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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Dolphins Game Day Thread. - Second Half
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Why cant our whole team play good together?
Meltdown in progress
wow, weldon messed that up

Damn it yeldon
If that wasn't a #becausejaguars play then I don't know what is.


that's just bad luck

God obviously hates us !!!!  We ran into each other.   

rookie yeldon got in the way of ar15
Can't make this stuff up lol

Ugh come on refs....

need to play really good defense, can't allow them to score. 

what kind of damn play is it where 2 players run into each other



I'm going to cry

Lol. Yeldon [BLEEP] that play up. Robinson had it.
If we lose this game that will be the highlight the national media takes from it