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Quote: It just supported the premise that on any given day, even good teams can lose.

Packers lost to Detroit

Bengals lost to Houston

Broncos lost to Chiefs

Patriots,, came a hair away from losing (shoulda lost,, oh well)

Good teams lose too. Cincy has absolutely struggled with Houston the past few years.

I'd say all these AFCS teams are about even actually,, the Titans may be the weakest of the 4,, but not by much, if at all.

It's gonna come down to divisional games for these teams. The Jags have already dropped a couple. They really need to win their division games now.
Quote:What's your breakdown of the Bills?

Im not 100% percent sold on there QB Taylor. Overrated corners. Running game is ok if Mccoy can stay healthy and Sammy Watkins is the only playmakers they have. They are not scaring anyone.
Quote:Im not 100% percent sold on there QB Taylor. Overrated corners. Running game is ok if Mccoy can stay healthy and Sammy Watkins is the only playmakers they have. They are not scaring anyone.
And how would you incessively bedwet to fix that team? Do tell....
Without getting into too much would ofs......


Did anyone WATCH that game?


Bengals players were doing everything in their power to not win.

AJ Green has taken a step back this year, or defenses are just taking him away.

Eifert had butterfingers all game.


Their 2 RBs have been meh for most of the season.


And Dalton has proved before that when the lights are the brightest and he is asked to do it all himself, he fails, miserably.


I watched the whole awful game. It was less about the tinhorns being good and more about the Bungles and Bad Andy coming out.

Quote:Declaring them division champs doesn't insinuate that they're great. Are they better than us, yes they are. You don't need to be great to win this division.
At what position, other than DE, are they clearly better than us?
Quote:I'm certain that I can, but what improvement would be had by making a statement that is either 1. obvious or 2. previously stated?


My statement was made in fun and meant to jab the OP that he made a pessimistic thread and instead of quantitatively pointing out how good Houston's team is, he takes the opportunity to point out how bad he thinks Jacksonville is.


Would it not have made more sense if the OP had titled the thread "Jacksonville couldn't beat Cincinnati the way that Houston did last night"? Wouldn't that have been more genuine? Instead, the title of the thread comes across as whiny and passive-aggressive. So should pearls be cast before this particular swine of a thread? To what benefit would that be? Sometimes, things cannot be improved and the only way to make things better is to have them replaced.


Also, I'd like to take the time to point out that my post is a traditional type that has been used around here for a while that points out when a thread is seen as redundant.
Quote:At what position, other than DE, are they clearly better than us?

OL, K, coaching
Quote:Seriously, they are the best team in Division right now. Our team would of never been able to beat a undefeated team. There defense is better than ours and overall have more talent than us. This win will probably jump start them to close ou division.


Ahh the ultimate pessimist you are. 
Quote:OL, K, coaching
Coaching? Hahaha! BOB sucks just as much as Gus!
Ill stick by my prediction of this thread.
Yup should be Houston's division. 

They got a messy win today and thats what matters, I wonder how they do vs Saints/bills/Pats tho?  I still dont believe in BOB either.

The Texans and Colts gutted out big wins today.  The Jags need to keep piling up wins to stay in it.  

Quote:They got a messy win today and thats what matters, I wonder how they do vs Saints/bills/Pats tho?  I still dont believe in BOB either.

ionnno Saints defense is weak so Houston should be able to put up some points, and tinhorns D should be able to keep Brees from making it a shoot out.  I'm sure they'll lose to the Pats tho, but it likely doesn't matter.
Quote:Seriously, they are the best team in Division right now. Our team would of never been able to beat a undefeated team. There defense is better than ours and overall have more talent than us. This win will probably jump start them to close ou division.

Right, well um they still have to play out the rest of the season & anything can happen


Quote:Im not 100% percent sold on there QB Taylor. Overrated corners. Running game is ok if Mccoy can stay healthy and Sammy Watkins is the only playmakers they have. They are not scaring anyone.
So Karlos Williams, Charles Clay, and Robert Woods don't qualify as playmakers? Do you even watch the games?
Quote:OL, K, coaching
The entire O line? Doubtful.... They keep their QBs clean, I guess, 15th in sacks allowed.

But in the bottom fifth of the league in rush yards and ypa, etc.


Coaching... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You're joking? No? Geez... blind hatred knows no bounds..


Kicker? You talking bout kickers??

Shut up.


tinhorns should have drafted Bortles

that is why they won't win the division.

I don't care how well the O line is playing.. or how stout the D is.

They will stumble, because they have TJ Yates at QB. 


Like I said before... the Bengals didn't show up on Monday, they looked like the bungles of old.

Give credit to the tinhorn D, they stopped Green, but the rest was on the bungles..


They beat the jests... a tough game (one we almost, should have, won... but I digress)


But you're trying to crown them?? HAHA

So take your tinhorn homerism elsewhere with that nonsense.

Fool of a took!
Quote:Ill stick by my prediction of this thread.

I bet you'll silently root for Houston too, because you know you're gonna get taken to the cleaners if the Jags somehow pull this thing off. Good luck.

Quote:So Karlos Williams, Charles Clay, and Robert Woods don't qualify as playmakers? Do you even watch the games?

Beat me to it. Karlos Williams is a rookie and leads the league in YPC at 6 yds a pop. This guy flings poo at a wall hoping something sticks; it's been his shtick for years.
Saints will win off of bye week
Quote:Im not 100% percent sold on there QB Taylor. Overrated corners. Running game is ok if Mccoy can stay healthy and Sammy Watkins is the only playmakers they have. They are not scaring anyone.

Anyone who stood up and slugged it out with NE the way they did, will command respect from any opponent, even if some folks can't see it.
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