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Quote:Deez Nutz is missing from the list of choices. 
If the choice comes down to Cruz or Clinton, I'm still voting for him.
Quote:As it should be.


If I were Marco Rubio, I probably wouldn't be spending my time on the Jaguars' message board. That said, he and I actually do agree on quite a bit. There are scenarios in which I'd vote for him and feel good about doing so. The deal breakers for Rubio, in my mind, are his desire to extend the NSA mass surveillance program indefinitely, and his emphasis on attacking same sex marriage and abortion. Honestly, if he had come out against the NSA and expressed a desire to tear it down and start over with an emphasis on Constitutional rights above paranoia, he'd probably have locked up my vote long ago regardless of his social policy views. I would just have a very hard time voting for a guy who believes that my civil liberties ought to be subjugated by the state in the name of "homeland security".

Is he going to attack abortion?
Quote:Is he going to attack abortion?
Rubio? Yes.
Quote:Rubio? Yes.

I'm under the impression that he disagrees with abortion but understands that not everyone shares his views and is willing to compromise (ie. just ban 2nd and/or 3rd trimester abortions).
Quote:I'm under the impression that he disagrees with abortion but understands that not everyone shares his views and is willing to compromise (ie. just ban 2nd and/or 3rd trimester abortions).
He launched a pretty direct attack against all abortions, including rape, incest and (I believe, but could be mistaken) life of the mother cases. I wouldn't be surprised to see him moderate that a bit if he makes it to the general election to try and draw more moderate support, particularly if he goes up against Sanders.
Quote:He launched a pretty direct attack against all abortions, including rape, incest and (I believe, but could be mistaken) life of the mother cases. I wouldn't be surprised to see him moderate that a bit if he makes it to the general election to try and draw more moderate support, particularly if he goes up against Sanders.

He doesn't agree with any abortion, but that doesn't mean he is going to go out and try to ban all abortion. He realizes that it's a difficult subject and is willing to compromise on it.
Quote:He launched a pretty direct attack against all abortions, including rape, incest and (I believe, but could be mistaken) life of the mother cases. I wouldn't be surprised to see him moderate that a bit if he makes it to the general election to try and draw more moderate support, particularly if he goes up against Sanders.

Quote:Sanders is now my top choice. His scathing blast of the NSA sealed it for me after he'd been making, for the most part, sane, rational statements about policies I could support, even if I don't 100% agree, all night.


Paul remains #2, but his campaign is, well, deep in #2 at the moment, and he's likely to be out of it soon.


Kasich is still my third option (though he's not exactly a front-runner either), Rubio is my fourth, and a write-in ballot with JIB's name on it is my fifth choice.


JIB, at some point before election day, I may very well need your actual name so I can vote for you.
You should vote Libertarian IMO, you fall in line with the platform
I don't know, maybe the first debate when Megyn Kelly asked him about abortion point-blank?


Quote:You should vote Libertarian IMO, you fall in line with the platform
I consider myself a small-l libertarian, and if there was a libertarian in this race with a snowball's chance in hell of winning even their party's nomination, I'd be all in for them.


I was actually registered in the Libertarian Party in Colorado, but take my party affiliation with a grain of salt. I was in the Green Party when we lived in California, purely because I thought that it was hilarious to be a member of the Ralph Nader party.

Quote:I don't know, maybe the first debate when Megyn Kelly asked him about abortion point-blank?


I consider myself a small-l libertarian, and if there was a libertarian in this race with a snowball's chance in hell of winning even their party's nomination, I'd be all in for them.


I was actually registered in the Libertarian Party in Colorado, but take my party affiliation with a grain of salt. I was in the Green Party when we lived in California, purely because I thought that it was hilarious to be a member of the Ralph Nader party.

You might as well face the fact that you're a liberal.  It's not all bad though, we still talk to boudreaumw at times.
Quote:You might as well face the fact that you're a liberal.  It's not all bad though, we still talk to boudreaumw at times.
Eh, call me what you will, and when it comes down to Clinton vs. Rubio in the general election and I cast my ballot for Rubio, I'll just smile and share a momentary laugh with myself.
Quote:Eh, call me what you will, and when it comes down to Clinton vs. Rubio in the general election and I cast my ballot for Rubio, I'll just smile and share a momentary laugh with myself.

Allow me to correct myself.  You're a liberal with a bit of common sense.   Wink
Quote:You might as well face the fact that you're a liberal.  It's not all bad though, we still talk to boudreaumw at times.
HE SAID MY NAME!!!!!!!! 
Quote:HE SAID MY NAME!!!!!!!!
Was your spidey sense tingling?
The National Debt will take care of itself.  It is being rolled over into debt instruments which pay zero interest.  ZERO.


Next year holders of our debt WILL HAVE TO PAY US.  It's called NIRP and is coming to a bank near you to save America,  NIRP it up America!

Quote:You might as well face the fact that you're a liberal.  It's not all bad though, we still talk to boudreaumw at times.

It's pretty obvious, especially considering he completely ignored my explanation (twice) that Rubio is willing to compromise on abortion.

Quote:It's pretty obvious, especially considering he completely ignored my explanation (twice) that Rubio is willing to compromise on abortion.
I didn't ignore it. I addressed it once by pointing out that regardless of what you think he'd do, he came out so strongly against abortion in the first debate that even Fox News called him out on lying about his record on the topic. Honestly, Rubio's views on abortion are a secondary concern for me. I don't necessarily agree that there's anything to "compromise" on--the Supreme Court has already ruled on this, and any law not in compliance with Roe v. Wade would be sued and quickly overturned by every level up to the Supreme Court. No federal judge is going to issue a verdict that conflicts with a standing SCOTUS verdict. What happens once it gets to the SCOTUS is anyone's guess, but historically the Supreme Court has been loathe to overrule itself.


My biggest issue with Rubio is his strong belief that government should spy on its own citizens with minimal (if any) restriction. If he held the Paul/Sanders view of the NSA and DHS, he'd have my vote already. Have you forgotten that Rand Paul, who was my guy until the Democratic debate, is strongly anti-abortion, anti-same sex marriage and pro-religion in government? I wouldn't exactly call those liberal philosophies. That's how single-issue I am in this election. Everything else is secondary to me after meaningful reform and accountability for police (including an end to the growing police state) and getting the government off my phone, out of my email, away from my browsing history, far from my financial transaction history and out of my damn pants when I go to an airport.


Point being, and this is what I'm trying to get across, supporting Bernie Sanders does not make me a liberal any more than supporting Rand Paul would make me a Tea Party conservative, or supporting Rubio would make me an establishment conservative. I'm voting for the person who has the ideas and policies that, I believe, match my own priorities best.


One thing I think we can all agree one: supporting Hillary Clinton does, in fact, make one an idiot.

Quote:No we don't live in a democracy

Democracy from Webster dictonary



a :  government by the people; especially :  rule of the majority
b :  a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections </div>

:  a political unit that has a democratic government

capitalized :  the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the United States <span><from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy — C. M. Roberts> </span>

:  the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority

:  the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges



I was always told that our govt is a democratic republic which is;


A democratic republic is, strictly speaking, a country that is both a republic and a democracy. It is one where ultimate authority and power is derived from the citizens, and the government itself is run through elected officials


I am confused as to what exactly our govt is today I would say that the Democrats are starting to lean towards Communism though they call themselves Liberals, Progressives, Democrat Socialist but a terd by another name still stinks.
Quote:I am confused as to what exactly our govt is today I would say that the Democrats are starting to lean towards Communism though they call themselves Liberals, Progressives, Democrat Socialist but a terd by another name still stinks.
1. We are a democratic republic. We elect representatives to handle the business of governing for us.


2. Here's a hint for you: both parties are the same. They both want to instill their own values and morals in government at the expense of all competing thought. When you get right down to it, both parties support something closer to fascism than democracy.
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