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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Dolphins Game Day Thread. - Second Half
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Where's the facemask call?!?!?!

QB sneak!

Wasted down..Again
Quote:I need to drop the kids off at the pool but I aint leaving the couch until we score.
Then you're going to have a rough night, son.
I will take it!

This is why we have denard splitting carries guys
The runs are so telegraphed man.

Keep running that ball with seven guys in the box.
refs suck man. 

Come on man
Refs [BLEEP] us
lucky timeout, we have to convert now. 

Oh boy. 1 timeout left.

Really no call on that face mask?
Bailed out by the refs one second, No Vaseline from the refs the next second. Crap. 

1 time out left gus
[BLEEP] you Steve.


"The refs can't see everything"


But he cries when the ball was spotted 1 yard differently for the Jags.

Time to come up with a play
Wow wasted another to