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Full Version: Do Black lives matter, or do all lives matter?
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In the universal sense no lives matter.

Depends. If its a white child molester...no...If its a black murderer..no...


To lump everyone in together is irrelevant. Cant blame all or any race for actions by individuals. 


So, imo, most lives matter..but some dont. But thats on an individual basis, not painting everyone with a broad brush.


America has enough divisiveness with so many with their own agendas. It only weakens us. 


Christ, theres been killings, arrests,etc over a damn flag. Killings over other killings. 

Keep on and you can welcome in martial law one day. 
We are all replaceable.
I would take "black lives matter" a little more seriously if they were concerned with the fact that black people are killing each other at an insane pace.

I get the concern over law enforcement related deaths in the black community but the real elephant in the room is that the ghettos are war zones and black people are the shooters and the victims. Middle class white people should not be the target audience.
Quote:I would take "black lives matter" a little more seriously if they were concerned with the fact that black people are killing each other at an insane pace.
I'll give you that to a point. I have seen it brought up on all of the big three cable networks during "black lives matter" segments and interviews that a big part of black lives mattering is black people focusing on violence within their community as well. 
Quote:I'll give you that to a point. I have seen it brought up on all of the big three cable networks during "black lives matter" segments and interviews that a big part of black lives mattering is black people focusing on violence within their community as well.

If it has then I will take it back. I am not afraid to admit when I have goofed haha.
Quote:If it has then I will take it back. I am not afraid to admit when I have goofed haha.
I don't know that the movement as a whole has gotten around to looking in the mirror, but I have seen black leaders on all three channels mention during interviews that black-on-black crime has to be part of the discussion.
Quote:I don't know that the movement as a whole has gotten around to looking in the mirror, but I have seen black leaders on all three channels mention during interviews that black-on-black crime has to be part of the discussion.
True, the issue that I see is how the media ignores that portion of the discussion.  They continue to focus on the narrative of white cops kill black males for no reason at all
Quote:True, the issue that I see is how the media ignores that portion of the discussion. They continue to focus on the narrative of white cops kill black males for no reason at all
Outrage gets attention. Pointing out the obvious does not. Hence, white on black crime is a topic for discussion, and anyone who brings up black on black crime as an equally big issue is marginalized as trying to downplay racial issues.
The more people whine and cry that criminals who pull guns at police and get killed, the less I care..

It just truly shows you the weak mentality of those individuals. All they care about is the criminal's skin color. Pull a gun on a cop and you deserve to be shot and the world is a better place without you.. More oxygen for the rest of us law abiding citizens.
Quote:The more people whine and cry that criminals who pull guns at police and get killed, the less I care..

It just truly shows you the weak mentality of those individuals. All they care about is the criminal's skin color. Pull a gun on a cop and you deserve to be shot and the world is a better place without you.. More oxygen for the rest of us law abiding citizens.

Yeah, true, but that's not what they are complaining about.  
How does a candiate for President say that only Black Lives are matter and expect to be elected?

Quote:How does a candiate for President say that only Black Lives are matter and expect to be elected?
They're counting on the minority vote to get them there?


Also, did you actually listen to anything they said, or did you just stop at "black lives matter"? No one even suggested that a black life is any more important than the life of anyone with different coloration on their skin.
Quote:They're counting on the minority vote to get them there?


Also, did you actually listen to anything they said, or did you just stop at "black lives matter"? No one even suggested that a black life is any more important than the life of anyone with different coloration on their skin.
Either that or they just don't care. You can explain the idea and message all day, everyday but it won't matter. The usual suspects will either ignore or not care. It does not effect them directly so why would they. 
That's not the real question.  In the truest sense of the "movement" black VOTES matter.  If the "movement" really cared about black lives then they would in turn care about BLACK LIVES and you would see demonstrations and marches on every major gang stronghold that sees hundreds of black people killed.  The "movement" only cares about those black lives that have been ended in any way that proves politically expedient for the left. 


The lefts view of equality has nothing to do with equality.  Equal treatment under the law means that everyone is treated equally and that every person who's rights to life liberty or property have been abridged by the state or by another citizen should be protected by due process of law to determine if a crime has been committed and if a citizen or state agency is culpable for that crime.  In the case of Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown etc. etc. you had that.  You may not like the result, just like some Klansman didn't like the OJ result but the only thing that we can promise under the constitution is DUE PROCESS that implies fair treatment.  If material evidence was being omitted and no investigations were undertaken in any instance then there would be something to talk about.  Right now all you have is the PREJUDICIAL targeting of white cops simply because we know that all white cops are murdering racists with itchy trigger fingers who want to pull innocent black kids out of differential equations class at Harvard and execute them on their confederate flags.  If you don't believe me just ask Shonda Rhymes, she'll tell you all about it. 

#blacklivesmatter is a ridiculous movement



there is no war against black men and women just like there is no war against women in general



coming from a black man.

Quote:They're counting on the minority vote to get them there?


Also, did you actually listen to anything they said, or did you just stop at "black lives matter"? No one even suggested that a black life is any more important than the life of anyone with different coloration on their skin.
Pandering is pandering, and that's all these politicians are doing by responding to a "Do black lives matter, or do all lives matter?" question by saying black lives matter. 


The entire movement is a joke.  The only black lives matter are those that can be used to advance a political agenda. 


Nobody is marching in the streets looting because blacks are killing blacks in Chicago, Detroit, Jacksonville, or any other major metropolitan area.  They're not protesting in the streets outside of abortion mills where more black lives are snuffed out than anywhere else. 


They're only protesting in those very specific incidents where a white person or a police officer of any race, gender, or creed kills a black person. In those instances, they don't discriminate with regard to what the context of the killing might have been. 


The Ferguson situation where "Black Lives Matter" was essentially born was based on a false narrative.  The whole "Hands up, don't shoot" chant was a complete fabrication of events.  


When O'Malley was shredded because he dared to say "all lives matter," he retreated from the statement like he'd just put his hand on a hot stove, and immediately tried to walk back his statement.  It was an embarrassing moment, but not nearly as awful as watching the debate where you had the leading candidates all pandering with their support of black lives matter.  They don't give a crap about the movement.  They care about the vote. They know that none of them is going to draw the minority vote out as well as Obama did, so they have this desperate need to feign white guilt in order to show solidarity.  It's comical.  There's zero diversity among the democrat candidates, but you'd think they all tied their roots back to, well, Roots! 
Quote:#blacklivesmatter is a ridiculous movement



there is no war against black men and women just like there is no war against women in general



coming from a black man.

Clearly you're an Uncle Tom.  You need to get with the program here.
I've been called that and worse by people on FB.



it's the old "we know what's best for you than you know whats best for you" mindset.


it's very liberal/progressive


they want to box us little black people in and keep us on that plantation.


if we dare step off, we're uncle toms, oreos, dumb, stupid, and everything else.


I despise the modern-day Liberal with a passion

Quote:Pandering is pandering, and that's all these politicians are doing by responding to a "Do black lives matter, or do all lives matter?" question by saying black lives matter. 
We don't completely agree on the rest of your post, but we're not too far apart.


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