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Anyone know if Joeckel is starting

Quote:ahh the cellphone,ANOTHER piece of misinformation, he didnt destroy it but rather swapped it out AND gave the NFL all his texts (Thus how that PVT email "leaked" out on how he said Manning had only 2 years left.)


Would you agree to see someone for a FIFTH time over the same issue when it was only your part time job and you made minimum wage when you worked it? I know I wouldn't. I tell them to talk to my attorney and thats that. 9It came out that the employees refused, and the Pats were not going to force them to do it amazing how that never came out in the press outside of NE lol)


the ONLY evidence (and weak at that) was the deflator text, which was sent during an AWAY game.Where he was not even in the same STATE as the patriots.  Also those texts should have been irrelivant (and inadmissable) as the Wells teams ONLY job was to look into ball tampering from the championship game, NOTHING else.


But you know what, this deflate stuff just gave the Pats a chip on their shoulder like spygate so.... in the end it could be a boon for them.

Listen, I'm not going to rehash this argument, especially with a blind homer Patriots fan.  You are the first person I've ever heard say that the destroying the cell phone thing was a lie.  He destroyed it the day before the testimony.


By the way, how did Tom Brady forget about the private conversation he had and the phone conversation with McNally (Is that his name?)  I bet he's enjoying all those free shoes for being "the deflator"


Quote:Chandler Jones is off to a great start. I've been kind of disappointed with him since entering the league, only because I was expecting so much more. This year however, he is showing flashes of what we all thought he could become. Ninkovich is good for a few sacks per year, and Jabaal Sheard has been a very good addition to our DL. Also keep in mind that Hightower and Collins can be pretty dangerous and get a ton of pressure when sent on A and B gap blitzes.

I definitely don't expect 8 sacks like last week. Not just because of your Oline, but Bortles is much better than Taylor.

But this matchup should definitely be interesting.

I suspect we will see a lot of Hightower and Collins blitzing + having the DEs contain the edges to keep Bortles contained and to force him to make quick decisions in the pocket.

I'm interested to see Lee in the slot against you. If your nickel corner is that bad and your blitzing Bortles with the LBs, Lee's speed could allow for some pretty impressive YAC opportunities. It's hard to decide which other WR you roll safety help to as ARob is big and can get those 50/50s but you can't let Hurns go either as his route running was already top notch at getting separation last year.
Quote:Anyone know if Joeckel is starting

Joeckel is having limited practice today (or so said Ryan O'Halloran on twitter), so I guess they'll evaluate him day by day..
Quote:Listen, I'm not going to rehash this argument, especially with a blind homer Patriots fan.  You are the first person I've ever heard say that the destroying the cell phone thing was a lie.  He destroyed it the day before the testimony.


By the way, how did Tom Brady forget about the private conversation he had and the phone conversation with McNally (Is that his name?)  I bet he's enjoying all those free shoes for being "the deflator"


lmao, you do know those calls were AFTER the story broke and AFTER the false reports right?? WHO wouldnt be calling McNally. And what Brady said was it was mostly about game prep for the  SB AND some about the deflate issue. READ the actuall transcripts not Goodell HACK job of a decison as arbitrator.


As for the cell phone, its a non starter, it was his pvt phone and the league had NO right to it. (heck Farve refused and he got a 25k fine.)  But hey the fact they got what they needed off said phone is moot to ya thats fine. But the NFL never was interested in the truth they wanted a do over for spygate, nothing more.
Quote:I'm interested to see Lee in the slot against you. If your nickel corner is that bad and your blitzing Bortles with the LBs, Lee's speed could allow for some pretty impressive YAC opportunities. It's hard to decide which other WR you roll safety help to as ARob is big and can get those 50/50s but you can't let Hurns go either as his route running was already top notch at getting separation last year.
Fletcher is definitely the weak link. If we had a better CB3, we'd be all set on defense. Butler has played well (you can't let Brown's performance in week 1 fool you; Brown actually had better numbers in week 2, and he's probably the best WR in the league), Tarell Brown has been solid, our safeties have played very well, and the front 7 is the strength of the D. 


If you pick on Fletcher, you'll have a lot of success in the passing game. However, Fletcher's playing time decreased from game 1 to game 2, and I hope to see that trend continue. I would actually prefer Logan Ryan to get more playing time in that role. 
Quote:Innocent people tend not to destroy their cell phones (see former patriots* convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez for a prime example of what guilty people do with their cell phones). Yes, the NFL didn't have the proof to punish the patriots* as harshly as they did. However, anyone who honestly believes Tom Brady had nothing to do with the whole thing is quite naive. Furthermore, after looking at the patriots* overall track record, I can see why the NFL thought you guys deserved an extremely harsh penalty, regardless of how concrete the proof is/was. They cheated before, how could the league possibly give you guys the benefit of the doubt this time?

Goodell screwed the pooch because he has to be the smartest and most powerful guy in the room all the time. That doesn't mean Tom Brady did nothing wrong. Unless you're a patriots* fan, that is.
Umm you do know Brady could have the phone and REFUSE them to see it right? It was his pvt phone, the NFL had no right to it. Also anyone who says Brady absolutly had something to do with it has a lot more conviction than wells who said "Brady more probable than not was AWARE" of  what they were doing which was legal speak for we think he knew but we have no proof he did.


The Wells report ALSO said the Pats organization and BB had nothing to do with it. The punishment was for "not fully cooperating" which Wells also stated the Pats and BB did. So the reason for the punishment is well AWFUL!


This was nothing more than a witch hunt to make up for the spygate punishment WHICH the other owners felt was to light.
Pats are cheaters and will always be cheaters. If im lucky enough to reach a ripe old age I guarantee you the Patriots will be involved in another cheating scandal before I pass away
Quote:Umm you do know Brady could have the phone and REFUSE them to see it right? It was his pvt phone, the NFL had no right to it. Also anyone who says Brady absolutly had something to do with it has a lot more conviction than wells who said "Brady more probable than not was AWARE" of  what they were doing which was legal speak for we think he knew but we have no proof he did.


The Wells report ALSO said the Pats organization and BB had nothing to do with it. The punishment was for "not fully cooperating" which Wells also stated the Pats and BB did. So the reason for the punishment is well AWFUL!


This was nothing more than a witch hunt to make up for the spygate punishment WHICH the other owners felt was to light.

So it's now established that Pats homers will defend cheating and dismiss the obstruction that was the primary cause for punishment handed down for both the team and Brady.  Thanks for clearing that up for us.    


Not surprising. 
Quote:Ahhh just KISS OUR RINGS!!! lol and your swear filter is very sensitiveSmile


and backed by Goodell?? why do opposing fans think this? he has given the Pats the harshest penalties of ANY other team? Hell for deflategate he took 2 draft picks with NO PROOF OF WRONG DOING! NONE! Kraft should have taken him to the woodshed for that!

The response to you is below...



Every team not named the patriots* has a lot of fans that will call you guys cheaters- probably forever. The wonderful thing about the whole ordeal, is that patriots* fans get spun up tighter than a camel's butt in a sandstorm every time someone says it. Throw in that God-awful New England accent, and there's quite a bit of hilarity to be had watching patriots* fans defend their team's shenanigans over the years. Carry on, I rather enjoy it.
Omg who let Tom Brady's lawyer on the board?

Quote:We need to sit on all the short passes


Ive been saying that since last year. The deflator has become and dink and dunker. He throws sooooo manys short passes.
Quote:One person also said Yeldon was out so....

What happened to him?


Someone else said Julius Thomas is out again.
when doing something illegal, you must be smart enough to use burners. To use your own cell is beyond stupid.
Quote:What happened to him?

Someone else said Julius Thomas is out again.

Nothing he's fine.

And JT is out till at least next week. They've already said he won't be going back to the dr until next week
This thread got derailed quick. Unless all the patriots fans are saying is that they didn't cheat.
Quote:yah know... I knew I should have used cantankerous.

I always spell ornery like it sounds instead of how it is spelled. 


Ornery sounds weird in your head...  LOL!


Quote:Did you seriously just acknowledge how losing makes fans bottom feeders and then put then put the Patriots down for deflate gate in the next sentence? Have some perspective dude. Anyone who was actually paying attention to that story knows it was all [BAD WORD REMOVED]. You're just as blind to your biases as they are theirs.

Do you even english?  I'm not sure what you tried to even say here!  LOL!
I want to see how the patriots as an organization responds after Brady hangs them up. We will see just how good those coaches are.
Quote:Ornery sounds weird in your head... LOL!

Do you even english? I'm not sure what you tried to even say here! LOL!

I bet he salsa's!! Ooooohhhhh can't touch this! Na na na!
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