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Full Version: General Manager Dave Caldwell on the hot seat with Gus?
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Quote:C'mon rico, post a reply woth your opinion on the regime and how much additional time they should get. How many wins must they achieve to satisfy you? And what games do you see as wins going forward?

Does it really matter at this point? It's been beaten to death. Hope for a loss this Sunday and you can fill the boards with more fire Gus stuff.
Quote:The Jags had plenty of chances to win...but so did the Colts. That's my point. There is no moral victory here.

I would argue that the colts shouldnt have had plenty of chances to win in the first place given their quarterback situation.

That will probably be the worst team we play all year.... Tampa is close.
Quote:Does it really matter at this point? It's been beaten to death. Hope for a loss this Sunday and you can fill the boards with more fire Gus stuff.

I doubt anyone here wants this team to lose.
Quote:I doubt anyone here wants this team to lose.
You my friend would be wrong. People like to be right. Once their opinion is formed they feel the need for it to be justified. I mean, we have fans that want us to relocate like AnyGivenSunday and some no name poster who made an entire thread about it. But yeah, they are rooting for the Jags on Sunday.

Also forgot stroudcrowd. He is also on that relocate the team bandwagon.
Quote:You my friend would be wrong. People like to be right. Once their opinion is formed they feel the need for it to be justified. I mean, we have fans that want us to relocate like AnyGivenSunday and some no name poster who made an entire thread about it. But yeah, they are rooting for the Jags on Sunday.

Fair enough...count me as one who wants the team to win.
There's a difference between trolls and fans. Fans can be critical of a regime. That's a sign of their fandom because it means they desperately want the team to get better.

In the back of their minds, a lot of people will probably start rooting against them if they end up on pace for only 4-5 wins by mid season. Better draft pick, and likely a new regime
You cant blame people for that. Sacrifice now so that we can move on already type of deal.

People are tired of waiting, and it's hard to blame them.
Quote:There's a difference between trolls and fans. Fans can be critical of a regime. That's a sign of their fandom because it means they desperately want the team to get better.

In the back of their minds, a lot of people will probably start rooting against them if they end up on pace for only 4-5 wins by mid season. Better draft pick, and likely a new regime
I have no problem with fans being critical. Most though don't offer anything of substance and repeat the same thing over and over again. A poster who I love reading especially when critical is bullseye. He looks at both sides, gives his opinion, explains why and does so logically. To many posters give us emotion filled rants with no thought put into what they are saying.
Quote:There's a difference between trolls and fans. Fans can be critical of a regime. That's a sign of their fandom because it means they desperately want the team to get better.

In the back of their minds, a lot of people will probably start rooting against them if they end up on pace for only 4-5 wins by mid season. Better draft pick, and likely a new regime

Fans don't root for their team to lose. Sorry.
Quote:Fans don't root for their team to lose. Sorry.
Quote:You cant blame people for that. Sacrifice now so that we can move on already type of deal.

People are tired of waiting, and it's hard to blame them.

Oh look, another weak argument. 


If you fire the coaching staff midseason, guess what's going to happen? More waiting. The chance of pulling a KC and suddenly turning it around in one offseason isn't that good, especially with a bunch of young players. 


Guess what happens if you fire both the GM and the HC? Even more waiting.


I have no interest in defending Bradley; I have no faith in him at this point. But I'm not going to claim that he should be fired because I'm tired of waiting. There's plenty of legitimate reasons for people to want the HC fired, but to prevent waiting isn't one of them.

Quote:Oh look, another weak argument.

If you fire the coaching staff midseason, guess what's going to happen? More waiting. The chance of pulling a KC and suddenly turning it around in one offseason isn't that good, especially with a bunch of young players.

Guess what happens if you fire both the GM and the HC? Even more waiting.

I have no interest in defending Bradley; I have no faith in him at this point. But I'm not going to claim that he should be fired because I'm tired of waiting. There's plenty of legitimate reasons for people to want the HC fired, but to prevent waiting isn't one of them.

Um... Yes it is. People pay money to see professional football, not 16 weeks of a senior bowl team making a tour through the nfl
Quote:Um... Yes it is. People pay money to see professional football, not 16 weeks of a senior bowl team making a tour through the nfl

And? The money you might pay is to watch NFL football; your ticket purchase doesn't guarantee a winning team or even a good team.


If firing the coach guaranteed no more waiting, I would buy this argument. It doesn't. And history has shown that more often than not, replacing a HC and/or a GM typically means more waiting.


If you don't like waiting for your team to win (which is something you have no control over), then you have two options: 1) quit watching or 2) jump from bandwagon to bandwagon.

Quote:And? The money you might pay is to watch NFL football; your ticket purchase doesn't guarantee a winning team or even a good team.

If firing the coach guaranteed no more waiting, I would buy this argument. It doesn't. And history has shown that more often than not, replacing a HC and/or a GM typically means more waiting.

If you don't like waiting for your team to win (which is something you have no control over), then you have two options: 1) quit watching or 2) jump from bandwagon to bandwagon.
But i wouldnt consider what we've seen the last 3 years nfl football.... So....
Ive enjoyed Dave for the most part. I also would say NO to chris being promoted.

Quote:But i wouldnt consider what we've seen the last 3 years nfl football.... So....

And we already have good reason to question gus's integrity: he fired his offensive coordinator after 2 years.
Quote:And we already have good reason to question gus's integrity: he fired his offensive coordinator after 2 years.

You say some incredibly stupid stuff for someone that wants to come of as intelligent.
You can't explain the man talking about how he and fisch were on the same page.... Then fire the guy after the season because of "philosophical differences".

Those are contradictory statements. And if he disagrees with a subordinate's tactics, then tell him how you want the job done. You're the [BLEEP] head coach for crying out loud.

I think gus is too willing to delegate, doesnt speak up enough.
Quote:You say some incredibly stupid stuff for someone that wants to come of as intelligent.

I have yet to hear your opinion on all this: expectations, how long to give them, etc
Quote:But i wouldnt consider what we've seen the last 3 years nfl football.... So....
Then go root for a team you consider to play nfl football.  We'd all be very grateful for the gift.
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