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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Ravens Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Jesus he was holding him down the whole time
Hurns was held
The mic picked up Bortles lol
I don't think I have ever seen that fade work for us, as in, ever

Make up no-call for the targeting call. Im fine with it.

That was a great throw by Bortles. Great anticipation.


Poor attempt on that 2 pt conversion though. Looked like Hurns got held. not sure.

clear PI
lol, Myers just sit this one out, bud
Thank you AROB!!!!

Where is our 8million Dollar man?
Hurns should fight through that though.
That fade needs to be torn outta the playbook
That was some of the most blatant holding right in front of a ref I've ever seen... How do you not call that?
Quote:Where is our 8million Dollar man?

On vacation
Blake to Arob.. Idiots talkin bout Blake earlier just shhhhhh....
Quote:Hi, my name is BB5.  I'm actually a pretty good QB...



That play was ON TIME!!!

That's why he misses other open guys, the offense is designed to limit decisions, just throw what you see and we'll deal with the results.
How was Hurns not held?
Good play by Bortles and Robinson.  The offense might be waking up.