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Proust! 5 Scientific Ways Drinking Beer Makes Men BETTER In Bed

<div>Is there anything beer CAN'T do?
Dreams really do come true, and a whole lot of men are about to get very happy. Apparently, drinking beer makes men better in bed, at least according to an article on <a class="" href='http://www.askmen.com/sex/sex_tips/how-beer-makes-you-better-in-bed.html'>AskMen</a>.

Did I just hear someone cracking open another cold one and smiling?



I'm guessing they are talking about the woman drinking, right? So she's so drunk that she thinks you're much better than you are? :woot:
Proust? Is that a word in America? Because over here the correct spelling is proost.
Quote:I'm guessing they are talking about the woman drinking, right? So she's so drunk that she thinks you're much better than you are? :woot:
This is exactly what I was thinking. Even if you're so-so, she wakes up thinking it was amazing because of how drunk she was.
Quote:I'm guessing they are talking about the woman drinking, right? So she's so drunk that she thinks you're much better than you are? :woot:


Science denier! You're probably a flat earther too! :teehee: :yes:
Quote:This is exactly what I was thinking. Even if you're so-so, she wakes up thinking it was amazing because of how drunk she was.

Believe me, when I give a woman 4 minutes of my finest mediocrity she bloody well knows it's been disappointing.
Quote:Believe me, when I give a woman 4 minutes of my finest mediocrity she bloody well knows it's been disappointing.

Four minutes? That includes the three minutes of begging, right? :woot:
Quote:Four minutes? That includes the three minutes of begging, right? :woot:

If she's drunk, typically no begging is required.  The extra 3 minutes may saved for an apology for something happening too quickly and a promise to call.