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Quote:One more thing the entire reason ISIS is armed and as big as they are is because the west armed them to take on Assad. This entire mess boils down back to the west trying to pick and remove foreign regimes 

It's the mistaken belief that we will get something better by removing a tyrant.   In the case of Hussein and Assad, it has completely backfired.   What we got is much worse.   The tyrant had his boot on everyone's neck, holding them down.   When he is removed, it unleashes all the bloodletting and score-settling that we saw for example in Yugoslavia.  
Quote:Having a meaningful ground force in the region means that we would have been able to respond in kind to whatever sectarian group rose up to threaten stability in the region, supplemented by our Iraqi Allies.  Under our leadership there would have been a lot less of just abandoning the vehicles that we paid for and going home.  We also would have had the pieces in place to make a RED LINE against using WMD a meaningful ultimatum instead of a political show and that could have influenced what happened in Syria. 

That's insane.  You want us to try to run the Middle East?   That would be the most disastrous course of action I can imagine.   We sit there and decide which group "threatens stability?"  And then we attack them?   Think about what you are saying.  Think how much that would cost in dollars and in lives of American soldiers.   And then think about how it would make us the scapegoat for every person in the Middle East who doesn't like how his life is going.   You want to make the Middle East an American colony?   That's what it sounds like. 
Quote:That's insane.  You want us to try to run the Middle East?   That would be the most disastrous course of action I can imagine.   We sit there and decide which group "threatens stability?"  And then we attack them?   Think about what you are saying.  Think how much that would cost in dollars and in lives of American soldiers.   And then think about how it would make us the scapegoat for every person in the Middle East who doesn't like how his life is going.   You want to make the Middle East an American colony?   That's what it sounds like. 
I never understood why Saudi Arabia doesn't police the region
Yeh allowing isis and al queda to grow unfettered.... Whats the worst that could happen?
Quote:I never understood why Saudi Arabia doesn't police the region

Saudi Arabia profits off of chaos. Why would they want to protect a potential competitor?
If America wasn't such a terrorist the middle east wouldn't be as bad as it is now.
Quote:I never understood why Saudi Arabia doesn't police the region

It might be a Sunni vs Shia issue. They also don't like Iran. Iran supports who they don't. It's just,and always has been a cluster piss over there.
Quote:If America wasn't such a terrorist the middle east wouldn't be as bad as it is now.

Welp you should know all about that. The troubles and all. The middle east terrorists picked up IRAs tactics. So we can thank you for that.
The appropriate response to terrorism:

Quote:Given the fact that you have an inordinate opportunity for infiltration, we also have to consider the demographic composition of the "refugees."  right now we believe that roughly 80% are MILITARY AGE MALES.  let that sink in a minute before you respond.  This isn't a normal contingent of women and children who just need food and water.  This has all the markings of a quiet cultural INVASION.
Do you have a link for that? The only reputable sources I can find say that anywhere from 2-10% of Syrian refugees coming to the US are military-aged males. The highest estimates I'm finding are that 72% might be military-aged males, but those are either being denied requests or sent to countries closer to Syria. I'm calling bullsquat on you here.


Quote:Not true. It was expected that nearing the conclusion of the agreement a new SOFA Would be negotiated and the military requested about 24k.
I'm also going to challenge you to provide me with links from reputable sources, not Johnny Rightwing's speculative blog, that say that it was anticipated from the start that the SOFA would be renegotiated. I've read the White House transcripts from its signing, and nothing there indicates that it was to be a temporary measure. In fact, all the language they used in the joint press conference seems to indicate that there was never any intent to extend it.
Quote:Welp you should know all about that. The troubles and all. The middle east terrorists picked up IRAs tactics. So we can thank you for that.

Your welcome! The real IRA did the country a massive service back in the day and for that I am ever grateful to them.Heroes.
Quote:It's the mistaken belief that we will get something better by removing a tyrant.   In the case of Hussein and Assad, it has completely backfired.   What we got is much worse.   The tyrant had his boot on everyone's neck, holding them down.   When he is removed, it unleashes all the bloodletting and score-settling that we saw for example in Yugoslavia.

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

As much as I loathed Hussein (and his sons), at least he had control over the land. Every time we meddle in things it does turn out so much worse than it was.
Putin said "To forgive the terrorists is up to God but to send them to him is up to me"

Man, i wish our president said that.
Quote:Do you have a link for that? The only reputable sources I can find say that anywhere from 2-10% of Syrian refugees coming to the US are military-aged males. The highest estimates I'm finding are that 72% might be military-aged males, but those are either being denied requests or sent to countries closer to Syria. I'm calling bullsquat on you here.


I'm also going to challenge you to provide me with links from reputable sources, not Johnny Rightwing's speculative blog, that say that it was anticipated from the start that the SOFA would be renegotiated. I've read the White House transcripts from its signing, and nothing there indicates that it was to be a temporary measure. In fact, all the language they used in the joint press conference seems to indicate that there was never any intent to extend it.

The numbers i cited were the estimates for those that crossed over into the EU.  More importantly, just this morning a female detonated a suicide belt during a raid by the French.  This coupled with the use of children to kill "infadels" radically alters the basic demographics we would expect to be radicalized.  


Second  It was widely assumed a new plan would be negotiated after the 2008 version expired in 2011. There were no stipulations about a specific number of American military personnel to be left behind.


Whether it was through REMISSIONING, or renegotiation of the SOFA itself, the idea that Bush 43 was in favor of a date certain withdrawal with no consideration for the facts on the ground is disingenuous at best!  It was always his intention to take the steps necessary to secure the future of IRAQ and make sure that they had enough support to maintain the foothold that we had sacrificed for.  
Quote:Your welcome! The real IRA did the country a massive service back in the day and for that I am ever grateful to them.Heroes.
Think he knows the difference between the IRA and the PIRA?
Quote:Putin said "To forgive the terrorists is up to God but to send them to him is up to me"

Man, i wish our president said that.

Yeah, we need more bluster and puffed chests.
Quote:Yeah, we need more bluster and puffed chests.

Yeah, we need more submission and humility when dealing with radical Islamic barbarians.
Quote:If America wasn't such a terrorist the middle east wouldn't be as bad as it is now.


[Image: 1394663132979.jpg]
Quote:I never understood why Saudi Arabia doesn't police the region

Ask Henry Kissenger.  He set the deal up under the Nixon regime and it has remained in place.  It works like this:


#1 - The Saudis and O.P.E.C. agree to only sell crude oil for U.S. dollars.  This requires every nation on Earth to keep a portion of their assets in U.S. dollars and it allows the U.S. to export dollars to the world.


#2 - The Saudis will invest their oil profits in U.S. Treasury notes.  This further acts as a prop for the U.S. dollar, creating a steady buyer for our dollars/debt.


#3 - The U.S. will provide military security for Saudi Arabia and political backing for the House of Saud.  This includes attacking anyone in the region who could threaten the status quo.  We probably also supply Saudi Arabia with nukes.  Israel has nukes for sure, though it's not clear if we supplied them or if they built their own. 
Quote:Yeah, we need more bluster and puffed chests.

Way better than acting like a coward and sending weapons and money to countries that want to destroy us..
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