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Just a FYI the Black lives Matter movement isn't just about police brutality. It's about quality of education, health care and financial equality.
Quote:Clearly you're an Uncle Tom.  You need to get with the program here.

It's more so a self hatred.

If I wasn't comfortable in my own skin (pun intended) I would share the same sentiments.
Quote:It's more so a self hatred.

If I wasn't comfortable in my own skin (pun intended) I would share the same sentiments.

So being independent means you hate yourself? Not want to be treated as unequally inferior by paternalistic do-gooders is self loathing?
Quote:So being independent means you hate yourself? Not want to be treated as unequally inferior by paternalistic do-gooders is self loathing?

I'm independent and I identify with my culture and never have no problem giving back or providing opportunities to the less fortunate.

The social definition of a Uncle Tom is someone who consistently identifies with another particular race through their ideologies and practices, who creates a separate identity with the sole purpose of satisfying that demographic of high wealth with hopes of achieving similar financial status.
Quote:I'm independent and I identify with my culture and never have no problem giving back or providing opportunities to the less fortunate.

The social definition of a Uncle Tom is someone who consistently identifies with another particular race through their ideologies and practices, who creates a separate identity with the sole purpose of satisfying that demographic of high wealth with hopes of achieving similar financial status.

What a terrible way for you to have to go through life, always worried that you have to be what other people think you should.
Quote:What a terrible way for you to have to go through life, always worried that you have to be what other people think you should.

I think God has blessed me with a wonderful life and to have the ability to be a blessing to others.

Quote:Just a FYI the Black lives Matter movement isn't just about police brutality. It's about quality of education, health care and financial equality.

I kind of beg to differ here.  The "black lives matter" movement was started because of perceived "police brutality" and perceived "unequal justice" following the verdict in the Trayvon Martin killing by George Zimmerman.  The movement (I just had one by the way) gained some steam in social media after Michael Brown was (justifiably) shot and killed by a white police officer.


If black people, or any other group of the population wants to protest regarding education, health care or "financial equality", there are other ways to do so.


I would also submit this, not only to black people, but people in general, especially minorities.  Don't name your kids with names such as Jose`, Akeim, Shaniqua, or Mohammad if you don't want them to be discriminated against.  Unfortunately, discrimination will happen when a potential employer looks at resumes.


That being said, I do understand the plight of black people in the inner cities.  It is actually spreading to other major cities in the U.S..  People in general need to understand how the world works and how to lift themselves out of a bad situation.  It is most certainly not by "demanding" certain rights or privileges.  It's through a bit of hard work.
Quote:I would also submit this, not only to black people, but people in general, especially minorities.  Don't name your kids with names such as Jose`, Akeim, Shaniqua, or Mohammad if you don't want them to be discriminated against.  Unfortunately, discrimination will happen when a potential employer looks at resumes.
That's actually a pretty discriminatory thing for you to say.
Quote:That's actually a pretty discriminatory thing for you to say.
I doubt he means it in any kind of malicious way. And I don't mean this his way in particular but It's an extension of the "it's all their fault mentality". 
Quote:This was an interesting question in the Democrat debate last night.  The answers given by the "top" Democrats was shocking.  What say you?

How could anyone say one race is more important than the others and run for President, yet that is what happened during the Democrat Debate where both Hilary Clinton & Ben Sanders both said Black lives matter and yours (if your not Black) apparently does not.


It is racist maybe not towards African-Americans but it is towards every other race...


Again how could the american people want either a commie (Bernie) or a traitor (Hilary) as their next president is totally beyond me...
Quote:I kind of beg to differ here.  The "black lives matter" movement was started because of perceived "police brutality" and perceived "unequal justice" following the verdict in the Trayvon Martin killing by George Zimmerman.  The movement (I just had one by the way) gained some steam in social media after Michael Brown was (justifiably) shot and killed by a white police officer.


If black people, or any other group of the population wants to protest regarding education, health care or "financial equality", there are other ways to do so.


I would also submit this, not only to black people, but people in general, especially minorities.  Don't name your kids with names such as Jose`, Akeim, Shaniqua, or Mohammad if you don't want them to be discriminated against.  Unfortunately, discrimination will happen when a potential employer looks at resumes.


That being said, I do understand the plight of black people in the inner cities.  It is actually spreading to other major cities in the U.S..  People in general need to understand how the world works and how to lift themselves out of a bad situation.  It is most certainly not by "demanding" certain rights or privileges.  It's through a bit of hard work.

The BLM movement has always focused on issues plaguing the African American community. The cases of Martin and Davis pushed police brutality to the forefront. 


You quoting financial equality just demonstrates the arrogance you (and some others) seem to display when discussing various subjects regarding race relations. Minorities for a long time have voiced their frustrations over these issues but have been silenced and ignored. 


To suggest a parent not name their child of ethnic descent is mind boggling and pathetic. 
i guess NBA Bucks player John Henson wasn't discrimnated against then huh?
wow jameis fried chicken is severely misguided

Wow having a difference of opinion constitutes as being "severely misguided".

Manipulation at its finest.
When did anyone on stage say non black lives don't matter? They didn't. It's OK to not understand something that's doesn't directly effect you. That's human. Villifyng it because you don't understand it, on the other hand is foolish and misguided. It's also become the MO of some people.
Quote:That's actually a pretty discriminatory thing for you to say.

While yes, it may be discriminatory it unfortunately is the truth.  I recently read a study on this and the results pretty much point to the facts.  In the study, similar resumes with similar qualifications were sent to a group of 12 potential employers.  One resume was from a "Shaniqua Jackson" and the other was from a "Cynthia Jackson" (I don't remember the actual names but it was something like that).  Just going from memory here but the call-backs for an interview was something like 2 for "Shaniqua Jackson" and 8 for "Cynthia Jackson".


I'll try to find the link to the study, but the data pretty much proves the point.


Note:  When I have looked at resumes in the past, I almost never really looked at the names on them.  I was usually more interested in education/experience.  If someone has the right qualifications, I really don't care what their first or last name is.
Quote:Note: When I have looked at resumes in the past, I almost never really looked at the names on them. I was usually more interested in education/experience. If someone has the right qualifications, I really don't care what their first or last name is.

That's how I've always done it and, imo, that's how it should be done. I never look at the name or address until after I've skimmed the resume. I do look at the email address up front because, let's be real, if you're putting "[email protected]" as your contact email on a resume, I probably didn't want to hire you anyway.
Quote:That's how I've always done it and, imo, that's how it should be done. I never look at the name or address until after I've skimmed the resume. I do look at the email address up front because, let's be real, if you're putting "[email protected]" as your contact email on a resume, I probably didn't want to hire you anyway.
You sexist you!
Quote:You sexist you!
"[email protected]" wouldn't get a call back, either :p
Quote:That's how I've always done it and, imo, that's how it should be done. I never look at the name or address until after I've skimmed the resume. I do look at the email address up front because, let's be real, if you're putting "[email protected]" as your contact email on a resume, I probably didn't want to hire you anyway.

I would probably contact her and ask for a picture.  :devil:
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