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What ever happened to TMD?
Quote:What ever happened to TMD?

Banned, hopefully permanently
Quote:What ever happened to TMD?
Mom made him move out of the basement.


He can't afford internet and rent on McD's pay.
Quote:I always thought Dexter was TMD.


The similarities were astounding. Dexter was from San Diego and TMD was from Philly, but it was hard to tell the difference. The main difference was that Dexter would go deeper into scouting college players. He'd have his guys, and everyone else was wrong in his mind. It was fun evaluating his guys as they entered the NFL. He actually hit on more than he missed, but what made it so funny was that most of his guys ended up getting hurt and on IR. If he were a GM he'd easily have the most injured roster in the league.


TMD, btw, is gone for good. The main reason was that he couldn't help himself from hijacking threads completely changing the topic to support his same tired agenda(s). It was like every thread turned into the same argument, and we exhausted every effort to explain this to him giving him chance after chance to change his ways, but he just couldn't help himself.

Quote:The similarities were astounding. Dexter was from San Diego and TMD was from Philly, but it was hard to tell the difference. The main difference was that Dexter would go deeper into scouting college players. He'd have his guys, and everyone else was wrong in his mind. It was fun evaluating his guys as they entered the NFL. He actually hit on more than he missed, but what made it so funny was that most of his guys ended up getting hurt and on IR. If he were a GM he'd easily have the most injured roster in the league.


TMD, btw, is gone for good. The main reason was that he couldn't help himself from hijacking threads completely changing the topic to support his same tired agenda(s). It was like every thread turned into the same argument, and we exhausted every effort to explain this to him giving him chance after chance to change his ways, but he just couldn't help himself.
He just does that on twitter now. 
Who are you guys talking about?

Quote:Who are you guys talking about?


You don't remember The Mad Dog?

Quote:You don't remember The Mad Dog?
Low key guy right? Hardly had any opinions on anything? Mr. Positive was his nickname? ALLLways backed the Jags, blah blah blah. 


Quote:Low key guy right? Hardly had any opinions on anything? Mr. Positive was his nickname? ALLLways backed the Jags, blah blah blah. 




You're supposed to use :teehee:  for sarcasm.

Quote:You don't remember The Mad Dog?


Quote:Low key guy right? Hardly had any opinions on anything? Mr. Positive was his nickname? ALLLways backed the Jags, blah blah blah. 




I'm drawing a blank here. I mean, why would we be talking about a guy who isn't around anymore and, from what I gather from y'all's comments, he was kind of irritating to read anyway?
Quote:You're supposed to use :teehee:  for sarcasm.
Opportunity missed. 


Quote:That's what the average fan wants and that's fine but it doesn't give you an idea of how a player is doing. Plus, if you're used to watching a Vinny Manuwai type and then you go and watch say, Zane Beadles, it can get a little ugly. The whiffs are probably the easiest things to catch but everybody whiffs probably once a game, it just happens. I do remember those threads you did and I always enjoyed reading them. Maybe you and I can do a joint thread for a game this year?




If you use it right, it can teach you to stay humble and hungry. And you have to have those two things in order to get better. If you can give yourself an evaluation with a truly clear eye and see what you did wrong without getting down on yourself and what you did right without getting too full of yourself, you can grow so much in a very little amount of time. I truly believe that.




Oh I know and I wasn't trying to insult or talk down to anyone with that way too wordy post. Those are just things that I picked up over time and I thought I'd share. Besides, if I didn't how else would folks know how smart I am? :whistling:

Without knowing chips, pulls, zone steps, etc... it's easy to make mistakes trying to grade guys.  It's why I take PFF with a grain of salt or more.  I don't get the feeling from their writeups that they have good knowledge of (from experience) the interior positions.  Because without knowing the assignments, sometimes you can be lead to the wrong conclusion.


A lot of times, a play can be blown up simply because the QB didn't make the right read and get them out of the play.  If a defender crashes down hard enough on a pulling guard, there's nothing good that can happen even if everyone did their job as expected.  Sometimes linemen don't communicate well, expecting each other to take the same guy and no one ending up being on him at all... all because both assumed assignment and neither bothered to check with the other.  There are other times when all you need for a "win" is to get your hat inside the guy.  And other times, you may see a lineman making a pancake at the second level and think it's a great play, right?  Not if he passed his assignment and plowed the wrong guy into the turf, while the guy he should have pancaked just made the play.
Quote:I'm drawing a blank here. I mean, why would we be talking about a guy who isn't around anymore and, from what I gather from y'all's comments, he was kind of irritating to read anyway?


We should probably move on.


It was just about how much he resembled Dexter in that he was so polarizing to the board. I'm sure you recall with Dexter that the entire board was all about him and his thoughts. It was the same here with TMD. Also, posters above were asking what happened to him.

Quote:I'm drawing a blank here. I mean, why would we be talking about a guy who isn't around anymore and, from what I gather from y'all's comments, he was kind of irritating to read anyway?
He's infamous.
Quote:He just does that on twitter now. 
What's his twitter thing and how do I find his posts? I quite enjoyed getting baked and reading his posts.
Quote:It's possible Dexter and JagRoar were the same person too. I remember JagRoar was the one that complained the Jaguars changed from white to black shoes. Seemed like a TMD thing.

Nah. Dexter(aka TFG) was nuts...literally. Hell, I even remember his real name. He had a link to his personal email on his TFG site.

Nobody remembers that someone posted an article where he was arrested for disturbing the peace because he was ranting outside about his mother trying to drive him crazy with her earthquake machine? I think that's what eventually drove him off of that board.

Ahhhh...those were the days.



Edit: And the court case is still online.

Quote:...you may see a lineman making a pancake at the second level and think it's a great play, right?  Not if he passed his assignment and plowed the wrong guy into the turf, while the guy he should have pancaked just made the play.


This is a good example of why I say you really need to look at all five guys and who they are taking. If you just look at the one guy you see the pancake and say, "Dewd was great!" But if you look at all five you realize the guy next to him had nobody to block, and the guy on the other side is the one who made the play. At that point you realize, "Hey, he blocked the wrong guy." Of course it also helps to be a former lineman and to know more about the called schemes, but for the most part even a novice can decipher who was at fault by carefully evaluating all five linemen on a given play. I realize there are exceptions where assumptions are still wrong.

Quote:Without knowing chips, pulls, zone steps, etc... it's easy to make mistakes trying to grade guys.  It's why I take PFF with a grain of salt or more.  I don't get the feeling from their writeups that they have good knowledge of (from experience) the interior positions.  Because without knowing the assignments, sometimes you can be lead to the wrong conclusion.


A lot of times, a play can be blown up simply because the QB didn't make the right read and get them out of the play.  If a defender crashes down hard enough on a pulling guard, there's nothing good that can happen even if everyone did their job as expected.  Sometimes linemen don't communicate well, expecting each other to take the same guy and no one ending up being on him at all... all because both assumed assignment and neither bothered to check with the other.  There are other times when all you need for a "win" is to get your hat inside the guy.  And other times, you may see a lineman making a pancake at the second level and think it's a great play, right?  Not if he passed his assignment and plowed the wrong guy into the turf, while the guy he should have pancaked just made the play.

Very true. Without having the Called Play on hand to know the assignments / reads you really won't get a complete picture of how any player really performed. But, you can see how well they did on some things. It's all kind of a waste of time anyway right? But it is kinda fun to learn about this stuff.
Quote:What's his twitter thing and how do I find his posts? I quite enjoyed getting baked and reading his posts.
I think it's like @JagsMBmaddog or something like that.
Quote:Nah. Dexter(aka TFG) was nuts...literally. Hell, I even remember his real name. He had a link to his personal email on his TFG site.

Nobody remembers that someone posted an article where he was arrested for disturbing the peace because he was ranting outside about his mother trying to drive him crazy with her earthquake machine? I think that's what eventually drove him off of that board.

Ahhhh...those were the days.



Edit: And the court case is still online.

Yes! That is what I was referencing earlier. Someone posted his arrest report and the earthquake machine. It was surreal.
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