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we live in a constitutional republic or federal republic, whichever you want to call it
lol this is TJBender's boy? He wants to raise taxes on EVERYONE (but but but i thought it was just the 1%!!!!!)




how in the world do you have Sanders and Paul on your list smh..they are fundamentally opposed


TJ, do you understand what you even believe??






Quote:lol this is TJBender's boy? He wants to raise taxes on EVERYONE (but but but i thought it was just the 1%!!!!!)




how in the world do you have Sanders and Paul on your list smh..they are fundamentally opposed
Rand Paul wants to dismantle the NSA and fundamentally change the way the DHS operates so that civil liberties are placed above "national security" concerns that exist purely as a way to allow the government to exert more and more control over our daily lives, leading ultimately to a police state. So does Bernie Sanders. That's how. I don't want the government listening to my phone calls, browsing my credit card statements, reading my emails, downloading my browsing history or groping Captain Winky after I walk through a glorified microwave oven at airports.


And it's well-documented on this forum that I'm not a fan of Sanders' tax plan. I don't agree with the views of any candidate that doesn't endorse a consumption tax.
I want more money in my paycheck after taxes


that's enough for me to jettison Socialist Sanders from my list of candidates


and that should be enough for every American


do you not understand that dude wants to take your hard-earned money?

Quote:I want more money in my paycheck after taxes


that's enough for me to jettison Socialist Sanders from my list of candidates


and that should be enough for every American


do you not understand that dude wants to take your hard-earned money?
You seem to say a lot of things and ask a lot of question yet read next to nothing in the replies directed your way. I'd ask why but I don't care. Carry on ignoring TJ's responses. 
Quote:I want more money in my paycheck after taxes


that's enough for me to jettison Socialist Sanders from my list of candidates


and that should be enough for every American


do you not understand that dude wants to take your hard-earned money?
No, I'm a complete idiot who just likes Bernie Sanders because he has crazy hair. Is that what you want to hear? Yes, I understand that Sanders' tax plan includes a tax hike for everyone. I understood that long before he said anything about it. Frankly, all of these nitwits are going to have to raise taxes to balance the budget and continue to provide essential funding, let alone fund their pet projects like that stupid southern fence that won't stop four-legged coyotes, let alone two-legged ones. Sanders is just being honest about it instead of telling the masses what they want to hear.


Again, I am a straight up single-issue voter. My litmus test is what the candidates will do to overhaul/dismantle the Department of Homeland Stupidity. That's not to say there's no circumstance in which I wouldn't vote for Rubio, who is pro-DHS, if certain things fall a given way, but my first priority is to have the laws that enable the DHS burned and put out with the collective urine of the American public, then have it rebuilt from the ground up in a way that puts respect of American citizens and our rights and liberties above the hunt for the elusive turban-donning boogeyman who's going to climb in yo windows, snatch yo people up and make them radical Muslims. He's out there, right? And because he's out there, we should thank the government and its paramilitary TSA, NSA, even local and state police forces for crapping all over our rights in the name of "national security" and "an abundance of caution".


No. I refuse to subscribe to that theory, and I refuse to accept that Big Brother is watching us for our own good. Big Brother does not have our best interests at heart. Big Brother wants to exert more and more control over us and creatively dispose of free-thinkers, and every building bombed, every soldier killed, every flag burned is used as another excuse to make that happen. I'll stop there for fear of starting a discussion that would no doubt send most of this forum over the deep end.


So, yeah, go ahead and ignore the explanation I gave above and my statement about not agreeing with Sanders or anyone else who proposes anything short of a consumption tax. You asked for an explanation and I gave you one. If it's not what you wanted to hear, good. Welcome to America, where as long as Chris Christie is kept far away from the White House, we still have the illusion of ability to think for ourselves.
I read his response. He says that he's not a fan of Sanders' tax plan...then he goes on to say "BUT"



that "BUT" negates everything that he was saying prior. 


How anyone could truly have an issue with his tax plan, but would vote him in any way is baffling to say the least


who in their right mind would take someone who openly says that they want to steal money from you!?!?

Quote:who in their right mind would take someone who openly says that they want to steal money from you!?!?
Because that person is being honest about it, whereas Ted Cruz will take all of six months to push a tax hike through so that he can finish his beloved fence.
Quote:No, I'm a complete idiot who just likes Bernie Sanders because he has crazy hair. Is that what you want to hear? Yes, I understand that Sanders' tax plan includes a tax hike for everyone. I understood that long before he said anything about it. Frankly, all of these nitwits are going to have to raise taxes to balance the budget and continue to provide essential funding, let alone fund their pet projects like that stupid southern fence that won't stop four-legged coyotes, let alone two-legged ones. Sanders is just being honest about it instead of telling the masses what they want to hear.


Again, I am a straight up single-issue voter. My litmus test is what the candidates will do to overhaul/dismantle the Department of Homeland Stupidity. That's not to say there's no circumstance in which I wouldn't vote for Rubio, who is pro-DHS, if certain things fall a given way, but my first priority is to have the laws that enable the DHS burned and put out with the collective urine of the American public, then have it rebuilt from the ground up in a way that puts respect of American citizens and our rights and liberties above the hunt for the elusive turban-donning boogeyman who's going to climb in yo windows, snatch yo people up and make them radical Muslims. He's out there, right? And because he's out there, we should thank the government and its paramilitary TSA, NSA, even local and state police forces for crapping all over our rights in the name of "national security" and "an abundance of caution".


No. I refuse to subscribe to that theory, and I refuse to accept that Big Brother is watching us for our own good. Big Brother does not have our best interests at heart. Big Brother wants to exert more and more control over us and creatively dispose of free-thinkers, and every building bombed, every soldier killed, every flag burned is used as another excuse to make that happen. I'll stop there for fear of starting a discussion that would no doubt send most of this forum over the deep end.


So, yeah, go ahead and ignore the explanation I gave above and my statement about not agreeing with Sanders or anyone else who proposes anything short of a consumption tax. You asked for an explanation and I gave you one. If it's not what you wanted to hear, good. Welcome to America, where as long as Chris Christie is kept far away from the White House, we still have the illusion of ability to think for ourselves.


he lines up with you. he won't steal your money, and he'll accomplish everything in your post. he's a constitutional conservative, man!


however, since Rand won't likely get the GOP nod (or Cruz for that matter) please consider abstaining. Sanders is terrifying, man
Quote:VOTE RAND then


he lines up with you. he won't steal your money, and he'll accomplish everything in your post. he's a constitutional conservative, man!


however, since Rand won't likely get the GOP nod (or Cruz for that matter) please consider abstaining. Sanders is terrifying, man
At this point, I'm polling higher than Rand Paul, and the only politicians that I believe are telling us anything close to the truth in this cycle are Paul and Sanders.
Quote:At this point, I'm polling higher than Rand Paul, and the only politicians that I believe are telling us anything close to the truth in this cycle are Paul and Sanders.
I'm on board with you as far as the NSA and Big Brother stuff (Rand is probably my top guy), and I hear you about Sanders and his desire to do away with that, but man, Sanders is a NUTCASE. He's a self-proclaimed democratic socialist with mad scientist, utopia dreams. Utopia doesn't exist.


He would be the worst president we've ever had. He'll make everyone poor and take away the incentive to work hard and succeed in life, because if you do, he's going to take a big chunk of your money.


How else will we pay for mandatory paid leave for new moms, and how else will we pay for free colleges, and how else will we pay for a $15 minimum wage hike?


He's a monster
I respect your opinion though, TJ, i'm just honestly shocked at your thinking, brother

Quote:I respect your opinion though, TJ, i'm just honestly shocked at your thinking, brother
If Rand had a chance, man, but Sanders' thoughts on the DHS line up with mine perfectly, he's got a good shot--especially if Biden enters and dismembers Hillary's base, and his views on domestic policy, social issues, campaign finance and healthcare are not too far off of my own. He's the best of a pretty bad bunch in this election, strictly imo. Anytime Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the favorites, you know your country is screwed.
Mucho respect to you, TJ....you're one of my favorite posters on here. 


you hold to your convictions and you can articulate them.



Tip-o-the-cap to you, sir

And my apologies if I came across rude

Lots of Hyperbole bordering on Fox style fear mongering. Sander's is sure striking a chord if the attack machine has turned his way. 


“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Quote:Mucho respect to you, TJ....you're one of my favorite posters on here. 


you hold to your convictions and you can articulate them.



Tip-o-the-cap to you, sir
I argue with you guys because, deep down, I love you all and enjoy your company. Even you, JJ. I'm looking forward to your reply here. Big Grin


Quote:And my apologies if I came across rude
No worries. I laid into you a bit, too Wink
I don't think you did. I like to speak my mind and not skirt around things. I can be very blunt, since I do like to do that, but I have to make sure that my bluntness is not to an offensive level

Quote:Lots of Hyperbole bordering on Fox style fear mongering. Sander's is sure striking a chord if the attack machine has turned his way. 


“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Your idea of hyperbole is straight from teh horses mouth.


He wants to make college free.

He wants to tax "everyone"

He wants to raise minimum wage to what he considers a livable amount (who is he to determine what is livable and whats not?)
Quote:Your idea of hyperbole is straight from teh horses mouth.


He wants to make college free.

He wants to tax "everyone"

He wants to raise minimum wage to what he considers a livable amount (who is he to determine what is livable and whats not?)
"NUTCASE" "worst president ever" "Monster"


Hyperbole bordering on fear mongering. 
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