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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Ravens Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Everyone, be quiet....

Redemption Myers. Cut if miss.
HA. really
Well, isn't this appropriate?
Myers can be a real hero here
Come on Myers for crying out loud man.

Is it wrong that I can't quit laughing here??????????/

Talk about redemption
My Heart. please. i cant watch the game. somebody pray for me

I have no idea what just happened, but Harbaugh's probably going to kill someone after this game.

53 yards ftw.

what in the world was that?!?!?!?!?!?

Come on loser Myers! Don't be a loser!
Myers here's your redemption!!
If he makes this he can get on the plane
I'm skerd
myers has the leg, but can he kick it in the right direction

This dude better not miss this.
My heart......

Ohhhhhhhhh my heart