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Quote:I caught that on Twitter during the game and was really confused as to why the Dolphins weren't trying to take more advantage. Maybe our guys were just lights out.
Hard to expose corners when you don't have time to sit and step up in the pocket...
Quote:I saw #25 for the Jags on the field in the second half didn't recognize the player which is always a good feeling. Then when I saw #25 & #26 on the field together I almost crapped myself. I recognized #26 btw. That was the problem.

Haha, I was also terrified. Thank you Odrick!
Quote:Caldwell made the right move with practice squad and Bryan Walters this week.

I agree. I also find it interesting that Thompson came in before Marshall but I think it was because it was the slot CB.
Quote:Marshall also blew up a punt returner in the 2nd half too.

Great play by Marshall.


Overall, a really nice game. Some second half struggles, but the team pulled through when it needed to. Today was the type of game I'd hoped to see from the team. Some flashes of what these young players can develop into with some more consistency. Lee and ARob both flashed after tough off-seasons, Hurns didn't have a negative play, Bortles was ON today after his rough outing last week, Yeldon looks like with a line that can open running holes he can be a feature back (I love watching him run. I was nervous about taking an Alabama back because of how much better that team was than most other college teams, but he looks like the real deal so far.) Odrick was HUGE after being fairly invisible last week, Poz continues to be huge for this team after so many people wanted to cut him last year, Telvin doesn't flash as much as last season but I think it's because I'm so used to his speed allowing him to make plays other linebackers wouldn't be able to, O-Line was fantastic at pass-protection especially considering the D-Line they were going against. Heck, even Josh Evans had a tackle behind the line of scrimmage.


I was nervous after last week, though not ready to throw the towel in on this team and/or Gus + Dave. Hopefully today will be the turning point in the Dave and Gus era where we can look back on it as the day the pieces came together, and we'll see less and less performances like at Carolina. Onward and upward.
big win in the bortles era. maybe this is the win that rights the ship. heres to hoping. 

Was nice to see Dolphin fans leaving dejected, I made sure to point some of them in the direction of the Wells Fargo building.

Quote:Was nice to see Dolphin fans leaving dejected, I made sure to point some of them in the direction of the Wells Fargo building.

Yeah, there was a group of them a few rows down.........They kept jumping up, turning around, mocking the Jags. It felt good to just smile at them as they left, with their tails between their legs. I think I overheard one of them asking if anyone had something to scrape the " Dolphins" off their shirt.

Life is good.
Quote:Denard's speed is obvious when he gets space. But that's the thing about him. While he's done more through the middle and tight plays than I have expected from him, he's still a speed guy that typically needs space or a clear hole. Yeldon's stats don't reflect it, but he did a LOT of work for those yards today when no room existed. Gaining a few yards up the middle where there was no room, or bouncing out, out and further out when possible to gain a few yards. It was impressive. With that said, he and Denard could be a good pair.


Oh, and don't discount Yeldon's speed, either.

Totally agree. 

The yards Yeldon gained were really all on him, he found yards when all was shut down and there was no room, he was impressive and above all he made those plays when it really mattered.

I like Robinson as well and they complement each other nicely.
How about Alualu with the big catch for a first down? 


I also think his personal foul penalty was not really a dumb play.  He thought the ball was fumbled and was blocking the QB from being involved in the recovery.

Telvin Smith is very fast.  That pass defensed was impressive especially when you consider Tannehill had a good read and throw on the play.


I'm most impressed with Yeldon.  You can't teach that footwork.  The ability to make yourself skinny in the hole is natural ability.  He doesn't have the deadleg move and change of pace speed of Freddie T but his foot work is really good.


Kudos for some progress.  I'll have to eat a little bit of crow for the play calling arguments considering it really does come down to the QB play.  Nice to get some breaks on dropped interceptions.  I would also give the game ball to the offensive line for stonewalling for the first time in a long time.


For a second year player, nice work so far by Bortles.  He definitely stares down the first receiver a bit but he isn't the only person in the league that sticks with the play call and first read.  With continued improvements in the line play he will work that out more.

Yeldon is going to progress as the year goes on. Those 2 yard runs are going to turn into 5-6 yard runs.
On Yeldon---those jump cuts he does reminds me of another former jaguar running back...
Quote:On Yeldon---those jump cuts he does reminds me of another former jaguar running back...

That's Yeldon's best move without a doubt. He has great burst through the holes also and finishes runs and punished a few guys a couple times. The only thing really lacking is the straight line speed.
Quote:Yeah, there was a group of them a few rows down.........They kept jumping up, turning around, mocking the Jags. It felt good to just smile at them as they left, with their tails between their legs. I think I overheard one of them asking if anyone had something to scrape the " Dolphins" off their shirt.

Life is good.

I'm a little surprised to hear that. There were a lot of Miami fans there yesterday and I was expecting a lot of annoying, obnoxious fans making remarks about the Jags but found the opposite to be true. The Dolphin fans around me were having fun and joking around but it was all in good fun. A few of them even high-fived Jags fans around them after the game and congratulated us. I thought I was in Bizarro World. I was very impressed with both Jacksonville and Miami fans yesterday. The stadium was packed and the place was loud until the very end of the game. Great time and awesome job by Jag fans yesterday.
Sorry if I missed it, but I haven't seen any mention of Sergio Brown's play - how do you think he's doing so far?

The offensive line is the most improved unit we have - no sacks allowed against a good defensive front and decent push on running plays. Yeldon has nifty moves but it feels like he goes down too easily between the tackles, which results in a low AVG for him. At the moment he is overall doing good though, which is still better than the other running backs we have.

The passing game took some chances on 50-50 balls early in the game and it was nice to see them winning those for a change. When Bortles has to pass like in a two minute drill or at the end of the game he is great, when his job is to manage the game he gets cautious and tries to avoid mistakes too much it feels. We have Robinson who is a good receiver but not yet consistent enough and disappears for stretches. We also have Lee who can develop if they increase his usage after the injury and Thomas waiting, so there is hope that the offense will improve as the season progresses. I think the unit should finish 15th - 20th range at the end of the season.

The defensive line failed to create pressure at times but came up big in key situations late as their LT went down and they took advantage of it. I think this unit has a chance to be good next year with the addition of Fowler but at the moment I think we will have to live with it being inconsistent - especially rushing the passer. Some people thought Poz would be done here after his injury but he is so far again our best linebacker. The secondary I thought was solid with good tackling as I can't remember having given up many YAC. Tannehill had it easy with completions most of the game, which I put on the pass rush not affecting him enough most of the time.

I think overall there were some areas where we were better than the Dolphins (Offensive Line) and some where we were worse (Defenisve Line) and we had a few key situations come our way, those 50-50 balls early, penalties on the Dolphins, iffy spot on the 58 yard FG. Its good to see all FA signings contributing, which could also be a sign that the talent level on the roster had been low. The improvement in the offensive line as well as slight improvement in Bortles and the running game could wins us 4-5 more games this year so I think we are looking at 6 to 8 wins this season.


Quote:Sorry if I missed it, but I haven't seen any mention of Sergio Brown's play - how do you think he's doing so far?

Meh, he's OK to me. I think Sample jumped out at me a bit more than Brown even though there's a smaller.................sample size.........in which to judge. Thanks folks, I'll be here all week. Tip your waitresses!
Quote:Sorry if I missed it, but I haven't seen any mention of Sergio Brown's play - how do you think he's doing so far?

Brown seems to be in good position more often than previous FSs we have had out there. He had a good break on that first deflection that the Miami reciever caught for a long reception. Kind of a fluke play.
Suh got paid and is cruising. I noticed a couple plays where his effort was a joke.  

Quote:Suh got paid and is cruising. I noticed a couple plays where his effort was a joke.
The new Albert Haynesworth
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