a lot of people it does not make a difference.

you two...  Carry on.  
Quote:Even if this guy does not turn out to be a stereotype, you can bet that Christians and Pro-Lifers are going to catch hell over this. It's a classic example of a Reichstag Fire excuse.

They're already catching hell, just go read the article comments on any of the sites that are allowing them. Some Jew bashing thrown in just for fun.
Quote:So, after reading several articles this morning, it appears that of the three civilians, one was shot at a nearby vision store and another in the parking lot. Further, the police stated yesterday that the actions was unconnected with Planned Parenthood. There was some talk about a bank robbery gone bad, but that seems to have been debunked. Doesn't sound like he was a pro-lifer there to blast abortion docs to hell. I wonder if we'll get the whole story today?

If I jumped to an incorrect conclusion, that's on me, but that doesn't make this a false flag situation. That's just me posting my initial reaction.

However, on this board nobody has said anything indicting Christians in general.
Quote:But we still don't know if this was a politically motivated act of terrorism or just a guy going crazy. I guess to a lot of people it does not make a difference.

Yet you posted it in this forum. Surely you recognized the political implications.
Quote:Terrorism is the intentional promotion of fear through violence in pursuit of a political cause. Mass murder can be part of terrorism, but is sometimes just sickness.

Why does it have to be politically motivated?  A loon can't have other motivations besides politics?  What the Joker does in Batman isn't terrorism?  By this definition, many instances of the Black Lives Matter protests would be considered terrorism.  
Quote:Why does it have to be politically motivated?  A loon can't have other motivations besides politics?  What the Joker does in Batman isn't terrorism?  By this definition, many instances of the Black Lives Matter protests would be considered terrorism.  

Because political change is the aim of terrorism, whether it's against a government or a population it's always about control. 




People who knew Dear described him as a "loner" and that they never heard him talk about abortion or politics in general.

Quote:If I jumped to an incorrect conclusion, that's on me, but that doesn't make this a false flag situation. That's just me posting my initial reaction.

However, on this board nobody has said anything indicting Christians in general.

What makes it appear to be a false flag is that the actor had no history or motivation against abortion, the location chosen was Colorado Springs, home of the Religious Right and nowhere near his home, and the ineptitude of the actor to actually hurt any PP staff. 


So, unknown guy with no motive drives half way across the country to shoot up a building and doesn't kill any of the actual people he appeared to be after.


Edit: Forgot to add that the President was also appraised of the action in real time and creates a perfect platform for his bloviations about taking away the rights of law abiding citizens. The one right that stops him from doing whatever he feels like.

After a full day we still dont have a dedinative motive. If pp was the target, this is the most atypical presentation i can recall.
Quote:After a full day we still dont have a dedinative motive. If pp was the target, this is the most atypical presentation i can recall.

Don't be silly, there will be no Manifesto, everyone knows that right wing Troglodytes can't write.


Quote:What makes it appear to be a false flag is that the actor had no history or motivation against abortion, the location chosen was Colorado Springs, home of the Religious Right and nowhere near his home, and the ineptitude of the actor to actually hurt any PP staff. 


So, unknown guy with no motive drives half way across the country to shoot up a building and doesn't kill any of the actually people he appeared to be after.


Edit: Forgot to add that the President was also appraised of the action in real time and creates a perfect platform for his bloviations about taking away the rights of law abiding citizens. The one right that stop him from doing whatever he feels like.
Can we all just agree that this guy is nuts and probably had no real political or religious motive for doing this?
Quote:Can we all just agree that this guy is nuts and probably had no real political or religious motive for doing this?

I hope that's all it is, but my experiences with the Left make me think otherwise.
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