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Full Version: Blake Bortles nominated for Clutch Performer of the Week
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Quote:Have we reached a point where a segment is now complaining about touchdown passes? SMH

I guess that's a sign of progress lol



Quote:Have we reached a point where a segment is now complaining about touchdown passes? SMH

Worst game-winning touchdown pass ever.


[Image: The_Simpsons-Jeff_Albertson.png]
Am I the only one who thought it was a good pass? He bought himself sometime and was off balance but put the ball in a place only Hurns could catch it.


It was a tough catch for Hurns but he was able to bring it in and you've got to believe Bortles trusts his receivers to do that.

Quote:Have we reached a point where a segment is now complaining about touchdown passes? SMH
idk what is going on in this thread lol


The QB put the ball where only the WR can get it, while avoiding pressure, its a great play by both players, some people have no clue about football
The game winning 30+ yard strike across his body on the move could have been a foot higher so Hurns didn't have to dive. Cut Bortle now he's a bust.
Blake also showed awareness, threw that Pass right before crossing the line of scrimmage. The Jags could never be as pathetic as this board is. I rarely come here and post. Go Jags

Bumped for votes. Now that we are building a fan base in London that gives us a WHOLE new pool of voters. Maybe we'll have a better chance for pro bowlers. 

Quote:Bumped for votes. Now that we are building a fan base in London that gives us a WHOLE new pool of voters. Maybe we'll have a better chance for pro bowlers. 

Only the Pro Bowl ballot counts for that to happen.
Not sure if anyone caught this nice stat on twitter yesterday


<div><a class="" href='https://twitter.com/john_gonoude'>[Image: zheTUWSW_bigger.jpg]John Gonoude‏<span style="color:rgb(177,187,195);">@john_gonoude</span></a>
<p class="" style="font-size:28px;color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">.<a class="" href='https://twitter.com/BBortles5'>@BBortles5</a> has posted an 84.0 total quarterback rating in the last five minutes of a half (2nd & 4th quarters), best among all <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/NFL'>@NFL</a> QBs.

Completely meaningless statistic. What really matters is the stuff you see on the field: why some passes were incomplete, what kind of passes were completed, etc. And what about overtime against the Colts?

Quote:Completely meaningless statistic. What really matters is the stuff you see on the field: why some passes were incomplete, what kind of passes were completed, etc. And what about overtime against the Colts?
You mean the game in which he drives the field to set up game winning FG,only to be missed?
Quote:Not sure if anyone caught this nice stat on twitter yesterday

<p class="bbc_indent" style="margin-left:40px;">45]
<a class="bbc_url" href='https://twitter.com/john_gonoude'>[Image: zheTUWSW_bigger.jpg]John Gonoude‏<span style="color:rgb(177,187,195);">@john_gonoude</span></a>

.<a class="bbc_url" href='https://twitter.com/BBortles5'><span style="color:rgb(102,178,178);">@

BBortles5</a> has posted an 84.0 total quarterback rating in the last five minutes of a half (2nd & 4th quarters), best among all <a class="bbc_url" href='https://twitter.com/NFL'><span style="color:rgb(102,178,178);">@
NFL</a> QBs.</span></span>

Instead of Tebow time it's Blake Time!!
Quote:Completely meaningless statistic. What really matters is the stuff you see on the field: why some passes were incomplete, what kind of passes were completed, etc. And what about overtime against the Colts?
you do  realize QBR takes that into account?
Quote:Look at the play again and tell me how that wasn't a good pass? Do me a favor and stop hating. 




Quote:you do  realize QBR takes that into account?
He's 11th in the league in that category

It's really nice to have our QB in the same conversation stat wise,with the upper tier qbs.
Quote:You do realize QBR takes that into account?

Takes what into account? Certainly not the fact that perfect passes are dropped or who was responsible for interceptions. Statiticians also don't differentiate throwaways and other incompletions.
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