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Full Version: yesterdays loss really cost me!
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 His raiders got beat worse,i don't know if i can get him to ever go back to the sports bar at this time. He said sunday its the same jags,and nothing has changed,they are not getting better. He is just like everyone else expects a growing team to beat teams that are playoff teams. its not very likely for that to happen. 96% of the time the playoof team beats the one thats growing
Quote: His raiders got beat worse,i don't know if i can get him to ever go back to the sports bar at this time. He said sunday its the same jags,and nothing has changed,they are not getting better. He is just like everyone else expects a growing team to beat teams that are playoff teams. its not very likely for that to happen. 96% of the time the playoof team beats the one thats growing

  Before suggesting other options,  is there anyone else in your family who would be willing and able to drive you to the sports bar?
nope unforttannly there isn't. my dad could change his mind,you never know. thats possbille.

Quote:nope unforttannly there isn't. my dad could change his mind,you never know. thats possbille.

Unlike past seasons,  this season more people can subscribe to NFL Sunday Ticket without having Direct TV and watch the games on a computer.    Considering the cost of food and drinks at the Sports Bar for two people,  for 14 or 15 Sunday's per season,  one probably would save money by subscribing to NFL Sunday Ticket.  



Quote: I think its some about the money to for us. It gets expensive going all the time. I probbley didn't help much by ordering salmon. I was hopeing if i ate something a Jaguar would eat,it would turn things around. Didn't seem to work though.



 I ate the salmon at halftime. 
There's the problem... You need to eat a monkey.
I will check into this tommorrew,but i think i can get the  games on my ps4 thhough direct tv to somehow. il lcheck into it sometime tomorrew.

Quote:I will check into this tommorrew,but i think i can get the  games on my ps4 thhough direct tv to somehow. il lcheck into it sometime tomorrew.


I hope it works out for you.  


In case that it doesn't,  I have one other suggestion that isn't ideal.   But it beats not having the opportunity to watch the games you want to see.

Quote:i have the site were i looked it up. 



You should have tried the peccaries, capybaras or tapirs. It could have made a difference.


It couldn't have hurt, that's for sure.
Quote:my dad ,and i have been going to our local sports bar for serveal  to watch jags play on tv.  Well he is very mad,and super discourged,he says same 


jags team its always been,there is no improvment, and hes sick of going every week to watch the same team year after year,and he can't take it anymore.



He has even said we won't be going back this year now. That might of been the last jags game ill ever get to watch until our thursday night game vs titians. 


I guess ill have to go back to the way i use to watch football on my computer with the nfl thing. 

It is a game for viewing entertainment.  If you are not enjoying the experience than why would you continue to watch? 

I enjoy watching football, and supporting the beautiful city of Jacksonville businesses with my financial support.

If you give constant support or allegiance to a franchise by defination you are loyal, but if you are abused by lack of caring about your loyalty

you might want to rethink the support you provide.That is one reason I am against the games being played in London.  It is saying to the fans we

 appreciate your money but we want to see other people too.

Quote:It is a game for viewing entertainment.  If you are not enjoying the experience than why would you continue to watch? 

I enjoy watching football, and supporting the beautiful city of Jacksonville businesses with my financial support.

If you give constant support or allegiance to a franchise by defination you are loyal, but if you are abused by lack of caring about your loyalty

you might want to rethink the support you provide.That is one reason I am against the games being played in London.  It is saying to the fans we

 appreciate your money but we want to see other people too.

  Everyone is different.   But for me,  despite the heartbreaking losses and countless losing seasons I've experienced rooting for my favorite team over the decades,   I want to see my team play regardless of the situation the team is in.   I watched all 16 games of an 0-16 season and would do it again if the situation presented itself.   By the following Sunday or Thursday,  depending on the schedule,  the hope comes back even if it's truly not realistic hope.   It doesn't matter,  as fan is short for fanatic. 
This game against Miami at home is a must win for HC Gus Bradley.  The Jaguars are going on the road after that to play the SB Patriots (how is that a hard schedule for the SB winners), and he needs to save face by not only winning but showing offensive dominance!
Quote:This game against Miami at home is a must win for HC Gus Bradley.  The Jaguars are going on the road after that to play the SB Patriots (how is that a hard schedule for the SB winners), and he needs to save face by not only winning but showing offensive dominance!

If we lose to the Fins could we just have Wolfie eat Gus Bradley?
Quote:Everyone is different. But for me, despite the heartbreaking losses and countless losing seasons I've experienced rooting for my favorite team over the decades, I want to see my team play regardless of the situation the team is in. I watched all 16 games of an 0-16 season and would do it again if the situation presented itself. By the following Sunday or Thursday, depending on the schedule, the hope comes back even if it's truly not realistic hope. It doesn't matter, as fan is short for fanatic.

Nobody can hold your jock strap in the battle of class. The 'Doyen' of substance and calm.
Quote:Nobody can hold your jock strap in the battle of class. The 'Doyen' of substance and calm.

I have no idea what you just said, but it get's a +1 from me.


Keep your head up snowwolf!  Hopefully there's a solution that works out well for you and your dad!
Ha, Anchor. I infuse other languages in my gibberish sometimes. Doyen is a Nigerian term for big dawg, top man, expert etc Wink
Quote:Nobody can hold your jock strap in the battle of class. The 'Doyen' of substance and calm.

Quote:Nobody can hold your jock strap in the battle of class. The 'Doyen' of substance and calm.

Thanks again,  BritJag.


It's difficult enough when one is going through season after season of disappointment.  Yet,  on top of that when someone wants to watch or listen to the games and can't for a reason out of his/ her control,  that makes the situation even worse.   As long as I'm aware of legal options for one to watch NFL games,  which is the case,  I gladly share that with others.  
 so i could get nfl ticket on my ps4,unforttantly though it would cost us 239 dollars.  I might talk to my dad about it later on just before this weekend. part of him not wanting to go as well is money is tight,at least thats what both parents tell me. 
Quote: so i could get nfl ticket on my ps4,unforttantly though it would cost us 239 dollars.  I might talk to my dad about it later on just before this weekend. part of him not wanting to go as well is money is tight,at least thats what both parents tell me. 

I totally respect financial considerations.


Having said that,  like I mentioned the other day,  the costs associated with food and drinks at the Sports Bar for the entire season,  for 2 people,   probably exceed the cost of NFL Sunday Ticket per season.  


There's another option.   A service for less than $ 100 per season is available from the NFL in which you can listen to all of the NFL games live and see the games the following day.   And at any time after that when there's no live NFL game on in the time slot:


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