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Full Version: But...I'm Your Biggest Cheerleader! You defended these guys?
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Quote:I defended Harry Colon.

 Funny...When? After the helmet launch? Harry Colon never really played after that except for Detroit two years later or am I confusing him with some else? Edit update Yep just googled it wasn't Harry it was his distant cousin Ferric Collons Here is a look back into the good ole days through the way back machine


Ferric Collons, former Los Angeles Raider defensive tackle who engaged in three fights during Coughlin's aggressive spring minicamp workout. After the last fight, Collons was so upset he threw his opponent's helmet 40 yards. Coughlin ordered Collons to retrieve the helmet. Collons, deciding that the action would humiliate him, refused. Coughlin released him on the spot, reportedly saying, "Bye, bye, bye."
Went on to play for Patriots for 5 years Games Played 64 Games Started 27 Sack Total 8

Quote: Funny...When? After the helmet launch?

Back in 95 people just didn't like Harry Colon.  I never saw anything wrong with Harry Colon.
Derrick Harvey.

End of topic/
I wonder if Harry Colon and Long Ding ever hung out..
I defended Mike Sims-Walker and Jarret Dilliard, sadly.
Quote:Back in 95 people just didn't like Harry Colon. I never saw anything wrong with Harry Colon.

I prefer my Colon hair free
Quote:I defended Mike Sims-Walker and Jarret Dilliard, sadly.
For me, I'd probably add Jason Hill as well.
Quote:I'm probably one of the minority that felt Matt was productive.  At times, he was our best receiver.  On the field he was feast or famine.

Agreed, he was a weird cat.  If he could have gotten it together mentally he might have been a decent player.  Woulda coulda shoulda, I guess.


Oh let me add Derek Cox.

The player you were convinced, "This is his week!" And you said this almost every week but never came through, time and time again:

Reggie Williams

The Jag you argued with your buddies about. They saw the writing on the wall but your love affair clouded your judgement:

Lebrandon Toefield

Injuries laid waste to his success:

Kyle Bozworth

The "Diamond in the Rough" rookie that had your eye in camp. He's going to be a star...smh!:

Jamal Fudge

The Mini-Camp Darling that disappeared as quickly as you fell for him:

Troy Williamson

The draft pick that rasied your heart rate only to flatline his career:

Byron Leftwich

The Saviour Free Agent that would push the Jags over the edge. Instead, he was a shell of himself:

Bryce Paup

The Jag that left Jacksonville for greener pastures. He's now my enemy!:

Terrance Knighton
The player you were convinced, "This is his week!" And you said this almost every week but never came through, time and time again:

Blaine Gabbert

The Jag you argued with your buddies about. They saw the writing on the wall but your love affair clouded your judgement:

Jarrett Dillard

Injuries laid waste to his success:

Derek Cox

The "Diamond in the Rough" rookie that had your eye in camp. He's going to be a star...smh!:

Brandon Banks

The Mini-Camp Darling that disappeared as quickly as you fell for him:

Troy Williamson

The draft pick that rasied your heart rate only to flatline his career:

Blaine Gabbert

The Saviour Free Agent that would push the Jags over the edge. Instead, he was a shell of himself:

Drayton Florence

The Jag that left Jacksonville for greener pastures. He's now my enemy!:

Reggie Nelson
Crimeny, would you people grow the [BAD WORD REMOVED] up already?

Quote:Crimeny, would you people grow the [BAD WORD REMOVED] up already?

Ah come on this is a fun and interesting thread.  Would you prefer another coaches can't coach and players can't play thread?
The player you were convinced, "This is his week!" And you said this almost every week but never came through, time and time again:
Blaine Gabbert

The Jag you argued with your buddies about. They saw the writing on the wall but your love affair clouded your judgement:
Greg Jones

Injuries laid waste to his success:
Zach Miller

The "Diamond in the Rough" rookie that had your eye in camp. He's going to be a star...smh!:

Jarrett Dillard

The Mini-Camp Darling that disappeared as quickly as you fell for him:
Chad Owens

The draft pick that raised your heart rate only to flatline his career:
Quinton Groves

The Saviour Free Agent that would push the Jags over the edge. Instead, he was a shell of himself:
Who Douglas

The Jag that left Jacksonville for greener pastures. He's now my enemy!:
Brandon Marshall

Quote:Crimeny, would you people grow the [BAD WORD REMOVED] up already?

Quote:Ah come on this is a fun and interesting thread.  Would you prefer another coaches can't coach and players can't play thread?
This is the same guy that came up with this riveting topic....So there's that.

Someone find the Britton quote.
Quote:Derrick Harvey.

End of topic/

Quote:Like many of us, I vehemently defend our Jags when they are run down!  With that, I started thinking of the Jags I've defended only to look foolish or suffer a broken heart.


So I ask you...Which of our Jags, Past & Present broke your heart over and over?




The player you were convinced, "This is his week!" And you said this almost every week but never came through, time and time again:

Blaine Gabbert


The Jag you argued with your buddies about.  They saw the writing on the wall but your love affair clouded your judgement:

Zach Miller


Injuries laid waste to his success:

Tavian Banks


The "Diamond in the Rough" rookie that had your eye in camp.  He's going to be a star...smh!:

Eben Britton


The Mini-Camp Darling that disappeared as quickly as you fell for him:

Mike Sims-Walker


The draft pick that rasied your heart rate only to flatline his career:

R.J. Soward


The Saviour Free Agent that would push the Jags over the edge. Instead, he was a shell of himself:

Jerry Porter


The Jag that left Jacksonville for greener pastures. He's now my enemy!:

Justin Blackmon (See what I did there...)


Please use the above format when replying.  Looking forward to hearing some names we haven't heard in a while! In an effort to thwart what will surely be considered a troll topic, I will create a similar post with the positives.  GO JAGS!


Too Funny.  I supported almost every draft pick everytime regardless of what the situation was (with the exception of the giant jump for Tyson Alualu - i am still scratching my head on that one).

Almost none of the guys that I wanted drafted have ever been picked, (JPP-Giants, redskins ryan kerrigan for examples)

I was strongly against the drafting of Derrick Harvey from the start.  At times I have been too critical of average players like David Garrard & Byron Leftwich for example.

We all have been there hanging around the teal koolaid punch bowl punching ourselves after the game.
I just don't know why we are Wideout cursed. So much potential...so many bad stories.

As mjd said earlier on the blitz on the NFL radio channel, you forgot laurent robinson

Cann to start at RG over Linder (due to injury)

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